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Jill Binder

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Presentation on theme: "Jill Binder"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jill Binder Twitter: @jillbinder
Empowering Speakers: A Journey to Encourage Women and Diverse Groups at WordCamps Jill Binder

2 A Request About Questions
Please hold questions until end Big topic that can get easily derailed with interesting discussions We’ll have a big QandA and discussion section

3 By show of hands How many have done done public speaking about anything WordPress-related before?

4 How many haven’t yet but have thought about it?
By show of hands How many haven’t yet but have thought about it?

5 How many here are organizers of WordPress-related events?
By show of hands How many here are organizers of WordPress-related events?

6 WordCamp Vancouver 2013 Planning Meeting

7 WordCamp Vancouver 2013 Planning Meeting
40 applications

8 WordCamp Vancouver 2013 Planning Meeting
52 applications

9 WordCamp Vancouver 2013 Planning Meeting
40 were applicable

10 WordCamp Vancouver 2013 Planning Meeting
14 spots

11 WordCamp Vancouver 2013 Planning Meeting
7 women applied

12 WordCamp Vancouver 2013 Planning Meeting
6 were a fit

13 WordCamp Vancouver 2013 Planning Meeting
Added a third track: Increased to 28 spots

14 WordCamp Vancouver 2013 Planning Meeting
2 women said no to the speaker acceptance for family obligations X

15 WordCamp Vancouver 2013 Planning Meeting
4 women

16 WordCamp Vancouver 2013 Planning Meeting
Guess how many men said no for family obligations?

17 Left blank intentionally

18 WordCamp Vancouver 2013 Planning Meeting
0 men dropped out for family obligations

19 WordCamp Vancouver Speakers 2013

20 Sad cat

21 What is stopping women? I chatted with many other organizers at WordCamp San Francisco 2013 Common problem for everyone We actually had a high number Wanted to accept more women, but they just weren’t applying

22 Before I go on… Going to talk about gender like it’s a binary, even though it’s not; Women blob, men blob WOMEN MEN

23 Why? Who cares? It should be the “best speaker,” right?
(aka speakers who have had a lot of experience speaking…) Audience not represented by the speakers Open source users not represented by the speakers Our speakers help shape our technology Unique perspectives and multi-roles

24 What is stopping women? A lot of reasons
One we can actually do something about: When we ask women, “Hey, will you speak at my conference?” Their two most common answers: A lot of societal reason

25 "I don't know enough about … to give a talk on it."

26 "What would I talk about?"

27 Dispelling the “expert” myth
Person who said yes Impostor syndrome Expert on your own experiences

28 My Workshop Idea Brainstorm
Show they have literally a hundred of ideas (that is how many we generate in an exercise) (Biggest problem then becomes picking one!)

29 WordCamp Central Shaped the workshop

30 WordCamp Central Talk formats How To Discussion Panel Story-based
Case Study Workshop

31 Workshop (Vancouver version)
First workshop was shaped by: Andrea Middleton (WC Central) Jen Mylo (WC Central) myself

32 Workshop (Vancouver version)
Fleshed out by our team in Vancouver: Vanessa Chu Kate Moore Hermes myself

33 Workshop (Vancouver version)
Second workshop, merged with global work, refined, added content: First year’s team Mandi Wise (previous participant who had become a frequent speaker)

34 Cities that were inspired and created their own workshops
Seattle Portland Montreal Montreal ran it in New York

35 WordCamp San Fran 2014 Asked us to create workshop script for all diversity We gathered all the best from Seattle, Montreal, Portland, and Vancouver Morgan Kay, Kathryn Presner, Tammie Lister, Andrea Middleton, Jen Mylo (Apologies if I’ve missed anyone)

36 Workshop Agenda Introductions Why are we holding a workshop for
Dispelling speaker myths Why do you want to speak? Talk formats Big Braindump

37 Workshop Agenda Narrowing Selection Refining Chosen Topic
Present Topic Writing the Proposal Coming up with a great title Writing Your Bio

38 Workshop Agenda Present Titles and Pitches Writing The Outline
Present outline Becoming a Better Speaker Creating Great Slides

39 How Else Did We Get More Women?
(Ambitious: Dev Edition) I networked with more women in WordPress Online In person Our team sent out personal invitations to apply to WordPress women of our tricity region

40 Encouraged them to speak at small meetups first (WordPress and other, in and beyond Vancouver)
When we asked if they would apply, we mentored them: Suggest things we know they could talk about Explain that we didn’t want How-Tos as much as stories Ask if they have a good story about something that they’ve learned

41 After all that Still not many women applications 

42 Last Ditch Attempt

43 Last Ditch Attempt 8 retweets

44 Last Ditch Attempt (Extension)

45 Other Things We Could Do
Offer childcare Meetings at different times that work for women with families. Don’t hold all the events at 9pm at night.

46 We also… Not relating to women, but relating to diversity:
Made sure the venue was accessible Elevator Single stall washrooms available Requested no scents

47 WordCamp Vancouver 2014: Dev Edition
60 applications

48 WordCamp Vancouver 2014: Dev Edition
18 spots

49 WordCamp Vancouver 2014: Dev Edition
20 women applied

50 Three times more women applicants in one year!

51 Three times more women applicants in one year
Three times more women applicants in one year! (And it was the Dev edition, too)

52 WordCamp Vancouver 2014: Dev Edition
9 women selected

53 Chosen speaker selection

54 WordCamp Vancouver 2014: Dev Edition
1 woman and 1 man dropped out last minute X

55 Final Numbers with Dropouts

56 We Did This: 4 28 7 17

57 Community Impact Diversity in other ways People of colour
People of different physical abilities Community leaders


59 You Can Use It! training/

60 Questions / Discussion
Jill Binder ¥ What’s in our workshop ¥ What you can talk about ¥ What to do when ppl who identify as men complain about being left out

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