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Schedule Have all research and preparations for movie done by Wednesday, February 24th Film entire video during the weekend of March 5th We are filming.

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Presentation on theme: "Schedule Have all research and preparations for movie done by Wednesday, February 24th Film entire video during the weekend of March 5th We are filming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schedule Have all research and preparations for movie done by Wednesday, February 24th Film entire video during the weekend of March 5th We are filming Valerie Lyons and Eric Auerbach, along with some other extras. The location of filming will be Warsaw Coffee and Horner Express Warehouse. Editing starts on March 7th Should aim to edit about 15 seconds of the 2 minute clip per day, with the assumption that nothing goes wrong Edit the video clips and cut them to be the way we want from March 7th to March 15th-16th Add title cards and make sure they are readable and seen well Should only take us 2-3 school days to complete this Finish title cards by March 14th

2 Schedule Continued… Add background sound to the video
Should only take 1-2 days Finish adding sound to video by March 18th Review movie one last time on March 21st and fix anything that needs to be fixed before April 14th Answer reflection questions about our movie on appropriate due date. Submit completed project on April 14th

3 Shooting Script SCENE 1 1. Open on a laptop with an email open.
2. Show the text on the . 3. Shot of Rose strumming her fingers on the mouse pad with an upset look. 4. Shot of Rose bringing her coffee to her lips while staring intently at something. 5. Shot of a man’s back, he is at the other end of the coffee shop; he is on his cellphone. 6. Shot of Rose checking her watch, an anxious look forming on her face. 7. Cuts from a shot of the man turning his head to the side to Rose quickly looking away, avoiding any eye contact. 8. Shot of the man who ends his conversation and begins to stand up. 9. Shot of Rose as her eyes widen. She shuts the laptop and packs her things. She gets up and follows him as he leaves. Her presence remains discreet.

4 Shooting Script Continued…
SCENE 2 1. Shot of the man as he gets in a car. 2. Shot of Rose as she stays out of his line of sight and then gets in her own car. 3. Shot from inside Rose’s car through the front window watching the man drive away. Rose follows.

5 Shooting Script Continued…
SCENE 3 1. The man pulls into a parking lot in front of a warehouse. The shot continues from the interior of Rose’s car. 2. After the man gets out of his car and rounds the corner of the building, Rose parks her car. She grabs her camera from the passenger seat and puts it around her neck, gets out, and follows him. 3. Shot from over Rose’s shoulder as she rounds the corner and catches a glimpse of the man before he enters the warehouse. 4. After a little time, Rose goes in. She’s clutching her camera. No lights are on. She can hear moans and cries from what sounds to be girls and young women. Rose is confused and scared. 5. She hears a door shut, her head snaps in the direction of the sound, and she finds the door. 6. Rose opens the door. 7. Final shot begins at her waist level as she walks through. The cries and moans are louder. The camera pans up to reveal her horrified expression.

6 Movie Title and Display Plans
Our movie is titled “Suspicion.” The title of our movie will be displayed as the girl is looking at the man she is observing. As the camera cuts between his face and her face, “Suspicion” will transition onto the screen as it begins to look like the girl is having an epiphany.

7 Sound Details SCENE 1: Diegetic: All spoken lines.
The clicking of the mouse pad as Rose thumps her finger over it. Background noise of the coworker on the phone. The opening/closing of the coffee shop door. Shutting of Rose’s laptop. Packing of Rose’s things (zipping of her bag). Opening/closing of car doors. Starting of all cars. All things occurring within the car due to movement of Rosie. Driving of cars across the gravel.

8 Sound Details Continued…
SCENE 2: Diegetic: Opening/closing of car door. Footsteps. Movement of Rose adjusting her camera.

9 Sound Details Continued…
SCENE 3: Diegetic: Moans and cries heard. Steps and movements of characters. Closing and opening of the door. Deep breath/gasp of Rose. Adjusting/dropping od camera.

10 Locations We are filming at Warsaw Coffee Company for the interior and exterior scenes of the coffee shop opening scene. For the tracking scene, the shot will be taken from within the reporter’s car. Then we are filming at Horner Express Pool Supply company (warehouse) for both exterior and interior scenes.

11 Participants Valerie Lyons- Main actress/character, editor for project, creator of story and writer of screenplay. Aubree Rivera- Producer and in charge of sound. Willa Wood- Director Eric Auerbach- Male actor

12 Health and Safety For filming while driving in the car we will be wearing our seatbelts during the day as it is safer to drive during daylight hours. We will also be filming during the day at a warehouse with an adults present in the event an incident occurs. Extra precaution will be taken when filming inside the warehouse as it holds many products can be damaged or cause us to damage ourselves if carelessness occurs.

13 Opening Sequence Script
SCENE 1 - OPENING TITLES INT. COFFEE SHOP TIME: LATE DAY Open in on a woman looking at her laptop. The woman is Rose Barrie, a novice journalist trying to land a big story. She's lazily thumping the mousepad as she reads an from her editor. It's not good - her story pitch has been rejected. She's frustrated because she knows she has a good lead, and that if published, her story could make headlines. She won't be deterred however, because as she reads the , the guy she's been tracking, her coworker, if finally where she wants him. He's sitting across the room, with his back to her, in a seemingly important phone call. Rose keeps a close eye on him, and sips her coffee. She checks her watch. Time is ticking away. If her investigations are correct, he should be leaving any minute now... The man gets up. As he turns to leave, Rose turns her head so that she can not be recognized by her coworker. When he leaves through the door, Rose shuts her laptop, packs her things, and follows him. EXT. COFFEE SHOP PARKING LOT The man gets into his car. Rose crosses the parking lot once she is out of his line of sight and gets in her own car. She watches him leave and starts her own car. She pulls out of the lot and trails him.

14 Opening Sequence Script Continued…
SCENE 2 EXT. WAREHOUSE TIME: NIGHT Rose lingers a good distance away as she watches her coworker get out of his car. He rounds the corner to the warehouse and leaves Rose’s sight. She takes this as her opportunity to park. Rose grabs her camera and puts the strap around her neck. She gets out of her car and rounds the corner. The building is dark - no lights are on. Rose finds the entrance and goes in.

15 Opening Sequence Script Continued…
SCENE 3 INT. WAREHOUSE TIME: NIGHT Rose enters the warehouse. She clutches her camera. She’s been waiting for this moment. If she’s right, whatever she finds in here will land her the story of the year. Rose starts to carefully and quietly move forward. She hears something odd. It sounds like stifled moans and cries. They all sound female. Rose is confused. She starts to tremble, but the she hears a door shit closed. Her head snaps to the sound and she quickens her pace as she finds the door. The cries are louder behind the door. Rose is afraid to open the door, but she’s come so close to uncovering whatever her coworker is hiding. She puts her hand on the handle. She takes a deep breath, other hand clutching the camera. She opens the door. Rose is mortified. Whatever she sees is too horrific to see. She drops her camera, gasps, and covers her mouth. FADE TO BLACK.

16 Story Board



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