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Bangladesh access to sanitation

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1 Blended Finance Experiences with Bangladesh OBA Sanitation Microfinance Program

2 Bangladesh access to sanitation
Access to sanitation has improved dramatically in the last 30 years 1% open defecation Source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme

3 Challenges …However, reaching the next level of coverage and meeting the SDG 6 target requires a significant increase in efforts and a more ambitious strategy Households with access to hygienic sanitation 37% Households relying on shared latrines 26% Annual growth rate for improved sanitation (2.5% needed to reach SDGs) 1% Many existing toilets are poorly constructed, risking contamination to the environment and the user

4 Moving households up the sanitation ladder
…To here? How can Bangladesh move from here…

5 World Bank (WSP) initiative
Test and roll-out of a new model in rural Bangladesh that brings together the domestic private sector, financial institutions (MFIs) and households to support bottom-up sanitation mobility of rural households Specialized loan products New sanitation technologies considering consumer preferences Business loans + training for local construction firms Demand creation + market promotion

6 Sanitation microfinance model

7 Introducing Output-Based Aid (OBA) to the model
How to improve household affordability and leverage MFI participation? $3 million OBA grant  21 Partner Organizations (MFIs) $22 million in MFI lending for sanitation 32 districts 170,000 households

8 How it works Financing terms: Households: Interest: 12.5% (fixed rate)
3 Sanitation loan Loan repayment PKSF Hygienic Latrines for poor households World Bank 4 Payment (latrine construction) Partner Organizations Wholesale lending OBA subsidy 2 7 Local construction firms Bangladesh Ministry of Finance OBA subsidy and implementation support grant 6 5 Grant Independent Verification Agent (IVA) Fees for services 8 1 Repayment 9 Financing terms: Households: Interest: 12.5% (fixed rate) Loan size: US$45 – 128 Tenure: 12 months

9 Achievements (to date)
21 MFIs working in 32 districts 16,500 loans disbursed and hygienic toilets installed ($2.1 million in lending) 100% household repayment rate Over $391,000 in SME loans for construction firms Clients benefitting from competitive market price, payments in installments, and OBA subsidy New MFI investments in the sector

10 Potential national scale-up: Bangladesh WASH Program
Ministry of Finance has requested WBG financing to expand project in support of SDG 6 Potential Components Inclusive sanitation in select areas Exclusive focus on improved sanitation in 64 sub-districts, combining subsidy (for extreme poor) with household loans for sanitation Nationwide lending for water and sanitation Household loans for water and sanitation scaled nationwide, targeting both credit group members and non-members Market development Expanding work on financing and capacity building of local private sector to support development of a sustainable supply chain for rural sanitation (with additional pilots on water) 1 2 3

11 Thank you for joining us! For more information, visit

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