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Eating disorders Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Eating disorders Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eating disorders Introduction

2 DSM-IV identifies 3 categories
1. Anorexia nervosa Both of the types involve significant weight loss Restricting type Binging – purging type

3 DSM-IV identifies 3 categories
2. Bulimia nervosa Binging followed by purging but not associated with significant weight loss

4 DSM-IV identifies 3 categories
3. Eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS) Some of the characteristics of AN and BN but can’t be strictly be categorised as either.

5 Anorexia nervosa In common with bulimia there is an anxiety and dissatisfaction with body weight and/or shape.

6 statistics Anorexia nervosa affects approximately 0.9% of females.

7 Statistics cont. Over 90% of cases are with females.
And are extremely resistant to treatment.

8 AN often develops into Bulimia nervosa
It is rare for BN to develop into AN.

9 30 – 40% show no improvement over 5 years.
About a third live with the condition all their lives and learn to manage it.

10 Clinical characteristics
The body weight is 85% or less of the normal weight for age, height, sex etc.

11 2 There is a distorted perception of body weight/shape.

12 3 There is an intense fear of becoming fat.

13 4 For women - Loss of three consecutive menstrual cycles (amenorrhoea)

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