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Secondee’s Report Work package 2 - Data mining Work package 3 – Imaging & data synthesis A.Z. Khawaja April 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Secondee’s Report Work package 2 - Data mining Work package 3 – Imaging & data synthesis A.Z. Khawaja April 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondee’s Report Work package 2 - Data mining Work package 3 – Imaging & data synthesis
A.Z. Khawaja April 2015

2 Part I:. Personal background. Part II. Work Package 2 & 3. Part III
Part I: Personal background Part II Work Package 2 & Part III Future work Part IV IAAP - Courses, Training & Challenges Part V Future work

3 Personal Background: Primary medical qualification Hons. from
“Gr. T. Popa University, Iasi, Romania Vascular surgery residency at Saint Spiridon University Hospital, Iasi, Romania Trust grade in renal transplant and vascular access surgery at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham IAAP ESR Fellowship to Guerbet Pharma, Paris (6months)

4 Personal Transfer of skills –
Contribution of clinical knowledge to IAAP workpackage 2 & 3 Acquire & improving research skills through knowledge exchange Seconded from QEH Birmingham UK to industrial partner Guerbet Pharma in Paris (July 2014) Supervisors - Dr Eric Lancelot & Mr Nick Inston Fellow ESR secondees include: Dr D.B. Cassidy & Mr J. Al Shakarchi Guerbet colleagues: Javaad Ayub & Catarina Ramos

5 Work Package 2 Data Mining and Prospective Data Sharing
Evaluation of Evidence Base Collate & analyse data on vascular access (VA) Guidelines appraisal - Agree Survey questionnaire - ReDVASQi Clinical data sharing - Dundee & Birmingham

6 Quantitative appraisal of the guidelines (EBPG, KDOQI, CARI, CNS)
The Appraisal of Guidelines for REsearch & Evaluation (AGREE) Instrument II Quantitative appraisal of the guidelines (EBPG, KDOQI, CARI, CNS) Ref: Brouwers M C., et al 2010, CMAJ ,

7 Survey Questionnaire on Imaging
Evaluation of current practice Key Questions Online Survey ReDVA Pilot & UK wide

8 Work Package 3 Systematic review of evidence in literature
Imaging in vascular access Ultrasound, DSA, CT, MRI Diagnostic test accuracy Intervention Prognostic benefit

9 Two way exchange of knowledge
Benefits of IAPP network: Literature data mining & data sharing Questionnaire development & dissemination Guideline appraisal & literature review Insights into Industry: Guerbet International, Medical & Regulatory Affairs meeting Forming & strengthening collaborations: Regional & National UK Centres European Renal Association Including doing a presentation

10 Future work Generation of new knowledge / lack of from systematic reviews Retrospective data collection - QEB, UoD and beyond Clinical data mining – UK renal registry Further validation of imaging techniques Clinical study

11 Continuous professional development
European Vascular Course Central Venous Access Devices Endovascular foundations Presentation & Interview Skills Workshop on CO2 venography

12 Continuous professional development
Evidence based practice and critical appraisal of evidence Research taster week - Presentation done for medical students Workshop on methodology of systematic reviews Interventional radiology trainee day Cochrane systematic review of Diagnostic test accuracy (modular) Medical & regulatory affairs

13 Publications Assessing UK trends in vascular access imaging for haemodialysis patients – Results from ReDVASQi - A. Z. Khawaja, D.B. Cassidy, J. Al Shararchi, D. McGrogan, R.G. Jones, and N. Inston AGREE instrument for assessment of current vascular access guidelines - D.B. Cassidy A. Z. Khawaja, J. Al Shararchi, D. McGrogan, R.G. Jones, and N. Inston Re-visiting the risks of contrast enhanced MRI in vascular access imaging - A. Z. Khawaja, D.B. Cassidy, J. Al Shararchi, D. McGrogan, R.G. Jones, and N. Inston Non-invasive three dimensional imaging for hemodialysis vascular access using magnetic resonance A. Z. Khawaja, D.B. Cassidy, J. Al Shararchi, D. McGrogan, R.G. Jones, and N. Inston Current tools for prediction of arteriovenous fistula outcomes - Damian G. McGrogan; Alexander P. Maxwell; Aurang Z. Khawaja; Nicholas G. Inston Vascular imaging to detect dialysis fistulas at risk of failurec review of diagnostic test accuracy, a Cochrane systemat – A. Z. Khawaja, D.B. Cassidy, S, Matthew, R.G. Jones, N. Inston and J.Houston

14 Presentations/Posters
  Assessing UK trends in vascular access imaging for haemodialysis patients – Results from ReDVASQi - A. Khawaja, D.B. Cassidy, J. Al Shararchi, D. McGrogan, R.G. Jones, and N. Inston Re-visiting the risks of contrast enhanced MRI in vascular access imaging - A. Khawaja, D.B. Cassidy, J. Al Shararchi, D. McGrogan, R.G. Jones, and N. Inston Early Experience With Viabahn Stent-Grafts To Treat Cephalic Arch Stenosis In Hemodialysis Patients With Ipsilateral Arteriovenous Fistulas – R Jones, PRiley, A Willis, NInston, A Khawaja Performance of preterm prevention clinic – have we really made a difference? Karkhanis P, Malarselvi M, Khawaja A, Patni S, Sunanda G Carbon dioxide as a contrast agent for in dialysis access intervention -A. Khawaja, RG. Jones, N. Inston, J. Hopkins Cephalic arch vein disease in haemodialysis patients -U. Hayat, A. Khawaja, RG. Jones  Outcomes of the haemodialysis reliable outflow device for vascular access -J. Al Shakarchi, A. Khawaja, D. McGrogan, RG. Jones, S. Powell, N. Inston  Cephalic arch lesions in ipsilateral arteriovenous fistulas – Balloon or stent grafts? – S. Kharkhanis, A. Khawaja, A. Willis, P. Riely, R.G. Jones Cutting Balloon Angioplasty in native AV fistulas – a seven year experience - A.Khawaja, RG. Jones, N. Inston, A. Willis, I. McCafferty, P.Riely  Pre-operative examination for AV access in HD: an insight into clinical practise guidelines - DB. Cassidy, A. Khawaja, J. Ayub, N. Inston, EG. Lancelot, S. Matthew, JG. Houston

15 ReDVA Targets Background, systematic reviews & questionnaires
ERBP Collaboration - European guidelines & systematic reviews Feedback & design of future clinical study protocols Next stages: More questions to answer and translation Primary and secondary outcomes

16 Personal goals – short term
Cochrane training modules Collaborative systematic reviews Harmonization and data acquisition Inclusion of health economics Continuous professional development

17 Personal goals – short term
Training in interventional radiology Statistical methodology training Develop teaching role Attract prospective researchers – open days Training in grant writing, management & sourcing further funding

18 Personal goals – long term
Translation of results to clinical trial Implement beneficial change to management & clinical pathway Strengthening collaboration - national & international Develop long term clinical and academic role


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