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Educational Advocacy for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence

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1 Educational Advocacy for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence
Christine Evans, Legal Director Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation © 2017, Not to be used without permission of author.

2 CAASE addresses the culture, institutions, and individuals that perpetrate, profit from, or support sexual exploitation.  Our work includes: * Legal Services * Prevention and Community Engagement * Policy and Advocacy Reform

3 Legal Services GOAL: Ensure that every survivor of sexual violence in Chicago have meaningful access to a lawyer Victims’ Rights Representation in Criminal Justice System Protective Orders & Civil Litigation Employment & Education Advocacy Representation under Justice for Victims of Sex Trafficking Crimes Act

4 Overview Laws on Gender-Based Violence in Schools
Federal Law Title IX Clery Act Illinois Law Advocating for Survivors Helping Clients Report Interim Measures & Accommodations Defamation & Privacy

5 Sexual Violence: On Campus
1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men are sexually assaulted during their time in college. 13% of completed rapes happen on dates 1 in 3 sexual assaults happen off-campus

6 Why Schools? Access to education = Fundamental civil right
Gender-Based Violence = Obstacle to right to education If school takes government funding, required to address discrimination under US and state laws & Constitutions

7 Federal Law: Title IX Title IX of the Educational Amendments of “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance” Also: Court cases Rules & Regulations Dear Colleague Letters How many people played sports in high school / college? Why Schools? Access to education = Fundamental civil right Sexual Violence = Obstacle to right to education If school takes federal funding (ANY GRADE), required to address discrimination under US law & Constitution

8 When is Title IX Triggered?
Victim: Employee, Student, or Certain Third Parties (visitors to Campus, contracted services, etc.) Male or Female Perpetrator: Employee, Student, or Certain Third Parties Location: On-campus or school property = Title IX Off-campus: School must determine whether occurred in context of educational program or activity OR whether creates a “hostile environment” for campus

9 What Does Title IX Require?
School has a duty to respond where it knows or reasonably should know of an incident of sexual misconduct to (1) prevent recurrence & (2) remedy its discriminatory effects. Must determine whether misconduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive as to create a “hostile environment.” Must designate at least one employee as a Title IX Coordinator. Published grievance procedures

10 Federal Law: Clery Act What does it require?
Primarily promotes transparency through reporting requirements for schools Prompt & quitable disciplinary proceedings Published victim’s rights and college responsibilities Certain accommodations even if student does not formally report

11 Illinois Law Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act (P.A ) Requirements as of 8/1/2016: Comprehensive Policy Consent Defined Amnesty Provisions Reporting Options (electronic, confidential, & anonymous) Third-party & Bystander Reporting Annual Training for Everyone Fair and balanced resolution process & appeal Annual Reporting by Schools to AG’s Office School must respond to any report within 12 hours Must be notified of outcome within 7 days Reporting begins November 1, 2017.

12 Confidential Advisors
Confidential and Privileged May only disclose communications under subpoena and to a judge – NOT to the school. CANNOT be a “responsible employee” under Title IX If CA is a rape crisis advocate/counselor, absolute privilege still applies! Provides information on survivor’s rights and options for reporting and assistance Must complete 40-hour sexual violence training + six hours of continuing education each year If you or your RCC has been contracted to act as CAs, you must be know the options available for the student through the school. If the CA does not have authority to secure accommodations/interim measures, s/he should advise the student in advance if getting these measures will require additional disclosure that is not confidential or protected by a privilege. Title IX and Clery Act both advise schools that they cannot require student to engage with disciplinary process if they don’t want to/

13 Changes to Reporting

14 Helping Client Report Choose person to report to:
Confidential Advisor (IL law) Responsible Employee or Title IX Coordinator (Title IX) Social Media / Privacy Settings Encourage client to report DV, Dating Violence, and/or Stalking, not only sexual assault

15 Meeting Survivors’ Needs
To protect educational access, survivor may need & interim assistance that can include: Academic Accommodations Housing Accommodations Employment Accommodations Counseling & Support Services No Contact Directives Under new Title IX guidance, these accommodations cannot favor the survivor over the respondent. IL law requires that these options be set out in the policy.

16 Disciplinary Procedures
Time Line: “Reasonably prompt” (Title IX) “A timely manner” (IL law) Investigation must be completed by “trained investigator” (Title IX) Informal resolution may be allowed (Title IX) Hearing is not required Standard of proof: “Preponderance of the evidence” (IL Law) “Clear & convincing evidence” (Title IX)

17 Disciplinary Procedures
Rights of the Parties during Hearing: Equal opportunity to present evidence & witnesses Cross-examination may (Title IX) or may not (IL) be allowed Have an advisor present Right to testify outside presence of other party (IL) Right to written notification of decision w/in 7 days (IL) Both parties have right to appeal in limited circumstances (IL)

18 Educational Advocacy: K-12
Title IX only applies to nearly every elementary and secondary school in the country. Does the school district have a Title IX coordinator? Title IX now requires parents of minor students to be notified. Mandatory Reporting Requirements (Illinois) School has to report to DCFS if perpetrator parent/guardian/teacher, etc. BUT Reporting to Police NOT required

19 External Legal Proceedings
Judgments of courts take precedence over school procedures Criminal Proceedings: Ongoing criminal proceedings not excuse to delay school investigation BUT school may use info Report outcome of proceedings to school immediately & request accommodations CNCO: Schools may NOT ignore CNCO / SNCO (IL law) BUT schools have options for following Provide copy to school & request accommodations

20 Handling School Violations
DOE / Office of Civil Rights Complaint Process Does action show a violation of Title IX rules / regs? Does complaint raise issue over which OCR has jurisdiction? Policies / procedures violate Title IX Response to individual student violates Title IX 180-day (or 60-day) Time Limit for each violation Civil Litigation for Deliberate Indifference Illinois Enforcement

21 Privacy & Defamation Confidentiality / Privilege (IL law)
Student has a right to privacy under IL law and a school must provide confidential method of reporting Identity of either party may not be disclosed unless necessary to resolve complaint or implement accommodations FERPA Requirements (US law) Defamation Risks Social Media Lockdown

22 Christine Evans, Legal Director 307 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1818
Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation Christine Evans, Legal Director 307 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1818 Chicago, IL 60601 (773) ext. 201

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