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World War II By: Haley Brinkman

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1 World War II By: Haley Brinkman
Study Power Point World War II By: Haley Brinkman

2 Question #1 When war broke out in Europe, what did the United States want to maintain? Isolationism

3 Question #2 The 1930s was the time for the rise of what? Dictators

4 Question #3 In 1937, what did Japan seize most of for raw materials?
Coastal shores of China

5 Question #4 When did Hitler come to power in Germany? 1933

6 Question #5 Who did Hitler blame for the outcome of World War 1 and Germany’s economic failures? What did he do to them? Jewish people, persecute them

7 Question #6 What did Great Britain and France let Hitler do to give appeasement? Let him take over Sudetenland, a part Czechoslovakia

8 Question #7 What is appeasement?
The policy of giving an aggressor what it wants in order to avoid war

9 Question #8 What happened in September 1, 1939?
German troops invaded Poland

10 Question #9 What did the US want to hold onto during the start of World War 2? Neutralism

11 Question #10 What caused the US to declare war on Japan?
Bombing of Pearl Harbor

12 Question #11 When was the bombing of Pearl Harbor? December 7,1941

13 Question #12 What day did the US Congress declare war on Japan?
December 8, 1941

14 Question #13 What two fronts did the US have to fight?
Africa front with Great Britain and France + the Pacific vs. Japan

15 Question #14 How many missions did the Tuskegee Airmen fly?

16 Question #15 When did Britain and American troops win the area of North Africa? May of 1943

17 Question #16 What happened in 1943?
American General Dwight D. Eisenhower was named Supreme Commander of Allied Forces

18 Question #17 When was D-Day? June 6, 1944

19 Question #18 What happened on D-Day?
Allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy, France

20 Question #19 What happened shortly after D-Day?
Allied forces pushed Germany out of France

21 Question #20 What happened at the same time of the Allied forces pushing Germany out of France? Russian forces were recapturing smaller countries that were allied to Germany

22 Question #21 When was VE Day? May 8,1945

23 Question #22 What does the ‘VE’ stand for in VE Day? Victory in Europe

24 Question #23 At what river did the US and Russian troops meet at in the center of Germany? Elbe River

25 Question #24 When did Hitler commit suicide? April 30,1945

26 Question #25 When did the final German troops surrender? May 1945

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