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Integrating Agile in a Waterfall World
IT’S HARD Hard for the team Hard for the sponsors
Hard for the organization Cutting Edge My opinion, my experience, We need to hear from <<<YOU>>>
Regence Blue Shield Mission Statement Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah
Our mission is to eliminate the tyranny of healthcare waste and confusion for our members and their families. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah EPMO ~170 People Agile at Regence No formal Agile approach Pockets of agile and all different Regence Agile Working Group 5 scrum masters What is a scrum Master? Org structure with scrum master in IT and PM outside of dev team.
4 Corners Agile Predictive Novice Very familiar
Integration of both compass Novice Very familiar How familiar are you with Agile Waterafall/Predictive Integrating both Any Scrum Masters? – If there are make sure they are distributed around the room. Do you understand Story cards Story Points Burn down Velocity Beginner Newbe
Overview Spotting an Agile project in its natural habitat
Taming an Agile project Bringing an Agile project home Showing your Agile project for fun and profit WHERE SHOULD WE FOCUS? Spotting an Agile project in its natural habitat – What makes a project a good candidate to be agile? What makes it a bad candidate? Taming an Agile project - Agile-Waterfall Continuum. Learn how to create a part agile, part waterfall project. Bringing an Agile project home - Learn the complexities and tricks for tracking and reporting Agile Projects with Waterfall Portfolios. Showing your Agile project for fun and profit - Identify Problems with Earned Value on Agile Projects, and how you can address them.
Spotting an Agile Project
Predictive Projects Agile Projects Predictive is best when… Known Problem Known Solution Change is Dangerous and should be avoided or controlled Control is Good and should be encouraged Agile is best when… Known Problem Unknown Solution Change is Good and Should be encouraged Control is Dangerous and should be avoided ? The problem is known but solution is unknown The problem is known and solution is known <<DO YOU HAVE PROJECTS THAT FIT ONE OR THE OTHER? TELL US ABOUT THEM>> Are you using Agile right now? If so, what kinds of projects are agile? What are your criteria for selecting agile/predictive?
Principles Plan the Work/ Work the Plan
Predicative Principles Agile Principles Plan the Work/ Work the Plan Working for Predictable results. Reduce & Control Change(Change= Risk) Individuals & Interactions over Process & tools Working software over Comprehensive Documentation Collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan Talk about each TRIPPLE CONSTRAINT - HIGHLIGHTED IN AGILE
Taming an Agile Project
Agile isn’t the wild west The Agile Waterfall Continuum ? Agile Predictive Taming an Agile project - Agile-Waterfall Continuum. Learn how to create a part agile, part waterfall project. Agile may feel wild random uncontrolled but it really is very DISCIPLINED Individual discipline. NO weak teams ============================ It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. (Sacrilege) If you have agile projects are they all or nothing? What would you see as problems with implementation of a hybrid solution? Tell a Story about Transparency (Just because it is a web project doesn’t mean it is agile) 2 years 70 people 5 sub projects Steering committee Risk Committee Legal Review Medical Review Sat it a risk committee meeting with legal council, senior management (evps) and discussed for an hour and a half. How far down to drill to summarize at the CPT category was giving too much away. Debated for hours if revealing our pricing would drive costs up or down.
Balancing Agility and Discipline
Personnel Skill Level Mostly Level 2 or 3 players – Mostly Level 1 Requirements Stability % change / Month (Low Change – High Change) Culture No Tolerance for change – Change is normal Team Size Risk Life & Limb - Comfort Agile development within a Predictive envelope
Enterprise Project Reporting - EPMO
Hybrid Project Model Enterprise Project Reporting - EPMO Predictive Milestones sync with Sprints Agile Predictive elements - PM Long lead e.g. Hardware deployment Enterprise Testing (UAT) Agile Sprints - SM Software Development Software Testing (Unit/Integration) It ain’t easy. Takes commitment from both sides to work together. But it is the ONLY way to be successful
Real World Example
Brining your Agile Project Home
Integration with Predictive Portfolios Earned Value Status Reporting ? Does anyone have experience with Earned value and Status in Agile projects?
Earned Value Calculation
Models of calculation % complete estimated 0 , 100% 0,50, 100% 0, 25, 50, 75, 100% Burn down & Earned Value Nothing is perfect Look at a burn down chart & estimate Problems Agile plans for scope change EV expects to control scope change 0-100 doesn’t work
Reporting Project Status
Status Stop lights: Schedule Velocity and Burn Down Budget Staffing=Budget Scope Nope Assumes change is bad Executive sponsorship Executives must know how agile works. constantly asking for schedules knowing you need their constant input knowing their role when new requirements are implemented
Role of the Project Manager
What makes both successful
Predictive Agile People
Lessons Learned High Company Risk High Importance
Transparency on the Web Employer Reporting on the Web High Company Risk High Importance Complex Data Analysis Complex Org. Silos No external project dependencies Low Company Risk High Importance Low data analysis complexity High Company Risk High Importance Complex Data Analysis Complex Org. Silos No external project dependencies Low Company Risk Low data analysis complexity
Employer Reporting What I am doing different End of the line project.
Multiple external dependencies Which is perfect for an agile project.
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