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Factors involved in success of First Crusade

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Presentation on theme: "Factors involved in success of First Crusade"— Presentation transcript:

1 Factors involved in success of First Crusade
How far did success of First Crusade owes its success to… How far was …. the main reason for ….

2 Religious Zeal/Faith Remission of sins Penitential march
Antioch and the Holy Lance Antioch and the Fast But not everyone went for this reason

3 Excellent Leadership Urban – spiritual
Adhemar – spiritual and military – Dorylaeum Raymond after Antioch Bohemond at Dorylaeum Baldwin at Edessa However they did fall out – Tancred/Baldwin Stephen of Blois!!!!!!

4 Muslim Disunity Sunni v Sunni at Antioch Sunni v Fatimid at Jerusalem
Aleppo(Ridwan) v Damascus(Duqaq) Underestimated Christians - Civetot

5 Bravery/Tactics Dorylaeum – avoid fighting Mounted knights
Marat-ad-Numan Skulduggery at Edessa and Antioch

6 Byzantine support Experience of battle tactics Siege engineers
Diversion in the north Provided supplies by ship However Antioch and Nicaea

7 Luck Pools of Siloam Wind at Jerusalem Cave and wood

8 Women Brought water in battles Kept uniforms clean Child bearers
Brought food Slowed the march down

9 Capture of towns Quick after Marat-ad-Numan Beirut and orchards

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