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Jazzie Murphy, M.A. Director, Academic Advising Sacramento State

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1 Jazzie Murphy, M.A. Director, Academic Advising Sacramento State
Maximizing generational traits to engage today’s students & new Advisors Jazzie Murphy, M.A. Director, Academic Advising Sacramento State

2 Educator student ATHLETE

3 Beneath the iceberg PARTNER parent Mentor MILLENNIAL

4 Campus specifics

5 Why are you here? Increase your awareness of generational traits
Discover ways to maximize traits within programs & services Identify approaches & motivators of today’s students & new advisors

6 No labels

7 All of this is…

8 Generational theory William Strauss & Neil Howe pioneered work on generational traits – Generations (1991) Generational traits impact world views 80 year time span for American crises - The Fourth Turning (1997) -High -Awakening -Unraveling -Crisis Coined Strauss-Howe Generational Theory (Strauss & Howe, 1991)

9 Who’s Raising? Silent (1930 – 1945) Baby Boomers (1946 – 1960)

10 Who’s up next? Gen X Gen Y Gen Z 1960 – 1980 MTV 1980 – 1995
Millennial 1995 – iGen

11 Impacts of current events
Great Depression WW II Neil Armstrong JFK/MLK Assassinations Vietnam War Woodstock Grunge/Hip-Hop AIDS Challenger Explosion OKC Bombing CDs/DVDs Y2K 9/11 Terrorism Facebook

12 Millennials in college
Children of Boomers Entitled Short attention span Acknowledge/admire some authorities, not “the man” “Everybody wins!” Individual but group-oriented

13 Herzberg’s motivational theory
Pioneering research approach Job satisfaction/dissatisfaction = different factors, not opposing reactions Two sets of needs – avoid pain (hygiene) & grow psychologically (motivators) (Herzberg, 1959) Herzberg's research proved that people will strive to achieve 'hygiene' needs because they they are unhappy without them, but once satisfied the effect soon wears off - satisfaction is temporary. Then as now, poorly managed organisations fail to understand that people are not 'motivated' by addressing 'hygiene' needs. People are only truly motivated by enabling them to reach for and satisfy the factors that Herzberg identified as real motivators, such as achievement, advancement, development, etc., which represent a far deeper level of meaning and fulfilment. Examples of Herzberg's 'hygiene' needs (or maintenance factors) in the workplace are: policy relationship with supervisor work conditions salary company car status security relationship with subordinates personal life Herzberg's research identified that true motivators were other completely different factors, notably: achievement recognition work itself responsibility advancement

14 Millennials in the workplace
How are generational traits beneficial/detrimental? As a millennial, how have the characteristics helped/hurt you? For supervisors/managers – in what ways, can “negative” traits be reimagined?

15 What happened in 2000? Olympics in Sydney Big Brother & Survivor Tiger Woods won Grand Slam Dot Com..bubble/bust/boom Gas - $1.26/gallon Birth of incoming first-year students

16 Today’s Students – Gen z
“Just tell me…” Children of Gen X Digital natives Instant gratification Pressure to succeed Independent Information processed quickly

17 What does all of this mean?
Gen Z Information delivered in quick bits Social media campaigns Major/career exploration Diversity is assumed Millennials Ambitious Fulfillment vs. Salary Mentorship Racial/ethnic diversity

18 Next steps If you are a supervisor/manager/director… If you are a Millennial… When working with Gen Z…

19 Thank you! Jazzie Murphy, M.A. Director, Academic Advising Sacramento State WOO – Communication – Relator – Arranger - Futuristic ORANGE GOLD GREEN BLUE

20 references Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. B. (1959). The motivation to work. Whitehouse Station: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Oblinger, D. (2003). Boomers, Gen-Xers, & Millennials: Understanding the New Students.Educause Review, July/August Retrieved 9 September fromhttp:// Strauss, W. & Howe, N. (1991). Generations: The history of America’s future, 1584 to 2069. Strauss, W., & Howe, N. (1997). The fourth turning: An American prophecy. Williams, A. (2015, September 18). Move Over, Millennials, Here Comes Generation Z. Retrieved March 23, 2017, from over-millennials-here-comes-generation-z.html?_r=1 Williams, J. (2005, December). Millennial Students: Rethinking time management. Academic Advising Today, 28(4). Retrieved from

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