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Ronald Reagan and The Cold War

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1 Ronald Reagan and The Cold War

2 Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan was originally an actor.
He was the Governor of California from 1967–1975. Ran for POTUS in 1976, but didn’t get the nomination, but delivered a speech that made people realize that they had made a mistake by nominating Ford again!

3 Election of 1980 Reagan runs on the campaign slogan of a smaller and more efficient government. Shifting some power to states. “Government is not the solution to your problem, Government is the problem” vs

4 Election of 1980 Reagan’s debate tactics:
--Point out Jimmy Carter’s economic problems: Stagflation (high inflation, high unemployment, low economic growth). --Ask the question, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” --Portray a strong need for national defense: Peace through Strength (large military build up is needed).

5 Election of 1980 Reagan won a landslide victory in 1980 over the incumbent Jimmy Carter.

6 Attempted Assassination
March 30, 1981, only 69 days into the new administration Reagan was shot by John Hinckley Jr. (breaking Tecumseh's curse) Hinckley was trying to impress Jodi Foster, but Reagan survives to live another day. This grew is reputation about being an cowboy!

7 Reaganomics Reagan implemented supply side economics, trickle-down economics, or what became known as Reaganomics. Reagan wanted to jump-start the stagnant economy. He wanted to have money trickle down from business and the wealthy to the middle and lower classes. He will cut the top marginal tax rate from 70% to 25%. Revenues to the government increase, but increased defense spending leads to large deficit spending.

8 The four pillars of Reagan's economic policy:
Reaganomics The four pillars of Reagan's economic policy: Reduce the growth of government spending Reduce income tax and capital gains tax Reduce government regulation of economy Control money supply to reduce inflation”

9 Effects of Reaganomics
GDP grew from -0.3% in 1980 to 4.1% in 1988 Unemployment rate fell by 1.6%, from 7.1% in 1980 to 5.5% in 1988 A net job increase of about 21 million. The inflation rate fell from 13.5% in 1980, to 4.1% in 1988 Federal deficit grew

10 The Cold War under Reagan
Reagan started to build up our nuclear weapons stockpile against the ”Evil Empire” (Soviet Union). This will be a leading cause of budget deficits. Reagan’s goal was actually a world without nuclear weapons, but wanted to show strength to the Soviets (outspend them and cause their economy to collapse). Reagan created the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) to try to put a missile defense shield into space to protect the US. It was appropriately named ‘Star Wars’ by critics, and turned out unsuccessful at the time.

11 Mikhail Gorbachev and The Cold War
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in He initiated reform within the Soviet Union. He initiated the Perestroika and Glasnost reforms, which tried to start up the stagnant economy and gave Soviet people many rights (similar to those in our first amendment). It was a propaganda ploy to convince the West that they had changed. But he didn’t realize that the Soviet’s wanted a open society. Union treaty dissolves the Soviet Union in (End of the Cold War!!!)

12 Reagan and Gorbachev Gorbachev and Reagan met in Geneva, Switzerland in 1985 and talked about many issues including missile reduction. Failed to achieve any goals! In 1987, both countries signed the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (I.N.F.), which had both countries destroy some of their missiles. June 12, 1987: “Mr. Gorbachev Tear Down This Wall”

13 Iran-Contra Scandal Iraq-Iran War is going on during the 1980s (tough choice who’s the good guys) We supported Iraq through most of the war. Reagan wanted to financially support the Contra’s in Nicaragua, but the Democratically controlled Congress didn’t. Some of Reagan’s people, including Oliver North created a plan to sell weapons to Iran, funnel the funds to the Contra’s who were fighting the Sandinistas (Soviet backed). Iran would then use their influence to help free some American hostages held in Lebanon Totally illegal and there was never a link to President Reagan knowing about it, but he took responsibility for the action. .

14 A more conservative SCOTUS
When SCOTUS Justice Warren Burger leaves office, Reagan elevates William Rehnquist to Chief Justice and nominates Antonin Scalia as Associate Justice. Reagan nominate Sandra Day O’Connor as a Supreme Court Justice, making O’Connor the first Supreme Court woman.

15 Social Issues Television had a big jump. Many new channels were broadcasted, including CNN, ESPN, and MTV. HIV and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Rap music and Rock’n’Roll began to flourish. Religious conservatism increases

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