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Welcome to Bourne Primary School

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1 Welcome to Bourne Primary School

2 About our school We are a popular, community primary school. Our provision was judged as ‘Good’ across the board by OFSTED in February 2012. Our end of Key Stage results are in line with and above the national average in all subjects. We celebrate our rich and diverse school community We are constantly striving to improve our provision and build on our previous best We aim to work in close partnership with our parents and community

3 Early Years and Foundation Stage Pupil Outcomes 2016
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Results 2016 Bourne 2016 Hillingdon 2016 National Average 2016 62.1% 70.3% 69% Bourne 2016 Hillingdon 2016 National Average 2016 97% 83.9% 80.6% KS1 Teacher Assessments 2016 Year 2 Teacher Assessments Year 2 – Reading Working at expected standard Working at greater depth Bourne 2016 76% 20% Hillingdon 2016 75% 23% National 2016 74% 24% Year 2 – Writing Working at expected standard Working at greater depth Bourne 2016 69% 14% Hillingdon 2016 66% 13% National 2016 65% Year 2 – Maths Working at expected standard Working at greater depth Bourne 2016 82% 20% Hillingdon 2016 75% 19% National 2016 73% 18%


5 Why choose Bourne? Excellent academic achievement and progress for all
Experienced and capable staff Emphasis on effective learning across a wide curriculum Commitment to educational visits and enrichment activities Excellent behaviour and good relationships Great facilities and open space Wide selection of after-school activities Family ethos

6 Things we think are important…
Developing self confidence and self esteem Developing good relationships with others Developing good attitudes to learning Developing appropriate behaviour and self control Developing a sense of community Developing awareness of the importance of looking after our bodies and healthy eating We do all this through our ‘values-based curriculum’


8 Behaviour We employ positive behaviour management strategies
Restorative justice Rewards such as stickers, house points and dojo points Peer mediation

9 Parents in school We recognise the vital role you as parents play in the education of your child We ask you to sign our ‘home: school agreement’ Teachers are available at the end of the school day for informal contact or you can book an appointment to see them on a Tuesday morning from am. You are welcome to make an appointment to discuss any concerns with your child’s teacher, the Assistant Headteacher or the head teacher Every parent is a member of the ‘Friends at Bourne’ School Parents’ Group and you are all welcome to be involved in our many social and fund raising events.

10 30 places per year Criteria for allocating places (L.A. not school!)
1) EHC or statement of special educational need that names this school. 2) Looked after child or previously looked after. 3) Sibling qualification 4) Distance 30 places per year

11 Starting School in Hillingdon schools- September 2017
Important dates to remember 15 January 2017 Closing date for applications 15 January 2017 midnight Closing date for online applications 18 April 2017 Offer day 2 May 2017 Acceptances to be received 17 May 2017 Appeals deadline

12 Induction at Bourne Primary
Children will come into school in groups of about fifteen Children will attend school for mornings only for up to two weeks Children will stay through dinner time before going home at 1.30pm in the third week Your child’s teacher will arrange a time to visit you and your child in your home

13 Timetable for Reception Inductions at Bourne Primary School 2017
Stay and play- sessions in May and June Induction- usually during last week in June September- Staggered start mornings only at first Reading Meeting for parents Friday 23rd-start full-time? Home visit-afternoons between 6th and 22nd September

14 Preparing your child for school
When starting school it is helpful if your child can: Dress and undress themselves independently Use the toilet independently Talk in full sentences, join in with simple songs and rhymes Recognise their own belongings Use a knife and fork independently Listen to others and take turns Be confident to be left with another adult for short periods of time Hold a pencil correctly to draw pictures and colour Use scissors

15 Early Years Curriculum
This Curriculum is divided into 7 Areas of Learning. Prime areas are “Personal and Social”, “Physical” and “Communication and Language”. Much of the learning is achieved through self initiated learning and exploratory play. A careful record is kept of children’s progress across these 7 areas. All children are different and learn and develop in different ways and at different rates.

16 Role Play in a fruit and vegetable shop
Communication and Language Listening and attention Understanding Speaking Role Play in a fruit and vegetable shop

17 Talking about eating healthy foods
Physical Development Moving and handling Health and self care Talking about eating healthy foods

18 Working together to make sand smoothies
Personal Social and Emotional Development Self confidence and self awareness Managing feelings and behaviour Making relationships Working together to make sand smoothies

19 Literacy Reading Writing Sharing a story

20 Exploring the maths corner
Mathematics Numbers Shape space and measures Exploring the maths corner

21 Understanding the world People and communities The world Technology
Exploring water Programming Bee bots.

22 Exploring textures and materials
Expressive Arts Exploring media and materials Being Imaginative Exploring textures and materials

23 Assessment within the Foundation Stage
Every child has their own learning journey. This helps teachers to track your child’s progress throughout the Early Years and informs them when completing their assessment at the end of the Reception year. This is called the Foundation Stage Profile. At Bourne we have both books in the classroom and electronic learning journeys that you will all have access to online with protected passwords. You will be able to track your child’s progress and enjoy many photos of their experiences in school.

24 Curriculum Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Broad and balanced curriculum
Mastery skills. Daily maths and English lessons. Phonics, using the Read, Write Inc scheme, Foundation subjects include: science, history, geography, art, DT, computing, music, PSHE and PE (two sessions). French in KS2 Specialist teaching for music, French and gymnastics Swimming in years 5 and 6 Key Stage 2

25 SCHOOL COUNCIL The school council is made up of two children from each class, who are elected by their peers. It is their job to put forward the views of their class. They meet every half term with Mrs Slater to discuss school issues and help make decisions about fundraising and purchasing equipment. Last year, the school council were responsible for choosing the new playground markings and they helped to interview Mrs Edwards. They also contributed to our marking and feedback scheme and chose which books to purchase for class libraries.

26 House Captains

27 Visit our school website
School prospectus Fortnightly newsletters A range of school policies Photo gallery of school events

28 Any questions?

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