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How to become part of our nursery

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1 How to become part of our nursery
We currently offer 15 hours in our nursery. Children start the term after their third birthday. We offer either a morning or afternoon session to suit your family life. We are very excited that in January 2018 we will be able to offer eight 30 hour places to our working families. If you would like to find more information about this please visit We encourage you and your child to come and look around our setting before filling in an admission form with the staff in the office. You will be contacted the term after your child’s third birthday. To ensure a happy start for you and your child we do the following: Visit your child at home with our mascot Alex Bear. Listen to and talk about your child. Complete an ‘All About Me’ form to start your child’s Learning Journey. Invite you to a family session.

2 Our 30 Hour Offer From January 2018 we are excited to offer our working families and their children 30 hour places in our nursery. There are eight places available. Families must be eligible for the funding. A useful website to look at is As per our admission policy children will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are interested in a place please come and register your interest at school as soon as possible. Some information regarding our 30 hour offer: Sessions will run from Monday to Friday, 8:30am -3:15pm. This is 33 hours and 45 minutes of childcare that your child will be receiving a week which is higher than the Government proposal of 30 hours. In light of this there will be an additional charge of £2 per child per day. All children will be required to bring a packed lunch into nursery every day. Hot dinners are not provided for our nursery children. Facilities will be provided for children to nap due to the longer days. Children will participate in open door play, forest school and P.E sessions. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and ask staff in our nursery. This is a new chapter in our nursery provision and we will do our best to answer any questions. Your child’s well-being is our most important concern.

3 A Smooth Transition . . . We welcome all children to our Reception classes. If your child has attended our Nursery they will already be very familiar with the Reception team. Don’t worry if your child has not attended our nursery, the staff in Reception will visit your child at home. We invite all parents to attend a meeting with all the information you will need for starting school. Your child will be invited to three visits to their new classroom. They will also be invited to have a school dinner with their family in the school hall. When children start Reception in September we believe their needs are met by having a two week settling in period.

4 Partnership with Parents
We highly value our families at school. One of our parents commented, “I am so happy with all the support I get from the staff in the Foundation Stage. My child is so happy here and their progress has been fantastic!” Another parent said, “My daughter wants to be at school everyday! She sad when it’s Saturday.” Parents are actively encouraged to bring their child into school daily to ensure they have made contact with the staff and develop strong relationships. We listen to our parents and ask them to make comments in their child’s Learning Journey. Children and their families are set challenges throughout the year to inspire and inform meaningful planning and learning opportunities. We offer parents to visit the setting for open mornings where they learn about the ways in which we teach phonics and mathematics. There are termly opportunities to meet and speak with your child’s teacher. Parents are also invited to come and celebrate their child’s learning. Teachers regularly blog learning and events that take place in school.

5 Early Years Pupil Premium
We have a highly resourced and stimulating environment. We have a high ratio of adults to children. We fund and provide regular cookery opportunities within open door and forest school. We offer Nurture Group for our children in Reception. Forest School sessions with trained staff to develop children’s well-being emotional intelligence. (Forest School Leaders Level 3.) Planned out of school trips. Access to the school’s Artist in Residence. Our Early Years Inclusion leader and Family Liaison Officer support our families. Resources for curriculum events such as Science Afternoon. Free book bags and phonic resources.

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