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Welcome to Year 4! Class 12 Mr Stephens Class 13 Mrs Downes Class 14

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 4! Class 12 Mr Stephens Class 13 Mrs Downes Class 14"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 4! Class 12 Mr Stephens Class 13 Mrs Downes Class 14
Mr Potter

2 Timeline for the year!

3 PE- Hockey/Multiskills
PE- football/gymnastics PE- cultural/netball PE- Yoga/Tag rugby PE-Cultural spots/multisports PE- Badminton/cricket

4 PE Days PE is on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. (Starting next week)
All children are expected to have the correct kit in school at all times. Outdoor PE kit is long trousers, jumper, trainers (and socks!) and their PE t-shirt. Indoor PE kit is shorts and PE t-shirt. Earrings must be taken out for PE sessions as per school policy. If your child is unable to remove their earrings by themselves, please could you remove them before school. Please, please, please make sure everything is named!

5 Swimming The expectation is that all children will be able to swim at least 25 metres by the end of KS2. We have 3 swimming slots- Term 1, Term 3 and Term 5. All children will be swimming in Term 1 (one week block- 5 sessions). Terms 3 and 5 will reserved for those children who are currently unable to swim 25 metres. For those children who are confident and able to swim over 25 metres, specialist PE sessions will be arranged for them at school. Thank you to all of the offers to help so far; we would really appreciate any further volunteers.

6 Forest Schools Throughout the year the children will have the opportunity to take part in Forest Schools. Most of these sessions last year took place on site…. This year we have 3 ‘off-site’ Forest Schools sessions each lasting for 2 days.

7 Weekly timetable

8 Maths English Three maths groups – broadly ability based
Same curriculum / different pace There may be some movement between groups but understandably this will be limited Differentiation within groups English Taught in classes Differentiation within the class groups

9 Homework Please could the children continue to read at least 3 times a week, practise their mental addition and subtraction and times tables (badges). Reading records – to be brought in on guided reading days (which will be displayed on classroom windows from next week)

10 Reading Records We will be collecting your child’s reading record book in on their book change day. Targets: 1st book = 30 reads th book = 75 reads 2nd book= 30 reads th book = 75 reads 3rd book = 50 reads 7th book = 100 reads 4th book = 50 reads 8th book = 100 reads

11 Fruit and water On their guided reading day it would be appreciated if the children bring in a piece of fruit to be shared. We encourage all children to have their own water bottle and within reason they can drink regularly throughout the day.

12 Home/School communication
Please do not hesitate to come and see us if you have any concerns (sooner rather than later please). If your child is going home with somebody else please inform us by note or in person. Clubs – if your child is unable to attend a club, please inform us in person or in writing.

13 Any questions?

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