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From National to LA: Research and Innovative Practices at the Intersection of Domestic Violence, Housing and Homelessness Presented by  Christie.

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Presentation on theme: "From National to LA: Research and Innovative Practices at the Intersection of Domestic Violence, Housing and Homelessness Presented by  Christie."— Presentation transcript:

1 From National to LA: Research and Innovative Practices at the Intersection of Domestic Violence, Housing and Homelessness Presented by  Christie Bevis, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV)   Kris Billhardt, National Alliance for Safe Housing (NASH) Suzanne Marcus, National Alliance for Safe Housing (NASH)

2 Agenda National Landscape LA Landscape Trends and Innovation

3 National Landscape U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH)
Opening Doors was the nation’s first comprehensive federal strategy to prevent and end homelessness. “An end to homelessness means that every community will have a systematic response in place that ensures homelessness is prevented wherever possible, or if it can’t be prevented, it is a rare, brief, and non-recurring experience.” USICH affirmed six core values in the plan: Homelessness is unacceptable. There are no “homeless people,” but rather people who have lost their homes who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Homelessness is expensive; it is better to invest in solutions. Homelessness is solvable; we have learned a lot about what works. Homelessness can be prevented. There is strength in community collaboration.

4 National Landscape 2015 End Veteran Homelessness
GOALS of OPENING DOORS End Veteran Homelessness End Chronic Homelessness End Family Homelessness

5 Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium (DVHTAC)
Launched in 2015 An innovative, collaborative approach To provide TA, training and resource development At the critical intersection of DV, homelessness, and housing Funded by a partnership between FVPSA, OVW, OVC and HUD TA Team: NASH, NNEDV, NRCDV and CS

6 Key Questions and Challenges
How can we ensure that victims of domestic violence have access to a continuum of housing options? What are the components of supportive housing and “Rapid Rehousing” that lead to safety, housing stability and well- being for DV victims? What system protocols and practices are needed to ensure safety and confidentiality for survivors fleeing domestic violence?

7 Key Questions and Challenges
What kind of training and support is needed for DV and Homeless services and other housing providers? How can DV programs maintain confidentiality of personally identifying information (PII) and share data with Continuum of Care How do we take effective strategies to scale?

8 Key Questions and Challenges
What are the implications of an abuser partner’s homelessness on the safety, stability and well-being of survivors and their children? How should HUD define outcomes and success?

9 The Intersection of DV & Homelessness

10 Intersection of DV & Homelessness
CoCs: 400+ DV Programs: Local 1,250 DV Shelters 257 Non-residential programs State/Territory 56 State/Territory Coalitions Tribal 137 Tribal DV Programs In just one day in 2016 Over 41,000 adults and children fleeing domestic violence found refuge in an emergency shelter or transitional housing program in the United States. Victims made nearly 12,000 requests for services that could not be provided because programs did not have the resources to provide these services. Out of the 12,000 requests, 66% or 7,914 were for Housing. An advocate in Indiana said, “The survivor sent a thank you card that stated it is the first time she and her family felt safe. She drew birds flying out of a birdcage and the words above it were: ‘Free at last.’” (NNEDV, Domestic Violence Counts, 2017) Housing instability is 4x more likely for women who have experienced domestic violence One in four homeless women cite domestic violence as a major contributor to their homelessness Of homeless women with children, over 80% have experienced domestic violence

11 DV Links to Housing Instability
Pathways from DV to homelessness are both direct and indirect: Many abusers intentionally destroy victims’ financial stability by ruining their credit, harassing them at their jobs, preventing them from working or going to school, stealing from them…

12 DV Links to Homelessness
Indirect pathways include: DV often leads to injuries, PTSD, depression, all of which can lead to job instability and housing instability Many women leave their homes to protect their children, but then can not afford to support them

13 An Array of DV Survivors’ Housing Options
Crisis response and safety Recovery and stabilization Housing and economic stability Emergency Shelter Transitional Housing Permanent Housing Immediate safety Comprehensive advocacy Exploration of options Supportive services Financial assistance Economic and employment support and advocacy Specialized services to address impact of abuse Housing First/Rapid rehousing services Home purchase assistance Specialized services to address impact of abuse Safety Planning, Advocacy, and Access to Trauma-Informed Services

14 from innovative approaches?
What are we learning from innovative approaches? What are the components of supportive housing and “Rapid Rehousing” that lead to safety, housing stability and well- being for DV victims?

15 Two approaches of particular interest
Flexible funding with brief advocacy is being examined as a way to prevent homeless from occurring Domestic Violence Housing First is a model using intensive, mobile advocacy and flexible funding to help survivors obtain safe and stable housing

16 Why Flexible Funding? Some survivors can avoid homelessness if they have access to immediate funds, coupled with housing advocacy and support. International aid studies have shown that direct funds to those in need have immediate and long term positive impacts.

17 Does Flexible Funding Work?
Evaluated DASH – District Alliance for Safe Housing – an innovative program in Washington, DC Found that this brief, relatively inexpensive intervention does increase housing stability. 94% of clients were housed 6 months after funding was received. Research Plan: Survivors invited to participate after they received flex funding Interviewed at 30-days, 3-months and 6-months post-grant 55 survivors in study Guiding Principles in Flexible Funding Decisions “Can any other organization provide this resource?” “Will this grant help this person to retain housing, not just today, but over time?” Process is survivor-centered, accessible, and respectful Process is quick to respond to urgent situations

18 Amount of Flex Funding Awarded
Average grant: $2,078 Grant range: $275 - $8,508 What were grants used for? Utilities Moving expenses Car repair Child care Credit card debt Back rent Abuser slashes tires --- survivor slides into homelessness due to lack of funds to repair car. Traditional DV programs don’t have much to offer until the family become homeless. DASH’s FF allows them to offer help when the problem arises instead of waiting until a family is homeless. Survivor-centered – targeted, individualized help – the right help at the right time. IMPACT: Well-Being: Midway through the evaluation, started asking at 6 months (n=31): Thinking back over the last 6 months, when you went to DASH for funds… would you say that, overall your life is better off, worse off, or no different: 100% felt “better off” And would you say you are more hopeful about the future than you were then? Less hopeful? Or no change? 90% felt “more hopeful” SAFETY Began asking survivors in 6 month interviews if they had experienced any domestic violence since receiving their flexible funding Of the 23 survivors asked the question: 20 (91%) reported no further DV 1 reported receiving harassing phone calls 2 experienced further DV Storage unit fees Out-of-state travel to court for custody hearing Other needs

19 The Potential of Flexible Funding
Flex funding with brief advocacy is promising option for some survivors Those who were relatively stable, and are now experiencing a crisis Flex funding is far cheaper than shelter Flex funding with longer-term advocacy (DV Housing First, DV Rapid Re-housing) is also promising, needs further research

20 DV Housing First Tenets
Partnerships with housing providers Partnerships with other community resource providers Systems change Establish emotional safety Restore control Facilitate connections Recognize trauma healing is not linear Individualized flexible funding Funding not limited to rent assistance Engagement is often not linear Meeting survivors where they are Accompanying survivors on the journey Safety planning Holistic focus, not just housing Mobile Advocacy Flexible Engagement Community Engagement Trauma-informed Practice

21 DV Housing First Rigorous evaluation of DV Housing First in Washington state DVHF: trauma-informed mobile advocacy, flexible funding, systems work Following 320 survivors over 18 months, comparing those who receive DVHF with those receiving more “typical” services 2 sites in urban area, 2 sites in rural Hypotheses Those receiving DVHF will show greater improvement over time on: Housing stability Financial stability Safety Quality of life Mental health and substance misuse Children will show improvements on: School attendance and performance Behaviors and social-emotional skills

22 Building the Evidence Base - More
Evaluating DV Rapid Rehousing in Seattle, WA Evaluating the impact of Transitional Housing on survivors (TX and National) Conducting a process evaluation of DVHF in California – beginning an outcome evaluation in January, 2018 8 programs using VOCA funds as part of a DVHF approach Intentionally using the same measures across studies where possible – housing barriers, financial stability, housing stability, safety, well-being Not looking for a one-size-fits-all; hoping to identify what works best for whom, under what circumstances

23 Went into effect on August 8, 2016.
Victim of Crime Act Formula Victim Assistance Grant VOCA Program Final Rule Went into effect on August 8, 2016. Provides greater clarity and more flexibility to state VOCA victim assistance administering agencies to support a continuum of services to crime victims, including transitional housing and expanded coverage of relocation expanses. Transitional Housing Expenses Adds transitional housing as an allowable expense, including, but not limited to, travel, rental assistance, security deposits, utilities, and other costs incidental to the relocation to such housing, as well as voluntary support services such as childcare and counseling.

24 VOCA Assistance Guidelines and Rules:
Allowable Expenses Transitional Housing Relocation Expenses Including, but not limited to travel, rental assistance, security deposits, utilities, and other costs incidental to the relocation to such housing, as well as voluntary support services such as childcare and counseling. Generally where necessary for the safety and well-being of a victim, Including, but not limited to, reasonable moving expenses, security deposits on housing, rental expenses, and utility startup costs. Transitional Housing Expenses For example, shelters for victims of domestic violence or human trafficking would be allowable uses of VOCA funds. It would also be allowable in the case of sexual assault, where a victim needs to move. The Rule allows States to fund this activity; it does not require it.

25 Does HOW we provide advocacy and housing supports to survivors matter?

26 Core components of effective advocacy
Mobile advocacy Flexible funding Ongoing safety planning to respond to new tactics that might emerge Advocacy that is survivor-driven, trauma- informed, and promotes voluntary services See Creating Safe Housing Options for Survivors: Learning From and Expanding Research for evidence of effectiveness

27 DVHTAC’s Systemic Technical Assistance & Training with LA County
Kris Billhardt, Technical Assistant Specialist National Alliance for Safe Housing

28 Initiation Began conversation in January 2016 Core Stakeholder Group:
Service providers Policy-maker staff, both county & city LAHSA CoC Coordinating Council TA initially two-fold: Strengthening partnerships & collaboration Improving access to CE for survivors

29 Identifying Strengths and Needs
DVHTAC worked with Core Stakeholders to develop a survey aimed at examining issues at the intersection & degree of systems alignment Tapped observations and perceptions of broader group of informed stakeholders

30 Process Online survey completed by 34 stakeholders
20 follow-up interviews to further explore themes and include stakeholders not reached through survey Report released/distributed early February 2017

31 Community Scan: Themes and Findings
Attention to DSV as integral part of ending homelessness relatively new – but lots underway now Huge mix of experiences for survivors across service areas; no over-arching protocol Diverse composition and geographic size present considerable challenges

32 Themes and Findings (con’t.)
Rapid Re-housing not broadly seen as a fit for survivors Strong agreement that CES must be made safe for survivors; HMIS looms large Stakeholders recognized these imperatives: Cross-system training Preserving community-tailored approaches “Leaving behind some of what we’re entrenched in.”     

33 What Do Survivors Think?
Focus groups conducted by DV/Homeless Coalition this Fall – full report to come A preliminary look at themes found: When the right services are received, survivors feel safer, more informed and empowered Navigating/accessing services is challenging, sometimes re-traumatizing Survivors in shelter need more help with housing so they can exit to safety Survivors want their choices about housing to be respected

34 Survivors Recommend: More affordable housing!
Increased coordination across providers Lower barriers to eligibility and access (includes language and cultural) Try new service delivery approaches (Ex. in- person accompaniment) Trauma-informed services Education about DV w landlords

35 Systemic Change Through Bridge Building Across the DV/SA and Homeless/Housing Sectors: LA Highlights
Presented by Suzanne Marcus Director of Safe Housing Initiatives National Alliance for Safe Housing (NASH)

36 National Alliance for Safe Housing (NASH)
NASH provides programs and communities with the tools, strategies, and support necessary to improve coordination between domestic & sexual violence services and homelessness and housing providers, so that survivors and their children can ultimately avoid homelessness as the only means of living free from abuse.

37 National Alliance for Safe Housing (NASH)
A project of the District Alliance for Safe Housing (DASH), a local safe housing program in D.C. A national Technical Assistance and Training Project (launched October 2015) Project Partners: Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence; DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence Part of the federal Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium (DVHTAC)

38 NASH & LA Partnership NASH TA focuses on the following areas:
Identifying systemic barriers to housing for survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence Developing, administering and analyzing a community scan to understand how to enhance partnerships and relationships between the CoC and domestic violence organizations as well as explore how to enhance safe and confidential housing for survivors of domestic and sexual violence Facilitating the development of a logic model to address a range of areas including Coordinated Entry (including data collection, HMIS), enhancing strategic resource allocations, collaboration/partnership building as well as training/education Developing an evaluation of the newly launched Domestic Violence and Housing Services Coalition and conducting analysis of evaluation results

39 National Safe Housing Needs Assessment
Safe Housing Needs Assessment gathers input from community service providers, coalitions and continuums of care This assessment is the first of its kind aimed at simultaneously reaching the domestic and sexual violence field, as well as the homeless and housing field The assessment seeks to gather information on topics ranging from the extent to which both fields coordinate to provide safety and access to services for domestic and sexual violence survivors within the homeless system, to ways in which programs are implementing innovative models to promote long-term housing stability for survivors and their families

40 National Safe Housing Needs Assessment
The assessment seeks to identify specific barriers preventing collaboration across these fields, as well as promising practices The results will help the Consortium provide organizations and communities with the tools, strategies and support necessary to improve coordination between domestic violence/sexual assault service providers and homeless and housing service providers, so that survivors and their children can ultimately avoid homelessness and live free from abuse

41 National Safe Housing Needs Assessment: LA Highlights
# Category 2 State/Tribal/Territory Domestic and/or Sexual Violence Coalition 26 Residential DV Shelter and/or Housing Program Rape Crisis Shelters 18 Non-residential Domestic Violence Service Provider 55 Homeless Shelter/Housing Provider 7 Homeless Coalition 4 HMIS Lead Agency 9 CoC Applicant 123 TOTAL RESPONDENTS 123 respondents -26 (Residential DV programs) -18 (Non-Residential DV programs) -55 (Homeless shelter and/or Housing program) - 9 (Continuum of Care Collaborative Applicant) - 2(State/Tribal/DV&/or SA Coalition) - 2(Rape Crisis Center/SA provider) - 7 (Homeless Coalition) - 4(HMIS Leads) *respondents can include several from the same organization/agency*

42 National Safe Housing Needs Assessment: LA Highlights
Topic Areas Collaborations and Partnerships Training Coordinated Entry Housing Approaches Legal Protections HMIS Collaborations and Partnerships Training Coordinated Entry Housing Approaches Legal Protections HMIS

43 National Safe Housing Needs Assessment: LA Highlights
76% of Homeless/Housing orgs report they are very to somewhat knowledgeable of the DV/SA system 80% of DV/SA orgs report being very to somewhat knowledgeable of the homeless/housing system Both DV/SA and Homeless/Housing orgs report the number one barrier to understanding the scope of the respective system is not enough communication with organizations within that system Collaborations and Partnerships Training Coordinated Entry Housing Approaches Legal Protections HMIS

44 National Safe Housing Needs Assessment: LA Highlights
25% of Homeless/Housing orgs receive training from DV/SA orgs 57% of DV/SA orgs receive training from Homeless/Housing orgs Services for marginalized communities (e.g. culturally and linguistically appropriate services

45 National Safe Housing Needs Assessment: LA Highlights
Homeless/Housing advocates want DV/SA training on: Understanding legal housing protections for survivors (79%) Sexual violence 101 (79%) Safety planning 101 (79%) DV/SA advocates want Homeless/Housing training on: Services for marginalized communities (e.g. culturally and linguistically appropriate services (80%) Coordinated entry and assessment (74%) Rapid Rehousing (71%) and landlord engagement (71%) Services for marginalized communities (e.g. culturally and linguistically appropriate services

46 National Safe Housing Needs Assessment: LA Highlights
Leading topics advocates reported wanting those in the respective field to receive more training on include: Homeless/Housing advocates want DV/SA advocates to receive more training on: Understanding the homeless/housing system (80%) Coordinated entry & assessment (78%) Understanding the scope and work of specific housing and homeless agencies (78%) DV/SA advocates want Homeless/Housing advocates to receive more training on: Trauma informed care (91%) DV and SV screening assessments (91%) Safety planning, DV 101 & unique housing barriers for survivors (88%) Services for marginalized communities (e.g. culturally and linguistically appropriate services

47 LA Domestic Violence-Homeless Services (DV-HS) Coalition
Cross-sector coalition comprised on homeless services, housing providers, DV agencies and government agencies Spearheaded by the Downtown Women’s Center and Rainbow Services Supported by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Builds upon the work that has started by the DV Workgroup, initiated by LA County Supervisors in response to City and County plans to end homelessness, which both identified the link between DV and homelessness

48 What’s a Logic Model & How Does It Connect to Evaluation
A logic model (also known as a logical framework, theory of change, or program matrix) is a tool used to evaluate effectiveness.

49 LA County DV-HS Coalition
Vision Statement: To create a client centered system of shared values and responsibilities that increases access to safe housing and supportive services for survivors of domestic violence and their families

50 Goal 1: To establish a cross-sector coalition that will facilitate systems change and maintain effective collaborative relationships, buy in, and representation from domestic violence & homeless services organizations Objective 1: Identify diverse stakeholder group Activities: Identify where representation from key stakeholder groups is lacking; Invite representatives from different stakeholder groups, including those with lived experiences, to join and participate in the steering committee and working groups; and Develop opportunities for long-term partnerships, participation, and commitment to shared goals Objective 2: Develop shared coalition vision for work together Create shared goals, objectives and activities; Develop shared theory of change/logic model; and Establish shared lexicon/glossary

51 Goal 1: To establish a cross-sector coalition that will facilitate systems change and maintain effective collaborative relationships, buy in, and representation from domestic violence & homeless services organizations Objective 3: Develop and maintain meaningful and enduring relationships Activities: Ensure that the DV-HS Coalition working groups have balanced representation and skill sets; Formalize coalition leadership/decision making structure; and Coalition Core Leaders to provide quarterly “pulse checks” to support representation from coalition members

52 Goal 2: To promote increased skills and knowledge sharing between the domestic violence and homeless systems Objective 1: Identify and assess the training needs/gaps Activities: Assess current homeless and domestic violence system training landscape; Identify gaps in training between domestic violence and homeless systems; and Identify opportunities for cross training Objective 2: Facilitate and develop the necessary training(s) to meet the identified needs/gaps Provide training on needed topics; Determine cost of trainings by SPA and SPA-specific contacts for training; and Providing training to the Coordinated Entry System (CES) and about CES to different domestic violence and homeless/housing forums (including DV Task Force, DV Council, etc.)

53 Goal 3: To increase coordination between domestic violence, homeless services, housing providers and government agencies Objective 1: Establish protocols for effectively sharing information to ensure strategic planning and representation of the DV-HS coalition in critical meeting forums Activities: Identify critical meeting forums in both systems; Assess need for DV-HS Coalition representation at such meetings; Determine necessary level of engagement; Develop reporting mechanisms to the DV-HS Coalition; and Ensure identification of & collaboration with similar groups Objective 2: Determine role and scope of work for Measure H-funded SPA-based DV Coordinators Collect input from DV-HS Coalition; Draft job descriptions and scope of work; Circulate job description and scope of work for additional input; and Design positions to coordinate with  DVHS Coalition on an ongoing basis

54 Goal 4: Create a workable Coordinated Entry (CE) system for domestic violence victims, either parallel or part of the mainstream homeless system Objective 1: Determine the best model for the community and explore the best approaches for domestic violence and homeless systems Activities: Identify how to create a safer process for survivors utilizing CE through the mainstream homeless system; Assess at what point do referrals get made in CE for a family in need of housing resources when domestic violence is also identified; Examine what coordination would look like if the domestic violence coordinators are the links to those systems; Explore how to improve referrals between the domestic violence and homeless systems; and Explore how the domestic violence community can benefit from the permanent housing solutions

55 Goal 4: Create a workable Coordinated Entry (CE) system for domestic violence victims, either parallel or part of the mainstream homeless system Objective 2:   Ensure confidentiality of client data for survivors accessing the mainstream homeless coordinated entry system Activities: Conduct targeted outreach to other jurisdictions that have successfully shared data while ensuring client confidentiality; and Develop HMIS protocol/system and/or utilize comparable database to ensure survivor confidentiality

56 Goal 5: Enhance safe housing options for survivors
Objective 1: Identify and understand standards or policies for entrance into all types of housing (shelter, transitional housing and permanent housing) Activities:   Assess current standards or policies used for entrance in different models; Determine appropriate changes to existing standards or policies that includes considerations for confidentiality and safety and being respectful of individual programs; and Develop and implement common standards and policies to make sure they are functional and trauma informed

57 Goal 5: Enhance safe housing options for survivors
Objective 2: Examine funding specific components that feed into and create systems change Activities: Identify where funding does not align; Conduct funding analysis and gaps analysis; Identify what is happening that is perpetuating a counterproductive system; Identify strategic leverage points and gaps; Develop advocacy strategy for funding to create systems change; Evaluate DV funding support from City and County (Assessing Measure H and HHH funding); Develop a matrix of funders by conducting targeted outreach to discuss goals of workgroup and purpose of matrix; and Determine platform for developing matrix, identifying key funders, private and public and identifying all other potential funders

58 Goal 5: Enhance safe housing options for survivors
Objective 3: Examine how to increase safe housing capacity in shelter as well as the availability of affordable housing for people once they exit the shelter system Activities: Provide technical assistance support to domestic violence and homeless systems for linkages to permanent housing options.


The new website for the Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium Data, infographics, lit reviews, and reports that describe the intersections between domestic violence, sexual assault, homelessness, and housing Strategies for building effective and sustainable partnerships across systems and case studies of successful collaborations In-depth resource collections organized around four key approaches to addressing and preventing housing instability among survivors Access to relevant federal laws, regulations, and polices Have questions? Need TA? Want training? Contact the Consortium directly through the site!

61 Questions

62 Contact Information Christie Bevis, Director, Safe Housing Practices & Initiatives National Resource Center on Domestic Violence Kris Billhardt, TA Specialist National Alliance for Safe Housing Suzanne Marcus, Director, Safe Housing Initiatives

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