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Sub-cultures What makes a sub-culture, a sub-culture?

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Presentation on theme: "Sub-cultures What makes a sub-culture, a sub-culture?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sub-cultures What makes a sub-culture, a sub-culture?
Oxford English Dictionary: “A cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture."

2 What makes a sub-culture different to the ‘mainstream culture’?
Beliefs... Interests... :

3 What makes a sub-culture different to the ‘mainstream culture’?
Religion Sexual preference Appearance Language use Music Art Race / ethnicity Hobbies – medieval re-enactment... collectors... Spotters

4 What sub-cultures can you think of
What sub-cultures can you think of? Try not to solely think about sub-cultures within your age group. For instance:

5 Emo’s – your age group... But then is this a sub-set of Goths...

6 Travellers or gypsies – not necessarily your age group

7 Others: LGBT Skaters Naturists CHAVS
Bikers - Hell’s Angels; Greasers; Mods New age Environmentalists Vegetarians?

8 Choose a sub-culture and make a powerpoint with:
Annotated images – try to use some Communications and Culture terminology. An include facts: What makes them a sub-culture? How long have they been established? How many people would regard themselves as a part of this group? What are society’s perceptions of this group? What are their products and practices?

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