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Radiation & Nuclear Safety and Security Aspects in Lao PDR

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1 Radiation & Nuclear Safety and Security Aspects in Lao PDR
Ministry of Science and Technology 2016 RCARO Managed Project Introductory Workshop for New RCA Government Parties on RCA Program and its Policy in Nadi, Fiji, November 2016 Radiation & Nuclear Safety and Security Aspects in Lao PDR Presented by : Kongsaysy PHOMMAXAY, NR/NLO, Representing Lao’s Participant Department of Science , MOST of Lao PDR

2 Contents Country’s situation IAEA Technical Cooperation Legislation development

3 Type of Use of Energy Consumption
Brief Country’s situation: : (Source: 7th Plan Macroeconomic Targets ) - Area ( : - Population (million) ~ 6.7 - GDP growth rate : at least 8% - Agriculture -Forestry : 3.5% (share : 23.0% of GDP) - Industry : 15 % (share : 39.0% of GDP) - Service : 6.5% (share : 38.0% of GDP) - GDP per capita (US$) : by - Population Growth Rate : 2.5% - Adult Literacy Rate: Female : % Male : % Type of Use of Energy Consumption

4 Situation Lao PDR has joined and ratified :
28/03/ has joined member of South East Asian Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) Treaty A.2.4 Ensure the implementation of South East Asian Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) Treaty, and its Plan of Action : Actions: i. Comply with the undertakings in the SEANWFZ Treaty, including accession to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards agreements and related ii. Instruments; iii. Encourage Accession to the Protocol of the SEANWFZ Treaty by Nuclear Weapon States; and Cooperate to implement the Plan of Action and draw up specific work programs/projects to implement the plan of Action. 25/02/ has joined a Member of Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. 04/11/ Lao PDR has joined an IAEA ‘s member. 05/01/ Lao’s Representative to IAEA in Vienna. 12/3/ Setting up the Office NLO in MOST. 23-27/04/2012 Head delegation & IAEA expert team mission to Lao PDR.

5 situation 09/06/2013 has Joined a Member of:
- Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident ; - Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency. 16/01/ has ratified the RSA. 04 /04/ has joined a member of Instrument Acceptance of the Fifth Agreement to Extend the 1987 Regional Co-operative Agreement for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology (RCA)

6 IAEA’s Technical Cooperation
The Department of Science is working as a National Focal Point for coordinating IAEA Technical Cooperation programs. The RSA between the Government of Lao PDR and IAEA is signed in January 2014 and RCA in April 2015. MOST coordinated the relevant key line ministries to formulating the 1st Country Program Framework in and it officially approved between the representatives of Lao PDR and IAEA on 13 May 2014.

7 Country Programme Framework 2014-2018
Identify priorities of nuclear technology transfer and technical cooperation resources in order to support the national development goals. 8 priority areas: Human Health Food and Agriculture Radiation and Nuclear Safety Environmental Protection Sustainable Energy Development Industry Nuclear Security Water Resources Management

8 IAEA’s Technical Cooperation (Cont.)
There’s one TC Project Cycle is currently implementing namely Project LAO 9001 on Establishing a National Radiation Safety Infrastructure and to continue implementation of cycle Mean objectives of TC project are: To train the legal team for the capacities in drafting the nuclear law and relevant regulations ; To train technical staff and have a basic regulatory authority information systems (RAIS); To train the inspectors and assist the relevant equipments; To train more numbers of regulators and technical staff in order to contribute for establishing the regulatory in the futures.

9 Legislation development
As the project plans in both TC-LAO will contribute in supporting the preparation of formulated the Legal and Policy instruments for the national radiation and nuclear safety infrastructure in the country.

10 ຄະນະປະສານງານຂະແໜງການ Key line sectors coordination body
(Draft) org. Structure the National Technical Coordinating Body on Radiation & Nuclear Safety Infrastructure MOST (Chairman) Lao’s Permanence Representative to IAEA in Vienna, Austria Vice Chairman (rep. Key line Ministry) ຄະນະປະສານງານຂະແໜງການ Key line sectors coordination body ຄວາມປອດໄຟດ້ານລັງສີ-ນີວເຄຼຍ Radiation& Nuclear Safety / Nuclear S&T Application Depart. of Science / NLO [Relevant Ministerial Sector] Project Counterpart (partners) Cooperation Techniques -Supporting Office ດ້ານອາຫານ ແລະກະສິກໍາ Food & Agriculture ດ້ານສິ່ງແວດລ້ອມ ແລະ ຊັບພະຍາກອນນໍ້າ Environment & Water resources ດ້ານສຸຂະພາບ Human Health ດ້ານອຸດສາຫະກໍາ Industry ພັດທະນາພະລັງງານແບບຍືນຍົງ Sustainable Energy Development

11 Thank you for your kind attention.

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