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Division Using “Lucky Seven”

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Presentation on theme: "Division Using “Lucky Seven”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Division Using “Lucky Seven”

2 First, find your dividend.
68 ÷ 5 = ___ First, find your dividend.

3 First, find your dividend.
68 68 ÷ 5 = ___ First, find your dividend. Write it down.

4 Next, draw the “lucky seven” figure.
68 68 ÷ 5 = ___ Next, draw the “lucky seven” figure.

5 Next, find your divisor and write it down.
68 68 ÷ 5 = ___ Next, find your divisor and write it down.

6 Next, find your divisor and write it down.
5 68 68 ÷ 5 = ___ Next, find your divisor and write it down.

7 Now, think of a multiple of your divisor that you know right away.
5 68 68 ÷ 5 = ___ 50 - _____ 10 I know that 5 x 10 = 50. Now, think of a multiple of your divisor that you know right away.

8 5 68 68 ÷ 5 = ___ 50 _____ - 10 18 Check. Is your remainder less than your divisor? If it is, you can stop. If not, keep going.

9 Keep going. What is another multiple you know?
5 68 68 ÷ 5 = ___ 50 _____ - 10 18 Keep going. What is another multiple you know? 15 - _____ 3 3

10 Check. Is your remainder less than your divisor?
Yes! You can stop! 5 68 68 ÷ 5 = ___ 50 - _____ 10 18 Check. Is your remainder less than your divisor? 15 - _____ 3 3

11 Now total up the numbers on the right side to find the quotient.
13 5 68 68 ÷ 5 = ___ 50 - _____ 10 18 + Now total up the numbers on the right side to find the quotient. 15 - _____ 3 3

12 Finally, write the remainder up at the top.
13 r3 5 68 68 ÷ 5 = ___ 50 _____ - 10 18 Finally, write the remainder up at the top. 15 - _____ 3 3

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