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Common Diseases and Disorders

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1 Common Diseases and Disorders
Respiratory System Common Diseases and Disorders

2 Standard 42 Review case studies that involve persons with respiratory disorders, diseases, or syndromes. Citing information from the review, explain the expected anatomy involved and what abnormality is present; and outline normal and abnormal physiology, pathophysiology, preventive measures, and diagnostic procedures for identification of disease/disorder.

3 Common Diseases and Disorders
Description Allergic Rhinitis Hypersensitivity reaction to various airborne allergens Asthma A condition in which the tubes of the bronchial tree become obstructed due to inflammation Atelectasis Collapsed lung Bronchitis Inflammation of the bronchi often follows a cold; one type of COPD

4 Common Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Description Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) A group of lung disorders that limit airflow to lungs and usually cause enlargement of the alveoli Emphysema A chronic condition associated with smoking that damages the alveoli; one type of COPD Influenza A viral disease that attacks the respiratory system; commonly called the flu

5 Common Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Description Laryngitis An acute inflammation of the larynx causing hoarseness (dysphonia) Legionnaire’s Disease Acute bacterial pneumonia caused by Legionnaire bacteria that usually grows in the standing water of air conditioning systems Lung Cancer Cancer closely associated with smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke; four types of lung cancers Pleural Effusion A buildup of fluid in the pleural cavity

6 Common Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Description Pleuritis / Pleurisy Inflammation of the membranes that cover the lungs, known as pleura Pneumoconiosis Lung diseases that result from years environmental or occupational exposure to different types of dust; three types Pneumonia / Pneumonitis An inflammation of the lungs that is most often caused by a a bacterial, or viral, or fungal infection

7 Common Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Description Pneumothorax A collection of air in the chest around the lungs, which may cause atelectasis Pulmonary Edema A condition in which fluids fill spaces within the lungs, making it very difficult for the lungs to oxygenate the blood Pulmonary Embolism A blood clot (embolism) that travels usually from the legs and blocks an artery in the lungs

8 Common Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Description Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) Syndrome in which a lack of surfactant in the lungs allows the alveoli to collapse on exhalation, resulting in poor oxygenation Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) A viral respiratory disease that is very contagious and sometimes fatal Sinusitis An inflammation of the membranes lining the sinuses of the skull

9 Common Diseases and Disorders (cont.)
Description Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) A syndrome without characteristic signs or symptoms; usually a baby with this disorder simply goes to sleep and never wakes up Tuberculosis Primarily a respiratory disease caused by various strains of the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis Upper Respiratory (Tract) Infection (URI) Coryza, or the common cold

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