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Impact Aid Section 7002 federal property

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1 Impact Aid Section 7002 federal property
Kevin Duncan Tishomingo public schools

2 What is Section 7002? Reimburses LEA’s for tax revenue lost by the removal from the tax rolls of land acquired by the Federal Government since This section is related to Federal Property and is not associated with Section 7003 with students living on Indian Land. Impact Aid Federal Property payments offset some of the tax loss school districts experience on an annual basis. Approximately 238 Districts in the U.S. are eligible to apply.

3 Eligibility A local educational agency (LEA) is generally eligible for section 7002 assistance if it meets the following basic requirements: 1. The United States has acquired ownership of real property within the school district since 1938. 2. Such property was not acquired by exchange for other Federal property that the Federal Government owned before 1939, or 3. The assessed valuation of such property represented 10 percent or more of the total assessed valuation of all real property in the LEA at the time or times of Federal acquisition.

4 Eligibility cont. An LEA may base its eligibility on a former district contained within its boundaries. Examples of Eligible Federal Property: Corps of Engineer Projects (Lakes), National Parks and Grasslands, Military Installations, Military Testing Grounds, National Wildlife Refuges, National Laboratories 39 Oklahoma Districts were eligible in FY 2016 Payments range from $2,700 to $400,000 among Oklahoma Districts

5 Applicant Information
Eligible local education agencies that wish to apply for Impact Aid must submit an application each year using the Department’s online application system, e-Application, on the Internet at Applications submitted by means other than e-Application will not be accepted.

6 Applicant Information cont.
The application usually is published each year in November and must be submitted by the following January 31. There is no grace period for submitting signature pages. A potential applicant should review the Impact Aid Program law and regulations to determine if it might be eligible before applying for Impact Aid. Forms and instructions for each year’s application are available online. If you have questions about completing the application forms, please call (202) or contact by at

7 Section 7002 Application – Table 1
Table 1: Section 7002 Eligible Federal Property in the Local Educational Agency Applicant Name: Application Number:46-OK School Year: Tishomingo 35-I Instructions: List all Section 7002-eligible Federal property in the LEA. When the eligible federal property is located in more than one jurisdiction, enter the total number of acres in each jurisdiction. In column 1, enter the name of the Section 8002-eligible Federal property. In column 2, enter the name of the corresponding taxing jurisdiction. In column 3, enter the number of acres associated with and approved as eligible federal acres for the purposes of the Impact Aid Program. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Name of Section 7002-Eligible Federal Property (Generally, real property to which the Federal Government acquired ownership on or after 1939) Taxing Jurisdiction Number of Section 7002-eligible acres   Dension Dam & Reservior-Lake Texoma Red River (No City) OK  County: Johnston 23749 TOTAL: If the federal Impact Aid Program Section 7002-eligible acres total has changed from the FY 2014 application, you must provide an explanation and upload official documentation for the change at the designated location in G5.

8 Section 7002 Application – Table 2
Table 2: Revenue from Eligible Federal Property Applicant Name: Application Number: School Year: Instructions: List all revenue from Federal and non-Federal sources during the second preceding fiscal year (e.g., for the FY 2015 application) from activities associated with section 7002-eligible Federal property. If revenue is from Federal programs, provide the name of each Federal program and the name of the Federal agency responsible for administering that program. If only a portion of the Federal property generating the revenue is eligible under section 7002, prorate the revenue to reflect the share attributable to the section 7002-eligible property. For example, if the LEA has 10,000 acres of U.S. Forest Service property that generated $20,000 in timber revenues, but only 2,000 acres are eligible under section 7002, the LEA should report one-fifth (20 percent) of the total, or $4,000, as revenue associated with section 7002-eligble Federal property. Do not report Impact Aid revenue or receipts from other U.S. Department of Education programs on this table. If you receive no other revenue for the Section 7002-eligible acreage, enter $0.00 in column 2. Column 1 Column 2 Source of Revenue (If Federal, also list Federal agency and program.) Funds Received During Fiscal Year TOTAL: $0.00 All applicants must complete this table.

9 Section 7002 Application – Table 3
Table 3: Total Acreage and Taxable Value in the Local Educational Agency Applicant Name: Application Number: School Year: Tishomingo 35-I Instructions: Enter the total acreage located in the local educational agency (LEA) and the total taxable value for the purpose of levying property tax for school purposes for current expenditures of real property located within the boundaries of the local educational agency (LEA). In column 1, enter the name of the taxing jurisdiction. In column 2, enter the total acres located in the LEA boundaries or taxing jurisdiction (including the Section 7002-eligible acres, other non-taxable acres, and water acreage). In column 3, enter the total taxable value, for the purposes of levying property tax for school purposes for current expenditures, of the acres listed in column 2, for the prior fiscal year (e.g., use fiscal year for the FY 2015 application or the specific taxable value as of January 2014). If the LEA is located in more than one taxing jurisdiction (e.g., two counties) or contains more than one taxing jurisdiction (e.g., two townships), enter the information for each jurisdiction separately. Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Name of Taxing Jurisdiction (e.g., township name, city name, county name, etc.) Total Acres located in LEA boundaries (or taxing jurisdiction) Total Taxable Value of Real Property in the LEA  County: Johnston TOTAL UPLOAD REQUIRED in G5 e-Application - PDF format 1. Upload the source of the official data, such as a document from your State's website, or website URL; or 2. If the documentation was obtained directly from a local official (e.g., local tax assessor), you must submit a certification by that official that includes the person's name, title, address, and telephone number.

10 Section 7002 Application – Table 4
Table 4: Tax Levy Information Applicant Name: Application Number:46-OK School Year: Tishomingo 35-I Instructions: Enter the local real property tax levy, in mills or dollars, that was used to raise funds for current operating expenditures for the local educational agency (LEA) for the prior fiscal year (e.g., FY data for the FY 2015 application). Enter a single tax rate for school operations expenditures for all types of real property in the jurisdiction. When funds for current operating expenditures for the LEA are raised by more than one taxing jurisdiction, enter the tax rate information for each additional jurisdiction on a separate line. Column 1 Column 2 Name of taxing jurisdiction (e.g., school district name, township name, city name, county name, etc.) Tax Rate for Current Operating Expenditures for This LEA for Fiscal Year (e.g., 2.5 mills per $1) Number Units Per $ Rate  County: Johnston 36.66 Mills 1.0  

11 Table 3 County Assessor Verification
APPLICATION FOR IMPACT AID-SECTION 7002 COUNTY ASSESSORS VERIFICATION IMPACT AID NUMBER 46-OK APPLICANT NAME: TISHOMINGO 35-I 1300 E. MAIN STREET TISHOMINGO, OKLAHOMA JOHNSTON COUNTY Guyla Hart Johnston County Assessor 403 W. Main, Suite 102 Tishomingo, OK 73460 (580) I, Guyla Hart, Johnston County Assessor, certify that the information on Table 3 is valid and accurate. ________________________________ __________________ Signature Date (Seal)

12 Table 4 Tax Levy Information

13 Email:
Contact Information IAP Office: (202) Website: then search for “Impact Aid” Kevin Duncan, Tishomingo Schools (580) or

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