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Protista Party Key.

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1 Protista Party Key

2 Page 1 Low Power: 40 Medium Power: 100 High Power: 400

3 Page 2 Euglena: Did you draw what you saw in the 2 pictures…if so give you get credit. Take off 1 point for each not drawn. In what ways is this interesting organism similar to plants? It contains chloroplasts. Very quick and use a flagella

4 Page 2 Amoeba Did you draw what you saw in the 2 pictures…if so give you get credit. Take off 1 point for each not drawn. What does “pseudopod” mean: False foot Movement Very slow and slime like

5 Page 3 Paramecium Did you draw what you saw in the 2 pictures…if so give you get credit. Take off 1 point for each not drawn. It searches for its food Very quick, it doesn’t like light

6 Cell Riddles Page 4 Cytosol/cytoplasm Ribosomes Nucleolus Chromosomes
Cell membrane Mitochondria Vacuole Chloroplast lysosome Ribosomes Chromosomes Nucleus Endoplasmic reticulum Cell wall Golgi apparatus

7 Page 5 Cell Structure Cell wall Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus
2. allows certain materials to move into and out of the cell 3. nucleus 4. moves material around in the cell 5. ribosome 6. mitochondria captures light energy and stores as chemical energy in plants Protects the plant cell Vacuole Package and sort cellular substances for export lysosome Cell wall Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Ribosomes Endoplasmic reticulum Mitochondrion Chloroplast Vacuole Golgi body

8 Page 6 Across: Endoplasmic reticulum Chloroplast Nucleus Organelles
Down Mitochondrion Cell theory Tissue Cytoplasm Cell wall Organ Membrane Virus Host Across: Endoplasmic reticulum Chloroplast Nucleus Organelles Golgi bodies 15. Ribosomes

9 Page 7 I E A B G D H C F D B A

10 Page 8 B A D C Tissues team up to form organs because they cannot function by themselves Cells have different parts because each part has a specific function. The parts work together to keep the cell alive. You come up with examples.

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