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Pastoral Care Assembly

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1 Pastoral Care Assembly

2 Welcome This assembly is all about pastoral care.
When we talk about pastoral care we are talking about looking after each other, caring for each other, making sure everyone around us is ok.

3 Safeguarding Team Mrs Gollogly (Designated Teacher for child protection) Mrs Burns (Deputy Designated Teacher for child protection) Mrs Campbell Mrs Gollogly and Mrs Burns have a special role to play in school. They are people you can go to if you have a problem. If you are worried about anything at all. They are here to help.

4 Staff Members Mrs Burns Mrs Cunningham Miss Ronney Mrs Finnegan
Mrs Doherty Mrs Watters Mrs Harvey Mrs Carnegie Lenka Mrs McAllister Mrs Linnie All these people are here to help you and keep you safe. You never have to carry your worries on your own. You can speak to anyone of the members of staff and they will help you sort everything out.

5 Golden Rules In Killean PS we use the Golden Rules to help remind us how to look after one another. We use the examples of how Christ looked after everyone around Him to guide us as well.

6 Jesus said: “Turn the other cheek.”
If someone strikes you, don’t strike back. Forgive them. In Killean PS, if someone strikes you, don’t strike back – TELL! Right away – TELL! If you see someone picking on another boy or girl –TELL!

7 Are you a helpful person?
If you don’t tell you are supporting the mean person who is making someone else unhappy. Do you want to be the person who says nothing? Or the person who reaches out and helps?

8 Being kind in Killean PS
In Killean PS, we are kind and helpful to each other. We stick up for each other and for what is right. We do not stand by and watch while someone is picked on.

9 Golden Rules We are gentle and we don't hurt others.
We are kind and helpful and we don't hurt anybody's feelings. We listen and don't interrupt. We are honest and we don't cover up the truth. We work hard, we don't waste our own or others' time. We look after property. We never waste or damage things.

10 We are guided by the Golden Rules
We are kind and respectful to each other and to the adults who work with us every day. If an adult is speaking – we are listening. If we are asked to sit down – we stay in our seats. If we are asked to stop talking – we stop talking.

11 You ask, “What’s so bad about talking?”
What is so bad about talking in class? You are holding other people back from their work. You are not getting your own work done to the highest standard. You are the reason the teacher / adult in the room has to raise their voice – some children find this very unsettling.

12 Think! Close your eyes now.
Think about how you behave in school – in class and in the playground. Think about how your behaviour makes others feel. Does it make those around you feel like they’re having a really great day? Or a really awful day?

13 Think! Does the teacher need to ask you all the time to listen?
Are you asked to sit down very often in the classroom? Does the teacher have to wait for your attention during a lesson? Do you fiddle with things and distract others at your table? Do you tidy up your desk and under your desk as soon as you’re asked?

14 Think! Do you annoy other children in the playground?
Do you use threatening words in the playground? Do you refuse to play with some children, or with a particular child? Do you encourage others not to play with the same child? Do you use bad language or shout at others? Do you ignore other children? Do you push or hit other children? Do the other children tell on you a lot? Why do think they do that?

15 Why? Why do you behave in the way you do?
If there is something you feel is unfair, you know who you can talk to. You now know why it is important to be kind and thoughtful to everyone around you – it’s because we all want to have a great day – not a bad day. We all want the same thing.

16 Behaviour Survey Now we are going to fill in the Behaviour Survey. Think carefully before you write anything. If you are happy – that’s terrific BUT if you know unkind things are being said about another child, or are being done to another child, please write that down. It’s very important. We all want someone to help us if we are in trouble or distress.

17 Remember The behaviour survey is very private. No-one will know what you write. You can be sure that if someone is annoying you – there’ll be other children also being annoyed by the same person. TELL! TELL! TELL! TELL! TELL! TELL!

18 Click on the link below to return to our school website:

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