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Strategic Plan Moving Forward

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1 Strategic Plan Moving Forward
Dartmouth Public Schools Achieving Excellence Strategic Plan Moving Forward October 30, 2017

2 Strategic Objectives Teaching and Learning Access and Equity
Carl Robidoux and Tracy Oliveira Access and Equity Darren Doane and Elizabeth Townson Community Engagement Cathy Maccini and Heidi Brooks

3 Teaching and Learning Develop and sustain a vertically and horizontally aligned curriculum, instruction, and assessment system to support growth of all learners. Build internal capacity to design calendar maps and units of study that address academic gaps, redundancies, and misalignments for purposes of improving the overall coherence of the district’s curriculum and, by extension, its effectiveness. Create a system of assessment of and for learning to evaluate student growth, provide targeted interventions and promote adjustment of instructional practices to foster improved student achievement.

4 Teaching and Learning Develop and sustain a vertically and horizontally aligned curriculum, instruction, and assessment system to support growth of all learners. Enhance and expand the K - 12 STEM programs and enrichment activities, and develop related curricula. Enhance the K-12 mathematics programs to ensure vertical alignment, focusing on mathematical practices to provide pathways to Calculus.

5 Teaching and Learning Updates: Initiative 1
Rubicon PD and access (100% staff) K-5 Science, Math Alignment & S/Seq & Reading S/Seq complete Grade 6-8 Phase 1 & 2 complete all content areas PD: Curriculum mapping, unit writing (UbD), Classr tech productivity tools Added ITS staff (Pk-8 support complete) Restructured MS digital literacy, instructional technology delivery Established partnership with Highlander Institute (BL, PL, Innovation Paths) Vertical Teams: MS/HS i.e. coaches, focus on Algebra 1 CIA i.e. science & writing Scope/Seq

6 Teaching and Learning Updates: Initiative 2
K-5 Asst Calendar in RA for STAR refined DMS: A minimum of 2 pre/post assess created in all content areas DIBELS math & tiered supports implemented PD on SEL provided Team addressed Child Protection Unit process & implementation including Parent Information Amended Scope/Sequence for Second Step Data/RTI teams (review multiple data pts & determine tiered interventions)

7 Teaching and Learning Updates: Initiative 3
iSTEM Curriculum Mapping i.e. STE K-8 Added ITS staff Reorganized DMS tech staff & courses to include Digital Literacy Computer Science Engineering Technology integration Innovation support

8 Teaching and Learning Updates: Initiative 4
DMS/DHS Coach/Lead Teacher meetings to align curriculum & enhance instructional practices (math) Partnered with UMass in support of DHS math dept. i.e. focus on mathematical instructional practices Piloted academic support & coaching

9 Teaching and Learning Next Steps
Expand Curriculum Mapping & Rubicon Atlas PD Enhance functions of ITS & integration of DLS into curriculum units Develop Teacher Leading Learning, House Teams & ILT across district Create Data Dashboard for Student Assessment data PD i.e. formative assessment date to inform instruction Redesign iSTEM Club to PBL Engage in Innovation pathway development Develop Innovation Pathways/coaching PD i.e. MA Skills Grant Host DSAC math network sessions

10 Access and Equity Strengthen practices and procedures that promote equal access to ensure social and emotional learning and college and career readiness for all with an emphasis on engagement, high expectations & shared responsibilities. Build upon and enrich a technological structure which supports all teachers and students, capitalizing upon their enthusiasm, and allowing for equal access to individual instruction. Expand and enrich current systems and practices to support the academic and social and emotional well-being of all learners.

11 Access and Equity Updates: Initiative 1
Technology teachers (ITS) weekly mtg to unpack DLS Thorough assess/evaluation current resources & needs Continuing to review & update technology report Drafted concise list of software applications to be used across grade levels/district wide

12 Access and Equity Updates: Initiative 1
Building based strategic teams Have analyzed current practices as they relate to meeting SEL needs Made changes to student support services RTI process becomes more formalized Development of Step Up program description (6-12) to clearly define & DHS Director of Counseling & Student PD i.e. transition planning, SEL, Anxiety/Depression

13 Access and Equity Next Steps
Continue DLS alignment using RA Update Technology Plan & plan purchases accordingly Review & refine Step Up placement & scheduling Develop entrance/exit criteria i.e. Step Up Monthly Clinical Services meetings Continue SPED department PD sessions Weekly school visits from Director of Student Services

14 Community Engagement Expand partnerships with families & community members to enhance social and emotional learning and academic growth for all learners. Increase communication with students, parents, teachers, and the broader Dartmouth Community by maximizing the use of technology and the media Support and expand outreach and engagement with parents, family and community.

15 Community Engagement Updates: Initiative 1
Several meetings/reviews/decision making moments i.e. website Explored creation of APP to be used by the Dartmouth community Reviewed various mass notification systems i.e. focus groups

16 Community Engagement Updates: Initiative 2
Designed & hosted series of community workshops Created COPE Utilized website for South Coast Regional Resource Network Increased social media presence Partnered with DA/UMASS family field day i.e. recovery walk

17 Community Engagement Next Steps
Website roll out District APP roll out New mass notification system roll out Expand partnerships i.e. MA Skills Grant such as articulation agreements

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