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America Saves Week 2018 Lindsay Ferguson, Outreach Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "America Saves Week 2018 Lindsay Ferguson, Outreach Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 America Saves Week 2018 Lindsay Ferguson, Outreach Manager

2 Housekeeping 2 Mute Microphone icon OR *6 if you’re listening through a phone Questions Chat box only

3 Who we are 3 America Saves, a national campaign that uses the principles of social marketing and behavioral economics to motivate and support low to moderate income households to save money, reduce debt, and build wealth.

4 How we engage Savers America Saves Week Local Campaigns Military Saves
Annual opportunity for organizations to promote saving and for Savers to reassess their current savings habits and attitudes. Local Campaigns Campaigns led by local organizations and working groups who promote savings and the Pledge through financial stability programming. *Over 60 in U.S. Military Saves Dedicated to helping service members and their families save money, reduce debt, and build wealth. America Saves for Young Workers Youth employment program focus with direct deposit component. FREE! Marketing materials, resources, research, and technical support provided for all initiatives.

5 Why? 5

6 Why? 6

7 Make a plan 7

8 and build wealth over time.
The Pledge 8 I pledge to save money, reduce debt, and build wealth over time.  I will encourage my family and friends to do the same.

9 Saver Trends 9

10 Savers 10 530,000 + Savers

11 Motivational Resources -Email
Weekly tips, tools, resources, information, challenges, and stories!

12 Motivational Resources -Text
Text Examples: America Saves/Military Saves: With each savings deposit, you are one step closer to getting out of debt. Have you made your deposit this month? Reply YES or NO. America Saves: Need to pay off debt from last holiday? Pay off debt with double-digit interest rates. America Saves: Once a month, use records to review what you've purchased. Reallocate some of this spending to emergency savings. *79% said our texts were very (47%) or somewhat (32%) helpful as they worked on saving or paying down debt. *When asked how often they prefer to receive America Saves texts, 37% said more often, 7% said less often, and 57% said same frequency.

13 Engage with Savers & partners
Annual opportunity for organizations & Savers Easy for you to participate Plug and play into your current programs Fun Show impact

14 Engage with Savers & partners
Daily Themes Monday, February 26: Save with a plan Tuesday, February 27: Save the easy way…automatically Wednesday, February 28: Save for rainy days Thursday, March 1: Save to retire Friday, March 2: Save the extra Saturday, March 3: Save as a family

15 America Saves Week 2018 Cooperative Extension 131 participants in 2017
Support since the first ASW in 2007 Leadership of many ASW activities Opportunity to enhance financial stability programming Reporting survey Mini grants Ohio State University

16 Digital Toolkit Social Media Content #ASW2018
16 Social Media Content #ASW2018 Includes posts and graphics Sample Content for Blogs, s, Newsletters and More Based on themes Events and Activities

17 Ways you can contribute
Digital Toolkit 17 Ways you can contribute Provide theme-based content Blog content Research Tips, tools, etc. Provide community events and activities that are open to the public Financial fairs Workshop series Webinars

18 #ImSavingFor Photo and Video Contest
18 Savers and followers old-and new-to create a video of their savings story or submit a photo of themselves and their savings goal for a chance to win a cash prize. Great social media engagement strategy!

19 Embeddable Pledge Form
19 Behavior Change EASY to implement On your website Tracking Number of Savers Savings goals Total amount pledged to save Year-round

20 Mini Grants 20 Exclusive to America Saves Local Campaigns & Cooperative Extensions Support ASW 2018 activities Up to $1,000 DUE NOV. 20 Looking for: Promotion of the Pledge Partnerships Non-youth focused events (think of Savers with savings goals) Outreach opportunities like events

21 What Others Have Done 21 Financial Fairs were conducted in 9 physical locations with an audience of The Financial Fair was also displayed electronically on our website along with the embedded America Saves pledge form. –University of Arkansas Promoted America Saves Week to TANF recipients via –Colorado State University Hosted a Wealth Fair for 200 workers at Leroy Somer Industry in Lexington, TN. A total of 38 factory workers took the America Saves PLEDGE, pledging to save $69, within 4 to 60 months. –University of Tennessee, Henderson Co.

22 What Others Have Done 22 I incorporated the America Saves pledge and message into my First Time Homebuyer programs by connecting the need to save regularly for home maintenance. I expanded or increased the savings message with examples of home maintenance expenses and how to calculate savings needed across time. I created the innovation for the America Saves Week but I will continue to use the materials and message. This is a powerful tool for helping new home owners succeed. –University of Florida, Volusia Co. UT-TSU Extension Madison County and BancorpSouth partnered to focus savings promotion and education efforts on VITA site clients through workshops and social media. –University of Tennessee, Madison Co. Hosted multiple #ImSavingFor events through partner organizations like at the library and VITA sites –Uconn Extension

23 Sign up!!

24 Thank you & Questions Lindsay Ferguson

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