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I-Pill and unwanted 72 By Ela Woman. INTRODUCTION.

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1 I-Pill and unwanted 72 By Ela Woman


3 All About I Pill and Unwanted 72All About I Pill and Unwanted 72 and so forth are ECP’s. I am coping my article on ECP’s which will answer every one of your questions. Crisis Contraceptive Pill: Crisis ‪ contraceptives go about as interceptive specialists i.e. ovulation, fertilization or implantation` is forestalled depending on the period of menstrual cycle.Keep in mind, these pills are not intended as customary types of contraception. If you are looking for a standard contraceptive, there are numerous options available to you. Request that your doctor enable you to find one, which works best for you. Emergency Contraceptive Pill? Crisis contraceptive pill is a pill used by a lady subsequent to having an unprotected intercourse (sex), to keep her from getting pregnant. It is sometimes called “the morning after pill,” “the day after pill,” or “morning after contraception or postcoital pill. the expression “morning after I Pill “ is misleading; ECPs might be initiated sooner than the morning after—immediately after unprotected intercourse—or later—for no less than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. ECPs are considered 96-98% effective in preventing pregnancy.I Pill Dr. Madhuri Mankar is an Infertility Specialist, Gynecologist and Obstetrician in Dombivali, Thane and has an ordeal of 17 years in these fields. She has finished MBBS from GMC Bhopal in 1995, DGO from GMC Mumbai in 1999. She has practical experience in barrenness medicines like,Infertility Evaluation/Treatment, Laparoscopic Surgery, Natural Cycle IVF, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI), Artificial Insemination, Intra cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), D&C and so forth.

4 She has offered her administrations in rumored healing facilities like Kusum Hospital, Mauli Hospital, Nirman IVF and Test Tube Baby Center and some more. She additionally has an enrollment of Maharastra Medical Council, Medical Council of India (MCI), Association of Medical Consultants, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) “Emergency” is important to note. If you are sexually active or planning to be, don’t use crisis contraception as your exclusive protection against pregnancy. Additionally, crisis contraception does not ensure against sexually transmitted infections, like HIV When to take ‪ ECP Crisis contraception offers ladies a last opportunity to counteract ‪ ‎pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. If you are not using some other contraceptive strategies and you have engaged in sexual relations. The condom severed down or came during the demonstration. If you have missed no less than 2 or 3 of your consistent birth control pills, or if you were compelled to engage in sexual relations. Side effects of crisis contraception: I Pill Side EffectsI Pill Side Effects include nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, bosom delicacy, cerebral pain, dizziness, and fatigue. These more often than not don’t happen for more than a couple of days after treatment, and they by and large determination within 24 hours. There are very little evidence of long haul side effects of these medicines yet there are a few studies or beliefs that these pills have long haul effects on the ladies’ body like irregular menses, mastalgia and infertility. Effects on Pregnancy: There have been no conclusive studies of births to ladies who were at that point pregnant when they took ECPs or following failure of ECP

5 Regardless of whether to counsel a doctor before taking ECP? Not so much! However if you experience the ill effects of high circulatory strain, diabetes, previous tubal pregnancy, it’s a smart thought to discuss it with your doctor while going for a wellbeing check When to contact a doctor in the wake of taking the ECP? If you experience the following symptoms: Severe abdominal pain Chest pain or shortness of breath Severe cerebral pain. Eye issues like blurring of vision. Severe leg or arm pain How long impact of ECP last? The use of ECP is just for 1-2 demonstrations of unprotected sex and that too within 72 hours, if you happen to engage in sexual relations following 72 hours you ought to search for alternative and customary type of contraceptio Dr. Sushma Gunjotikar is a Gynecologist, Infertility Specialist and Obstetrician in Thane West, Thane. She has an affair of 28 years in this field and offers her administrations in Pregnant Women Counseling,Nutrition for Pregnant Women, Well Woman Healthcheck, Unilateral Salpingo- Oophorectomy, D&C (Dilation and Curettage), Cosmetic labiaplasty, Fertility Treatment, Female Infertility Treatment, Infertility Evaluation/Treatment and some more. She finished MBBS from Karnataka University in 1988 and DNB - Obstetrics and Gynecology from India in 1991. She has worked at clinics like Bethany Hospital, Kaushalya Hospital and Param Hospital. She is likewise present proprietor of Gunjyotikar Hospital,Thane.

6 When to expect periods in the wake of taking ECP Your next period may come at some point or another than anticipated, however most ladies get their period within 7 days of expected date. Your period may likewise be heavier or lighter than ordinary. If you don’t get your period within 21 days or if you think you could be pregnant, complete a pregnancy test. Does Weight Affect Emergency Contraception effectiveness? Yes, if you have a weight index (BMI) that is higher than 25, it’s less effective. If you have a weight index (BMI) that is higher than 30, it may not work by any means. How Much Does An I-pill 72 Cost? I-pill can be obtained at all leading pharmaceutical stores and chemists the whole way across the nation. Bigger departmental stores additionally stock crisis contraceptive pills and they can even be purchased online through leading e-retailers. You needn’t bother with a doctor’s prescription to purchase I-pill. Priced at about Rs. 85 for a pack of 1 tablet, in a nation where sex is still an unthinkable, it appears to be a standout amongst the best approaches to keep a pregnancy after hazardous sex, instances of constrained sex, assault, failure of contraceptive technique being used and so forth. Infact, numerous adolescents likewise wind up popping the pill following a night of passion, and in a nation where rates of high school pregnancies are rising, it is quite financially savvy also. What Is The I-pill Dosage? A single tablet of I-pill ought to be brought with a glass of water, earlier or after nourishment, within 12 to 72 hours and not later than that. After an occasion of unprotected sex, if taken within 72 hours, I-pill works with the female hormones such that pregnancy is counteracted and the requirement for abortion does not arise. It might be noted here that I-pill just keeps a pregnancy, and does not cause an abortion if a pregnancy has just happened. It ought not devoured if you are as of now pregnant and ought not be taken more than once in a menstrual cycle.

7 How Effective Is The I-pill? No crisis or general contraception can ensure 100% protection, and I-pill offers an impressive 95%- 98% efficacy – provided it is taken within 12 and 72 hours of unprotected sex – the sooner you take it, the more effective it will be. If your periods get late, it is advised to get yourself tried for pregnancy. What Precautions Should Be Taken After Consuming I-pill? Because I-pill contains Levonorgestrel, ladies who are allergic to it ought to counsel the doctor before consuming it. You ought to likewise realize that it doesn’t shield you from HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases. I-pill should just be used after an isolated episode of risky sex and ought not be devoured as a normal contraceptive measure. Infact, you ought to avoid taking them more than twice in a 6 months period.

8 For More Information, please Visit : or Call at+91 – 78 999 126 11

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