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PDHindujaHospitalIUiIVFClinicandDr. Kusum Zaveri Gynecologist By Ela Woman Ela Woman Hinduja IVF Hinduja IVF Hospital is known for housing experienced.

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Presentation on theme: "PDHindujaHospitalIUiIVFClinicandDr. Kusum Zaveri Gynecologist By Ela Woman Ela Woman Hinduja IVF Hinduja IVF Hospital is known for housing experienced."— Presentation transcript:

1 PDHindujaHospitalIUiIVFClinicandDr. Kusum Zaveri Gynecologist By Ela Woman Ela Woman Hinduja IVF Hinduja IVF Hospital is known for housing experienced General Physicians. Dr. Ajinkya Bhandari, a well-reputed General Physician, practices in Mumbai. Visit this medical health centre for General Physicians recommended by 44 patients.This belief led him to establish the "National Health and Education Society" in 1954. He would visit the hospital devotedly every day to meet the patients, enquire about their needs and ensure that they were comfortable and received adequate treatment.He would pay particular attention to the poor and the needy. His method of screening patients to qualify for free treatment was quite simple.

2 He would make the patients declare before the deities of his or her Guru and the Almighty that they did not have the means to pay the bills, and provide them with free medical care. P D Hinduja Hospital IUI IVF clinic continues to fulfil his dream of providing world-class medical care to all sections of society.P D Hinduja Hospital IUI IVF Involved with in vitro fertilization? There are 3 basic steps in the IVF and embryo transfer process: Step 1: Fertility medications are prescribed to stimulate egg production. Multiple eggs are desired because some eggs will not develop or fertilize after retrieval. A transvaginal ultrasound is used to examine the ovaries, and blood test samples are taken to check hormone levels. Step 2: Eggs are retrieved through a minor surgical procedure that uses ultrasound imaging to guide a hollow needle through the pelvic cavity to remove the eggs. Medication is provided to reduce and remove potential discomfort.

3 Step 3: The male is asked to produce a sample of sperm, which is prepared for combining with the eggs. With the history of many firsts in delivering only the best to patients far and wide, comes another milestone. Dr. Indira Hinduja and Dr. Kusum Zaveri now join hands with P.Dr. Kusum Zaveri D. Hinduja Hospital. Hinduja IVF Centre is the fruition of our efforts with the aim providing the best of expertise and treatment options; very few can match up to. Unrivalled expertise, standardised and transparent care delivery protocols, quality processes, hand-holding every step of the way from pre-conception to post delivery ensure you get your best chance at making your family complete. The Hospital has treated over 3 million outpatients and performed over a million surgeries, a million radiological investigations and over 7.5 million lab investigations. Its laboratory is the first hospital laboratory to be accredited by the College of American Pathologists. The Hospital has been a trend setter in Health care of having many first to its credit. It was one of the first hospital in India to perform Laparoscopic Gall Bladder surgery, Cochlear Implantation, Awake Craniotomy for Epilepsy surgery, Cadaver Kidney Transplant & Peripheral blood Stem Cell Transplant. It was the first in Mumbai to introduce High Resolution Scanning (HRCT) for lungs and Magnetic Resonance Angiography. This is one of the most renowned hospitals in the city. P D Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre is located at Mahim in Mumbai. The hospital started first as a small clinic in 1951 and by 1976 the hospital was set up. This is one of the most prestigious hospitals in the country and receives patients not just from the city but also from other states and countries. The hospital has received the following accreditation: HACCP, CAP, NABH Accreditation and ISO 27001: 2005 Certification. The hospital has treated over 3 million out patients successfully. Up till now they have provided high-end tertiary care to over 175 thousand in-patients, over a 1.0 million surgeries & scopies have been performed, over 1.0 million radiological investigations have been carried out and over 7.5 million laboratory investigations to date. Achievements of P D Hinduja Hospital

4 The clinic has numerous 'Firsts' surprisingly. The healing facility was the first in India to perform wakeful craniotomy for epilepsy surgery, laparoscopic annoy bladder surgery, Cochlear Implantation, body kidney transplant and fringe blood foundational microorganism transplant and Lung Transplant. It was the main healing facility in India to begin a Pain Management Clinic, Vulvar Clinic. To begin with healing facility in Mumbai to begin screening Center for bosom tumor and additionally Home Care, which is essentially nursing care benefit at one's doorstep. The Hospital gives office to Therapeutic medication checking for the most elevated number of medications in the India. The healing facility was the first in Mumbai to present high determination examining (HRCT) of the lungs, it additionally presented MR Angiography and advanced non obtrusive screening conventions joining shading doppler and MRA for signs like carotid screening. It was the primary clinic to introduce Digital Video EEG for recording the electrical occasions of the cerebrum. Find a Infertility Specialist in your area - Ela manages fertility, track ovulation & helps discover top Gynecologists, IUI and IVF clinics in your city. Now with Ela find and compare Fertility Doctors & IVF Centers at just a click. Ela through its patented technology, helps women learn all about their ovulation, fertility & understand their menstruation cycle for either trying to conceive or avoid pregnancy. With Ela IVF and Fertility find the best IVF Specialists, Gynecologist, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy Centres in your city at just a click. Call our help line number at +91 7899912611 for your first free consultation. Get first appointment FREE, check Reviews, IVF Cost, Success rate, Fees, Address on our platforma at Elawoman Elawoman

5 Dr. Kusum Zaveri Gynecologist Teaching Experience: Undergraduates and postgraduate teaching experience for 25 years at King Edwards Memorial Hospital (KEM Hospital) and Seth G.S. Medical Hospital and College. Examiner for M.B.B.S., M.D. for several times in Maharashtra, Goa. Professional Commitments: Guide for M.Sc and Ph.D. in Applied Biology, University of Bombay. Editorial Board: The National Medical Journal of India. · House Physician(June 1967 to November 1967), Department of Pediatrics, BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, Topiwala National Medical(TNM) College, Bombay. · House Surgeon (December 1967 to May 1968), Department of Obstetrics And Gynaecology, BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, TNM College, Bombay. · Registrar,(June 1968 to November 1968), Department of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis, BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, TNM College, Bombay. · Registrar, (December 1968 to November 1969),Preventive and Social Medicine, BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, TNM College, Bombay.

6 · Registrar, (December 1969 to June 1972) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, TNM College, Bombay. · Senior Registrar (June 1972 to November 1973) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology King Edward Memorial (KEM)Hospital and Seth GS Medical College, Bombay. · Tutor (December 1973 to March 1976) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, KEM Hospital and Seth GS Medical College, Bombay. During this period was promoted as Assistant Professor for 9 months in leave vacancy of Assistant Professor in Department of Obst. and Gynaec of KEM Hospital & Seth GS Medical College, Bombay. · Reader (Assistant Professor) (1 st April 1976 to 20 th August 1987). Department Of Obstetrics. & Gynaecology of KEM Hospital, Seth GS Medical College, Bombay. · As a Reader In-Charge of Department of Post Partum Programme from March 1977 to March 1979. During this period organised number of female sterilisation camps all over Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa and Madhya Pradesh. I was awarded by Bombay Municipal Corporation for excellent work in the field of Family Welfare. · Professor ( 20 th August, 1987 till 14 th July, 1991) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, KEM Hospital, Seth GS Medical College Bombay. · HONORARY OBSTETRICIAN AND GYNAECOLOGIST (15 th July 1991-till date.) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre.

7 or Call at +91 – 78 999 126 11 Thank You For More Information, please Visit : Elawoman Elawoman

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