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Cuminum cyminum L. Cumin is an important annual spice crop.

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1 Cuminum cyminum L. Cumin is an important annual spice crop. Mainly grown in Gujrat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan and Gujrat are the main cumin growing states which accounts for 56% production of the country. Dried seed is mainly used as condiment and contain 7-8% volatile oil. It has also pharmaceutical value Total area under cumin is 760’000Ha with a production of 486’000MT (NHB,2017)

2 Important varieties Name
Source RZ-223, RZ-19, RZ-209, RS-1, MC-43 SKNCOA, Jobner(Rajasthan) Gujrat Cumin-3, Gujrat Cumin-2, Gujrat Cumin-1 GAU, Junagarh

3 Soil and Field Preparation Manures and Fertilizers
Climate It is a cool season cop high rainfall and humidity especially after flowering is not desirable Soil and Field Preparation Select field in which cumin has not been sown for last three years Deep friable and well drained loam to medium heavy soils Soil should be brought to fine tilth by one deep ploughing followed by 2-3 light ploughings followed by planking Pre-sowing irrigation should be given Manures and Fertilizers 150q/ha Basal dose( N:P:K)kg/ha : 15: 20: 15 15kg/ha should be top-dressed at 30 days after sowing

4 Sowing Time Sowing Method Seed Rate Irrigation
Mid November – mid December Sowing Method Line sowing: Shallow furrows are made at a distance of 22.5 to 25cm Seed should not be sown more than 1.0cm depth Seed Rate 10-12 kg /ha Irrigation First: light irrigation immediately after sowing Second: 8-10 days after sowing Subsequently dates interval depending upon moisture condition of the soil Avoid irrigation at the time of grain filling

5 Weed Control Critical stage is initial stage as growth of weeds is much faster than the crop First weeding and hoeing is done 30days after sowing and second at 50 days after sowing Pre- emergence application of 1kg/ha followed by one hand weeding at 25 days after sowing Harvesting Crop matures in days after sowing Harvest the crop when the stems become yellow and leaves fall Uprooting of plants and threshing later on should not be done instead cutting by sickles is recommended Yield 6-8q/ha

6 Major insect pests and diseases of cumin
Scientific Name Control Insects Aphid Myzus persicae Spray endosulphon % Mite Petrobia latens Spray Ethion % Diseases Powdery mildew Erysiphe polygoni Spray sulphur based fungicide Blight Alternaria burnsii Spray or Dithane 0.2%

7 Foeniculum vulgare Mill.
Fennel is an annual aromatic herb Used for flavouring food products and has high medicinal value Commercially grown in Gujrat and Rajasthan. Gujrat alone occupies 64% area of cultivation in India It is cultivated in 75000Ha area in India and the production is MT Varieties Name Source UF-101 RAU, Campus-Udaipur Gujrat Fennel-11, Gujrat Fennel-1 GAU, Junagarh Hisar Swarup HAU, Hisar RF-143 RAU, Jobner Co-1 TNAU PF-35

8 Soil and Field Preparation Manures and Fertilizers
Climate It is a cool season crop Requires dry and cool climate for its better yield and quality Susceptible to frost at flowering stage Cloudy weather for long duration at flowering and seed formation increase the incidence of aphids and attack of Ramularia blight disease Soil and Field Preparation Deep friable and well drained loam to medium heavy soils Soil should be brought to fine tilth by one deep ploughing followed by 2-3 light ploughings followed by planking Pre-sowing irrigation should be given Manures and Fertilizers 150q/ha Basal dose( N:P:K)kg/ha : 40: 40: 40kg/ha should be top-dressed in two splits at 30 and 50 days after sowing

9 Sowing Method and Seed Rate
Sowing Time 15th September – 15th November Under north Indian plains, mid September to mid October If transplanting method is followed then seed is sown in June/July and transplanted later on after days Sowing Method and Seed Rate Spacing: 45-60cm × 20-30cm Seed should not be sown more than 1.5cm deep 10-12kg seed for direct sowing 3-4kg seed for transplanting method Irrigation Being long duration crop fennel requires more irrigations than other seed spices Water stress should be avoided at flowering and seed formation stages

10 Weed Control Critical stage is initial stage as growth of weeds is much faster than the crop. Moreover, fennel is space planted spice and frequent light irrigation favour growth of weeds First weeding and hoeing is done 30days after sowing and second at 60 days after sowing Pre- emergence application of 1kg/ha followed by one hand weeding at 25 days after sowing Harvesting Crop matures in days after sowing 3-4 pickings should be done as the umbels do not mature at the same time The crop is harvested 40 days after pollination for the production of chewing type (Lucknavi) Uprooting of plants and threshing later on should not be done instead cutting by sickles is recommended Harvest when the seeds are fully developed and colour turn to yellow Yield q/ha

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