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2 What does this picture show?

3 What does this picture show?
Bourgeoisie a.k.a the ruling class Own land and factories (means of production) Social class inequality: The minority at the top of the pyramid are born into privilege and exploit the majority. Proletariat Work for the Bourgeoisie, making them richer. Earn very little an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. An economic system that most countries in the world follow


5 Marxism and feminism are both conflict theories. Why?

6 Marxism and feminism are both conflict theories. Why?
Conflict between social classes Conflict between gender Marxism and feminism are both conflict theories. Why?

7 How do Marxists See the Family?
Welcome to the ‘Darker side’ of family life How do Marxists See the Family? A: Identify the Marxist perspective of the family M: Describe the Marxist perspective S: Critique the Marxist perspective

8 MARXISM How? Marxists argue that families help reproduce inequality.
TASK Write down as many ways you can think of.

9 Reproduction of inequality
Inheritance of property (Engels)

10 Reproduction of inequality
2. Can afford to send children to independent schools

11 Reproduction of inequality
3. Socialisation into social positions – consider them natural and set (Marx)

12 Reproduction of inequality
4. Children from higher social classes are socialised into the norms and values of the elite

13 Reproduction of inequality
5. Children from higher social classes are socialised to be able to used elaborated speech codes

14 Reproduction of inequality
6. The family teaches children the ideology of capitalism (Althusser)

Remove the nuclear family and replace it with communes (communities of interdependent people)

16 PLENARY 1: True or False? Marxism is a conflict theory
Marxism is a conflict theory Marxists love capitalism Capitalism is an economic and political system whereby trade and industry and owned privately Marxists despise capitalism Functionalism and Marxism share very similar ideas about the family Marxism is based on the premise that capitalist societies are unequal and unfair Marxists argue that the family plays a positive role Marxists argue that the family reproduces inequality and promotes capitalism

17 Plenary 2

18 Functionalist or Marxist?
The family is a socially useful and happy institution providing the best context for bringing up children

19 Functionalist or Marxist?
The family is an important institution because of its contribution to maintaining social stability.

20 Functionalist or Marxist?
Children are socialised by the family and other institutions to conform to the dominant ideology

21 Functionalist or Marxist?
Only the family provides the warmth, security and emotional support necessary to keep a society stable

22 Functionalist or Marxist?
Patterns of obedience laid down in the family form the basis for acceptance of the hierarchy of power and control in capitalist society

23 Functionalist or Marxist?
The family exists primarily to pass on private property from one generation to the next, and to prepare a submissive and obedient workforce

24 Functionalist or Marxist?
Families are factories producing stable human personalities

25 Functionalist or Marxist?
It is highly unlikely that any society will find an adequate substitute to take over the functions of the nuclear family

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