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Pupil Premium Champions Meeting 16th September 2015
Pupil Premium Reports Action Planning How to involve Governors with measuring the impact of PP What are the early results telling us about our challenge in Closing The Gap What is happening across the Tees Valley Challenge which might help us Exploring possibilities of gaining funding for additional work with key groups including reading through new funding via Northern Rock Future work of this group
Exploring the Data 2015
What are the early results telling us about our challenge in Closing The Gap?
Marked difference in the percentage of FSM children who gained a good level of development compared to other children. In 2014, the gap was already 23%. APS gap at KS1 16.4 for non FSM and 14.3 for FSM so in KS1 we see a gap of 2.1 APS Science at KS1 are disappointing particularly at Level 3 shows a FSM gap of 13.6% Overall APS in 2015 at KS1 from NEXUS 14.3 for FSM; for FSM Boys; for FSM Girls 16.4 for Non-FSM for Non-FSM Boys; for Non-FSM Girls Science Results KS1 Level 3 from Nexus 4.2% FSM; % FSM Boys % Girls 17.8% all Non-FSM Pupils % Non-FSM Boys 17% Non-FSM Girls
What are the early results telling us about our challenge in Closing The Gap ?
Non FSM eligible from NEXUS 90.5% of 1183 Non-FSM children at L4+ (RWM) 88.2% of 634 Non-FSM boys at L4+ (RWM) 93.3% of 549 Non-FSM girls at L4+ (RWM) FSM Eligible from NEXUS 71.3% of 328 FSM children at L4+ (RWM) 67.5% of 160 FSM boys at L4+ (RWM) 52 FSM boys are not secondary ready? 75% of 168 FSM girls at L4+ (RWM) All Pupils from NEXUS 86.4% of 1511 pupils at L4+ (RWM) 84% of 794 Boys at L4+ (RWM) 89% of 717 Girls at L4+ (RWM) At KEY STAGE TWO AMAZING SUCCESS ACROSS R&C – Hard work well done!! however 90.5% of ‘other children’ at L4+ (RWM) 71.3% of FSM children at L4+ (RWM) GAP of – 19.2 at KS2 in our most successful year ever?
Headlines from KS4 In 2014, only 1 LAC student achieved 5+ CEM in 2014 (10 students in cohort) In 2014, only 37% of middle achievers at Key Stage 2 ( APS) achieved 5+CEM (NA 50%) In 2014, 91% of most able group at Key Stage 2 (30+ APS) achieved 5+ CEM. (NA 92%) In 2014, only 2% of the lowest achieving students at Key Stage 2 (those below 24 APS) achieved 5+CEM. (NA 5%)
Headlines from KS4 Group performance differences are most notable between boys and girls. 60% of girls achieved 5+CEM (+6% from 2014) 42.3% of boys achieved 5+CEM (-3.7% from 2014) A marked difference is also evident in the proportion of FSM students gaining 5+CEM (36.8%) in 2015 compared to that of all students (52.6%). While this represents a slight closing of the gap for the FSM group, their performance lags well behind other students and similar students nationally. The gap relative to the performance of non-FSM students is likely to be even wider.
Common Inspection Framework
“Inspection is primarily about evaluating how well individual children and learners benefit from the education provided by the school or provider. Inspection tests the school’s or provider’s response to individual needs by observing how well it helps all children and learners to make progress and fulfil their potential. “ In making judgements, inspectors will pay particular attention to the outcomes for the following groups: disabled children and learners and those who have special educational needs children and learners in specialist provision boys/men girls/women the highest and lowest attaining children and learners
Common Inspection Framework
In schools, ‘disadvantaged children and learners’ specifically refers to those for whom the pupil premium or early years pupil premium provides support. In the common inspection framework and the handbooks relating to it, the terms ‘groups of pupils’ or ‘groups of learners’ are groups included in this list. children and learners for whom English is an additional language children and learners from minority ethnic groups Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children and learners lesbian, gay and bisexual children and learners transgender children and learners young carers children and learners attending alternative provision children and learners with medical conditions disadvantaged children and learners children looked after and care leavers older learners children and learners of different religions and beliefs ex-offenders teenage mothers other vulnerable groups.
Pupil Premium Reports John Dunford’s Review
Have you an up to date policy agreed with Governors? Where do you discuss your evaluation of the impact of interventions? How are you identifying needs for support? What does the curriculum offer look like for those who are not ready for transferring to the next key stage?
Support for Governors Training sessions from School Improvement Team
National Governors Association
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