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Mrs. Adams’ Classroom News August 11, 2017

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1 Mrs. Adams’ Classroom News August 11, 2017
We have finished our first round of NWEA. The kids worked super hard, and did their best. I know we will see lots of growth this year. Candy needed! If you are willing to donate a bag of non-perishable, wrapped candy I’d really appreciate it. You’d be surprised what they will do for a Dum Dum or Skittles.  Due to NWEA, our Reading Unit will be continued to next week. Please be sure to study the Spelling list. It will come home Monday. Contact info: Please sign up for Remind 101. Cedar Website MATH: finding area using arrays, half-tens plus 1 strategy, prime/composite, Multiplication and Division Checkpoint, multiplicative comparisons WRITING: Writing friendly letters to Avon HS athletes. GRAMMAR: subject/object pronouns, pronoun/verb agreement, possessive pronouns, pronouns and homophones SPELLING PATTERN : long a READING: realistic fiction, prob/sol, predictions, idioms SOCIAL SCIENCES: Begin Magnetism and Electricity Unit

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