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Relational and referential coherence of academic texts: a corpus analysis of Russian students’ research papers in management Elizaveta A. Smirnova National.

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Presentation on theme: "Relational and referential coherence of academic texts: a corpus analysis of Russian students’ research papers in management Elizaveta A. Smirnova National."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relational and referential coherence of academic texts: a corpus analysis of Russian students’ research papers in management Elizaveta A. Smirnova National Research University Higher School of Economics Perm, Russia The research was conducted within the framework of the Academic Fund Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in (grant № ) and by the Russian Academic Excellence Project "5-100".

2 Hypothesis Learners use linkers and anaphora less frequently than professional authors do.

3 Plan Literature Review Data & Methods Results Conclusion

4 Literature Review Semantic vs lexical coherence (Fahnestock, 1983)
Textual metadiscourse (e.g. Bunton, 1999; Hyland, 2004; Hyland & Tse, 2004) Relational vs referential coherence (Dedand et al., 1999)

5 Data Corpus 1 (Learner Corpus): 58 texts (management students research proposals); 130,000 words. Corpus 2 (Reference Corpus): 62 texts (Journal of Management – 25; Journal of Management Studies – 20; Academy of Management Journal – 17); 694,000 words.

6 Methods AntConc (Version 3.4.4) concordance programme
Contrastive interlanguage analysis (CIA) (Gilquin, 2000/2001; Granger, 1996)

7 5 groups of relational markers:
Relational Coherence 5 groups of relational markers: exemplification (for example; for instance); premise (because, since); conclusion (therefore; hence); similarity (likewise; similarly); addition (moreover; furthermore).

8 Results: Exemplification

9 Results: Premise

10 Results: Conclusion

11 Results: Similarity

12 Results: Addition

13 Referential Coherence
7 groups of anaphoric expressions: subject pronouns (he; she; it; they); possessive adjectives (his; her; its; their); object pronouns (him; her; it; them); reflexive pronouns (himself; herself; itself; themselves); demonstrative pronouns (this; these; those); indefinite pronouns (one; ones); relative pronouns (which; who; whose).

14 Results: Subject Pronouns

15 Results: Subject Pronouns
The research study will be of primary significance to strategic managers, development managers, middle managers and top managers. Managers may use the findings to better understand the internal and external situation of the company. In addition, improved strategy of the company will be based on widely known methods, which will be greatly used by managers in prospects.

16 Results: Subject Pronouns
Furthermore, this method is the least resource-consuming and it allows to test the hypothesis on a real market, using MVP. The main advantages of SWOT are that it is simple to conduct and it is not costly for the organization. Methods are effective only if it brings results in accordance with the goals and objectives.

17 Results: Possessive Adjectives

18 Results: Possessive Adjectives
The main idea in the third sub-group of corporate citizenship is that corporations can take its rightful place in society, next to other “citizens” The method of coaching is based on the communicative cooperation in building partnerships between the coach and his client. The owner of business conducts market analysis when he communicates with his customers about business or checks the prices of his competitors.

19 Results: Object Pronouns

20 Results: Object Pronouns
To obtain more specific information on each point I will select criteria and make a comparison of results according to it. The coach reflects the client’s actions and helps to transform it into autonomous abilities (functions).

21 Results: Reflexive Pronouns

22 Results: Reflexive Pronouns
Therefore, the manager not only itself has to adhere to ethical standards, but also has to provide their observance in the organization in general. The concept consists of nine building blocks representing the company’s performance and the value it adds to itself.

23 Results: Demonstrative Pronouns

24 Results: Demonstrative Pronouns
However, this paper supposes the use of customer development methodology for several reasons. Firstly, this method was adapted to IT-projects, for example, this technique involves the use of the approach of agile software development. Furthermore, this method is the least resource-consuming and it allows to test the hypothesis on a real market, using MVP. Finally, this technique was actually applied in practice in the majority of successful start-ups that participated in start-up accelerator of Russian Internet Initiatives Development Fund.

25 Results: Demonstrative Pronouns
The interview questionnaire will be developed on the basis of the reviewed literature, and it will help in gathering all the relevant data from this major informants. This beliefs and expectations produce norms that powerfully shape the behavior of individuals and groups in the organization

26 Results: Indefinite Pronouns

27 Results: Indefinite Pronouns
Companies that appreciate and care about employees, are more likely to attract effective employees. The first group of theories consists of utilitarian theories.

28 Results: Relative Pronouns

29 Results: Relative Pronouns
External marketing of the employer brand is the second step that is needed to attract potential employees, which may become loyal employees in the future. It is important to note, that some scholars, which investigations could be included at the present subgroup, consider employee displacement as a conception similar to the category of mass dismissals.

30 Conclusions Relational coherence:
learners underuse exemplification, premise and similarity; overuse conclusion and addition. Referential coherence: systematic errors with referring to plural nouns

31 References Antony, L. (2015). AntConc (Version 3.4.4) [Computer Software]. Tokyo, Japan: Waseda University. Available from Bunton, D. (1999). The use of higher level metatext in Ph. D theses. English for Specific Purposes, 18, Degand, L., Lefèvre, N., & Bestgen, Y. (1999). The impact of connectives and anaphoric expressions on expository discourse comprehension. Document Design, 1(1), Fahnestock, J. (1983). Semantic and lexical coherence. College Composition and Communication, 34(4), Gilquin, G. (2000/2001). The integrated contrastive model. Spicing up your data. Languages in Contrast, 3(1), 95–123. Granger, S. (1996). From CA to CIA and back: An integrated approach to computerized bilingual and learner corpora. In K. Aijmer, B. Altenberg, &M. Johansson (Eds.), Languages in contrast. Text-based cross-linguistic studies. Lund Studies in English, Vol. 88 (pp. 37–51). Lund: Lund University Press. Hyland, K. (2004). Disciplinary interactions: metadiscourse in L2 postgraduate writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 13, Hyland, K., & Tse, P. (2004). Metadiscourse in academic writing: a reappraisal. Applied Linguistics, 25(2),

32 Thank you for your attention!

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