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Presentation on theme: "KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES."— Presentation transcript:

Scorpiontation Dr. Mari Fuentes-Martin Associate Vice-President and Dean of Students Rosa Law Senior Orientation Leader The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

2 Background Identification of Problem
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. Background Identification of Problem Student Affairs Leadership Council Research Inclusion and balance of academic and student affairs Engaging students in owning their academic future Engage them in pride and traditions of UTB/TSC. The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

3 Committee Goals Determine programmatic direction of orientation
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. Committee Goals Determine programmatic direction of orientation Develop sub-components of orientation School/College presentations/Academic Advising Instructional technology/learning communities Student support services: learning enrichment and leadership development Campus resources Analyze evaluation data and recommend changes to orientation The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

4 UTB/TSC Student Demographics
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College UTB/TSC Student Demographics Total headcount – 17,189 10,145 undergraduate 6,195 dual enrollment 837 graduate Gender 59.9% Female 40.1% Male Ethnicity 93.8% Hispanic 4.4% White, non-Hispanic 1.7% Other

5 UTB/TSC Student Demographics
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. UTB/TSC Student Demographics Age 35.2% under 18 41.3% 18-25 14.6% 25-35 14.3% 35+ 66.3% Part-Time 33.7% Full-Time 84.3% Financial Aid Recipients The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

6 Strategies Benchmark 2-Day Programs Develop new proposal/agenda
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. Strategies Benchmark 2-Day Programs Develop new proposal/agenda Steering committee provided input and guidance to proposed agenda Divide into subgroups and meet to develop their program Academic Breakout Session Advising and Registration Student Support Schools and Colleges The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

7 Strategies Faculty/student engagement
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. Strategies Faculty/student engagement Delegate leadership for various key events Asked presenters to give overview and have activity Asked participants to present professional image of departments The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

8 Strategies Marketing Materials Guidebook Resource Fair OL Training
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. Strategies Marketing Materials Guidebook Resource Fair OL Training Punctuality Debrief with sub-groups and respond The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

9 Implementation 7, 2day events Registration and attendance
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. Implementation 7, 2day events Day 1: Academic Day 2: Support Services Registration and attendance Testing scores User ID and PINs s, phone calls and postcard outreach Technical preparations Logistics for signage, breakout rooms, lunch locations, water stations, etc. The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

10 Scorpiontation Overview
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College Scorpiontation Overview Registered Attended Initial Attendance No Show No Show Rate Walk-Ins Total DAY 1 Missed Day 2 Return Attendance Total DAY 2 June 17-18 317 231 73% 86 27% 2 99% 229 July 1-2 348 247 71% 101 29% 4 251 11 96% 240 July 15-16 373 313 84% 60 16% 28 341 15 326 July 29-30 388 300 77% 88 23% 20 320 12 308 Aug 5-6 339 279 82% 18% 22 301 5 98% 296 Aug 12-13 263 50 18 281 7 274 Aug 19-20 454 382 72 55 437 17 420 Total: 2093 Average 79% 21% Registered: 1906

Self-evaluation O.L.s took role very seriously and were committed to program and students Never had presenter issues (no shows) Sense of improvement after each session Numerous volunteers Highest level of campus involvement Pep rally showed heightened sense of Scorpion pride The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

12 Scorpiontation Evaluation
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College Scorpiontation Evaluation Online registration for the Scorpiontation program was easy. (3.25) The orientation leaders were knowledgeable about the campus. (3.38) The orientation leaders were enthusiastic and encouraging. (3.36) I am more knowledgeable regarding the campus and its different Departments.(3.10) The breakout session locations helped me become familiar with the campus. (3.13) The Scorptiontation program was a positive experience. (3.13)

13 Scorpiontation Evaluation
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College Scorpiontation Evaluation The following breakout sessions provided accurate information that pertained to me: General Advising (3.21) Individual School and Colleges (3.27) (3.23) Learning Communities (3.20) Sting Card and Wells Fargo (3.26) Student Rights and Responsibilities (3.31) Financial Aid (3.27) Student Success Center (3.28) Pride and Traditions (3.28) Student Health and Wellness (3.32) Campus Safety (3.33) Career Services (3.29)

14 Scorpiontation Evaluation
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College Scorpiontation Evaluation I learned to navigate the UTB Website, including Blackboard and Scorpion online better. (3.19) Registering for classes was a vital part of orientation. (3.03) The orientation staff was courteous. (3.36) Overall, the Scorpiontation program helped me feel better prepared to begin college. (3.36)

15 Assessment Orientation Leaders debriefing Academic advising debriefing
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College Assessment Orientation Leaders debriefing Academic advising debriefing Focus Groups with subgroups Feedback/troubleshoot Registration issues

16 Assessment Still need focus groups with students who attended
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College Assessment Still need focus groups with students who attended Foundations of Excellence program examine our first year experience for students

17 Recommendations Improve OL training to participate in presentations
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College Recommendations Improve OL training to participate in presentations Review frequency of orientations Train the presenters to improve presentation skills Inform students about Welcome Week, student handbook, ID card, parking permits, etc.

18 Recommendations Rehearse timing of presentations More incentives
KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES. The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College Recommendations Rehearse timing of presentations More incentives Smaller breakout groups Lab preparation and reminders Need more volunteers

19 Scorpiontation Questions? KNOWLEDGE KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES.
The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College


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