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Project No LVO2-KA

2 In recent years, technology has been developing rapidly. Meanwhile,
Students’s educational needs has also changed. In order to meet these needs curriculums and educational environments must be changed . To achieve this goal, The Ministry of National Education has been carrying out 4 projects. These are: FATİH Scientix Itec E-twinning Project No LVO2-KA

3 Movement of Enhancing Opportunities and Improving Technology
FATİH: Movement of Enhancing Opportunities and Improving Technology The aim: to provide every student with the best education, the highest quality educational content and equal opportunities. Project No LVO2-KA

4 Each classroom will be equipped with interactive boards.
Tablets will be given to all teachers and all students. Hardware and software infrastructure will be provided. Educational e-contents will be provided. In-service trainings will be oorganized for teachers. Effective use of ICT in curriculums will be provided. Project No LVO2-KA

5 The purpose of this platform is :
In order to provide educational e-content a platform called EDUCATIONAL INFORMATICS NETWORK (EBA) has been launched. The purpose of this platform is : To offer different, enriched and educational content, To generalise informatics culture so that it can be used in education, To meet the needs related to content, To enable users to share information with the social network structure, To contribute to courses with enriched and expanding archive, To cover students with different learning styles (skills in linguistics, visual, mathematical, social, individual and audial) Project No LVO2-KA

6 EBA MARKET   “EBA Market” is a market application created by YEGITEK within Fatih Project which includes more than 80 mobile application for both teachers and students. Teachers and students can access to mobile content that they can use at school and daily lives. Project No LVO2-KA

7 EBA SEARCH  The only Turkish educational search engine “EBA Search” brings suitable educational links with search words from EBA, EBA Course and secure websites on Internet. It can also filter search results according to grade levels and subjects. Project No LVO2-KA

8 EBA COURSE  “EBA Course” is a Learning Management System. EBA Course provides visual materials, audio materials, interactive contents and question banks to both teachers and students. Thanks to this system, teachers can use their own content or the ones provided by the system in their classrooms. They can send questions, practice materials and course contents to their students. Also they can follow students’ status and assess them. Moreover, teachers can create an individualised learning environment by sending different materials to different students according to their levels. They can share contents with other teachers. Project No LVO2-KA

9 News Videos Images Magazines Audio clips Documents on EBA.
EBA SHARE  Teachers can upload; News Videos Images Magazines Audio clips Documents on EBA. Project No LVO2-KA

Teachers can create their own e-contents in the form of video, animation and interactive contents by using content creation tools. They can use these contents both online and offline. Also, they can share these contents with all teachers and students on EBA. Project No LVO2-KA

11 SCIENTIX Scientix promotes and supports a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other STEM education professionals. This portal was opened in 2009. In order to develop inquiry-based and other innovative approaches to science and maths education, teachers : Can get involved in European STEM education projects Can participate in national and European workshops and professional development courses. Project No LVO2-KA

12 iTEC (Innovative Technologies for Engaging Classrooms) This project has been carried out since 2010 by 18 national education ministries in Europe. The project aims to provide a sustainable model which will redesign learning and teaching in classrooms . It also wants to integrate existing and developing technology into learning activities so as to prepare children in Europe for 21st Century labour market and life. This project provides scenarios and protype learning activities in order to help and inspire teachers to use technology in theri classroooms. Project No LVO2-KA

13 eTwinning e-Twinnings is a community for schools in Europe. It offers a platform for teachers to communicate, to colloborate, to share and to make projects in order to share their experiences, to make their teaching process more interesting and to enable students to learn by doing. It provides a lot of web tools to help teachers. Project No LVO2-KA

14 eSchool This is a platform managed by The Turkish National Education Ministry . Teachers and parents can get information about students’ marks, attendance status and timetable. Project No LVO2-KA

15 DynEd This is a program which provides a blended language learning system combining the best features of traditional learning and contemporary multimedia technology. Students benefit from teacher-led studies followed by computer-based self-study work - either online or offline - all designed to optimize the learning process. WE use this program as 45% of activities in language education curriculum are suggested to be online. Project No LVO2-KA

16 The apps and tools used at our school
Project No LVO2-KA

17 Quizizz Quizizz allows you to conduct student-paced formative assessments in a fun and engaging way for students of all ages. Student-paced: Questions appear on each student's screen, so they can answer questions at their own pace, and review their answers at the end. BYOD: It Can be played by students using any kind of device with a browser, including PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones.  Reports: The reports give you detailed class-level and student-level insights for every quiz you conduct. You can also download the reports as an Excel spreadsheet. Quiz Customization: Teachers have multiple options to customize their quiz session to toggle the level of competition, speed and other factors.  Project No LVO2-KA

18 Filmora It enables you to make videos easily. You can use different filters, transitions, themes and audios. You can also add your voice over the video and delete other audio you don’t want. You can easily use it on pc, tablet and smart phone. Project No LVO2-KA

19 Aurasma Aurasma is an Augmented Reality site which allows you to see and interact with the world in a new way. With Aurasma, every image, object and even place can have its own aura. Auras can be as simple as a video and a link to a web page or as complex as a lifelike 3D animation. Students can use iPads or smart phones to create their own aura or explore others. Project No LVO2-KA

20 Camscanner You can share them as a pdf or jpeg file.
With Camscanner, you can scan any kind of document you see in real world and make it digital using your mobile phone or tablet. You can share them as a pdf or jpeg file. You can turn them into text using OCR (optical character recognition) system and edit them as you wish. Project No LVO2-KA

21 Padlet Padlet is an online virtual “bulletin” board, where students and teachers can collaborate, reflect, share links and pictures, in a secure location. It allows users to create a hidden wall with a custom URL. Padlet creators can also moderate posts, remove posts, and manage their board 24/7. It is free and easy to use! Project No LVO2-KA

22 Kahoot It is a game-based clasroom reponse system. It is free and web based. Teachers create questions and the questions are displayed on the screen. Students respond using their own devices. Students gain points for correct answers and speed of response. You can create quiz, jumble, discussion and survey in Kahoot. Project No LVO2-KA

23 Project No LVO2-KA


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