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Vocabulary List 5.

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1 Vocabulary List 5

2 Intricate

3 Intricate Intricate Intricate-adjective Intricately-adverb
Complicated; involved; detailed. The intricate details on the stained glass window were amazing. She intricately put her argument together, not leaving anything out.

4 The ceiling of the Vatican is covered with intricate paintings.

5 Dank

6 Dank Dank Adjective Unpleasantly damp
Basements in the mid-west are usually damp and dark. Frogs and other amphibians need a dank environment in order to survive.

7 This is what a dank basement looks like where I am from.

8 Lackluster

9 Lackluster Lackluster adjective Dull; lacking brightness
After a lackluster performance in the final quarter the basketball team lost the game. The woman was very beautiful, except for her lackluster hair.

10 This picture is lackluster- there is no color or brightness to it.

11 Inaudible

12 Inaudible Inaudible Inaudible-adjective Inaudibly-adverb
Unable to be heard The sound was so soft it was nearly inaudible. She whispered inaudibly as not to be heard.

13 People so they cannot be heard by others
People so they cannot be heard by others. Often their whispers are inaudible. Inaudible

14 Dismember

15 Dismember Dismember Dismember-verb Dismembered-adjective
To cut or tear off at the limbs. Stacy told her family how she about dismembering a frog in science class, during dinner. Her family did not find her description of a dismembered frog appetizing.

16 There should be a picture here- but your teacher is both overly compassionate and squeamish so you will have to use your imagination. Dismember

17 Submerge

18 Submerge Submerge Verb To place under water.
The swimming teacher won’t let us leave class until we have completely submerged our heads in the pool. The little girl was having fun submerging her rubber duck and watching it spring back up.

19 The machine and people in this photo appear to be submerged under the water.

20 Lustrous

21 Lustrous Lustrous Adjective Shiny; glossy
From the top of the mountain lustrous light reflected off the ski slopes. The movie star’s lustrous hair shimmered under the stage lights.

22 These jewels are lustrous
These jewels are lustrous. The more a jewel sparkles and shines the more it is worth. Lustrous

23 Inebriated

24 Inebriated Inebriated Adjective
Drunk to the point of embarrassment or danger. The inebriated man was lucky he wasn’t killed when he drove his car into the side of a truck. Sebastian never believed the stories his friends told him when they were inebriated.

25 Inebriated is a polite, sophisticated way of saying that someone is stinking drunk.

26 Ponder

27 Ponder Ponder verb Ponder
The student spent most of math class pondering if the girl behind him liked him or not. When making an important decision it is wise to take a moment and ponder the choices.

28 This girl is pondering her next move in a chess match.

29 Authentic

30 Authentic Authentic Adjective Genuine; real
The man was arrested because the signature on his check was not authentic. The authentic hairbrush was from the 1770’s, that is why it cost $1000.

31 Can you tell which of these bracelets is the authentic Tiffany’s and which is the fake?

32 Remember these count for extra credit in your vocabulary story.
BONUS WORDS Remember these count for extra credit in your vocabulary story.

33 Compel

34 Compel Compel Verb To force, to give no other choice.
After the evidence had been presented the jury had been compelled to find Josh guilty. Drew compelled the smaller student sitting to his left to allow him to copy the homework from the night before.

35 This boy is being compelled to do something he clearly doesn’t want to do.

36 Genial

37 Genial Genial Genial-adjective Genially -adverb Cheerful; friendly
Katie is always smiling, she is the most genial person at school. Samantha was hired for the job because she greeted each customer genially and offered great service.

38 People usually prefer to be around genial people because they are positive and happy.

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