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Lifestyle: Proficient farmers, hunted small game

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1 Lifestyle: Proficient farmers, hunted small game
SOUTHEASTERN CULTURE Geography: Eastern Coastal Plains, lots of forests and fertile land for growing crops Dwellings: Dome shaped homes made of tree trunks and grasses ( “Beehives” ) Lifestyle: Proficient farmers, hunted small game Food: beans, squash, corn, deer, bear, bison Unique/Interesting: Confederation of tribes, trade network PLAINS CULTURE Geography: Great & Central Plains, wide open space, flat land, canyons Dwellings: Tipis Lifestyle: Nomadic hunters Food: Buffalo Unique/Interesting: Used all parts of the Buffalo, decorated their bodies Comanche Apache PUEBLOAN CULTURE Geography: Mountains & Basins, lived mostly along rivers Dwellings: Adobe buildings made of straw, mud, clay Lifestyle: Hunters and farmers Food: Corn, beans, squash, deer, antelope Unique/Interesting: Tattooed their bodies GULF COAST CULTURE Geography: Along the Gulf of Mexico, flat coastal land Dwellings: Small grass huts (wikiups) Lifestyle:Nomadic if food was scarce (move inland) Food: Seafood, berries, small game Unique/Interesting: Used dugout canoes for fishing

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