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Gaius Julius Caesar: Born in 100 B.C. Sources for Caesar’s Life:

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Presentation on theme: "Gaius Julius Caesar: Born in 100 B.C. Sources for Caesar’s Life:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gaius Julius Caesar: Born in 100 B.C. Sources for Caesar’s Life:
-Suetonius (1st – 2nd century A.D.) -Plutarch (1st-2nd century A.D.)

2 87 B.C. – Nominated to become a flamen Dialis.
Prohibitions – The Flamen Dialis could not… -Be out of Rome for a single night -Sleep out of his bed for three consecutive nights -Ride on horseback or touch a horse -See an army marshalled together -Swear an oath -Wear a ring -Be naked in open air -Go outside without the apex on -Touch or mention dogs, she-goats, ivy, beans, or raw flesh -Eat bread or touch flour -Walk on a road with a canopy of vines -Have a knot in any part of his clothing Flamen dialis wearing the apex.

3 84 B.C. – Caesar marries Cornelia, the daughter of the pro-Marian consul Cinna.
-Sulla tells Caesar to divorce Cornelia, but he refuses -Caesar goes into hiding to avoid Sullan persecution 80 B.C. – Caesar becomes assistant to the governor of Bithynia; there he socializes with King Nicomedes.

4 78 B.C. – Caesar assists the governor of Cilicia.
-In a battle for Mytilene, a city on the island of Lesbos, he receives the Civic Crown. Corona civica – “Ob civis servatos”

5 78 B.C. – Sulla dies 77 B.C. – Attempts to impeach Publius Cornelius Dolabella for maladministration 76 B.C. – Prosecuted Publius Antonius for corruption; Antonius acquitted, but Caesar’s reputation established. -His daughter Julia is born to his wife Cornelia. 75 B.C. – Caesar is captured by Cilician pirates -Pirates demand ransom of 20 talents of silver; Caesar raises price to 50 talents. Caesar travels to Rhodes to study speaking under Apollonius Molon.

6 69 B.C. – Caesar’s aunt Julia dies; he delivers a pro-Marian funeral oration
-Caesar’s wife Cornelia dies. 69-68 B.C. – Caesar serves as quaestor in the province of Hispania Ulterior.

7 67 B.C. – Caesar marries Pompeia, one of Sulla’s granddaughters.
67-66 B.C. – Caesar gives speeches in support of Pompey’s eastern command against the Cilician Pirates. 65 B.C. – Caesar is elected curule aedile. 63 B.C. – Caesar becomes pontifex maximus. -Caesar delivers speech against the death penalty for Catiline’s supporters; he is opposed by Cato.

8 Suetonius on Caesar’s campaign for the pontificate:
Deposita provinciae spe pontificatum maximum petit non sine profusissima largitione; in qua reputans magnitudinem aeris alieni, cum mane ad comitia descenderet, praedixisse matri osculanti fertur domum se nisi pontificem non reversurum. Atque ita potentissimos duos competitores multumque et aetate et dignitate antecedentes superavit, ut plura ipse in eorum tribubus suffragia quam uterque in omnibus tulerit.

9 62 B.C. – Caesar becomes praetor.
61 – 60 B.C. – Caesar serves as governor of Hispania Ulterior.

10 60 B.C. - The First Triumvirate

11 Divisions of Gaul: -Cisalpine Gaul -Transalpine Gaul -Celts -Aquitani -Belgae

12 Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur.  Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt. Gallos ab Aquitanis Garumna flumen, a Belgis Matrona et Sequana dividit.

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