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See Medieval Hear Medieval Speak Medieval

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Presentation on theme: "See Medieval Hear Medieval Speak Medieval"— Presentation transcript:

1 See Medieval Hear Medieval Speak Medieval

2 Down goes Rome! From fall of the Roman empire around 476 CE to the early 15th century Often called the Middle Ages Political instability, diseases, and withering commerce. Good times! Church rose in prominence Royal courts became important to the arts Feudalism – Land system of manors, peasants, and nobles

3 Take a Chants on Me!!! Emergence of Plainchant
Often called Gregorian chant (after Pope Gregory) Part of Mass Early church folks realized power of music to project sacred text Musical characteristics: Liturgical/sacred function Effective to convey text Medieval modes Singable melody, limited range A cappella, monophonic


5 Hey, Solfege Sister! Invention of solfege (also known as solmization)
Guido d’Arezzo Ut, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La

6 Troubadours (insert troubadour pun here)
French singer-songwriters Itinerant Love songs and laments

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