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A Survey of University Students’ English learning habits

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1 A Survey of University Students’ English learning habits
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2 1. How long have you learned English?
As you can see, the pie chart shows the percentage of students who studying English by year. The majority of students study English for 6-10 years. The second large group of students are years.

3 2. How many hours do you study English every day?
The saffron yellow portion of the pie represents studying hours. Which students pay efforts on English. Most students just study English an hour per day. There are few students studying English more than three hours a day.

4 3. Which method do you use to learn english?

5 As you might have noticed, watching English TV shows/dramas/movies is the main activity for studying English. In comparison, students like dynamic learning more than static learning. Therefore, students don’t like reading novels or magazines.

6 4. Have you ever taken any english proficiency tests?
The brown portion represents the kind of test students take to see their result of learning English. GEPT accounts for almost two third of all tests. Only one tenth of the people havn’t taken any examination.

7 6. Which english skills are you better at?
This chart points out that most students’ think listening is their most proficient skills with 42% share. Speaking is the second-largest skill which students are good at with 40%.

8 7. Which skills do you think need to be improved?
As you can see, this charts shows the skill students need to improve. Less than half of the students think Writing is the skill they should improve (44%), which is followed by listening (40%).

9 8. What will you do if you have difficulties understanding materials you are reading or listening to? According to this questionnaire, students often browse the Internet to solve their English problems. And looking up the dictionary accounts for the second-highest approach. Only one-tenth of the students will ask a teacher or a friend.

10 Conclusion 1.The majority of students study English for 6-10 years.
2.Most student just study English an hour per day. 3.Watching English TV is the main activity for studying English. 4.GEPT account for almost two third of all tests. 5.Most students' think listening is their most proficient skills. 6.Writing is the skill they should improve. 7.Student often brows the internet to solve their English problems.

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