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Blandy Experimental Farm Educational Center

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1 Blandy Experimental Farm Educational Center
Environmental Impact Statement Student at Admiral Byrd

2 Project Background Students have been going to Blandy Experimental Farm to look for a place to build the new educational building to help make the decision on where to build the students did two experiments. In the fall the students did the “runoff/recharge” experiment where the students had to test water to restore and runoff from different types of surfaces. Students tested dirt, grass, concrete, and gravel. In the spring students did an experiment called “Macroinvertebrates” where the students tested the water quality. The students could suspect the water was polluted if there were only pollution tolerant bugs. If the students found pollution sensitive bugs the water was healthy. Overall, students have done a lot of experiments to find a new educational building.

3 First Choice: Old Greenhouse
The old greenhouse is a excellent place to build the new educational center. Why? There is no historical significance, there is electricity, a road very close, and there is a water system. It is no longer needed but it has all the resources for the new educational center.

4 Environmental Literacy
Construction at the old greenhouse will not affect Lake Georgette. Our experiments showed that the water is generally healthy, Temperature degrees, ph 7.799, dissolved oxygen 7.752, turbidity 9.610, nitrates 3.309, phosphate 0. Most of the data is located between the healthy ranges so the water is healthy. Since the old greenhouse is so far away it hasn’t affected Lake Georgette that is why the water’s healthy because the greenhouse doesn’t have a big impact on the water quality. Mean

5 Historical Significance of the Greenhouse
With no historical significance, the greenhouse would be a great place to build. There was no famous or important person that walked through this greenhouse. There was no important event connected to this greenhouse or that occurred there.

6 Second Choice: Parking Lot
If there were problems with the old greenhouse the parking lot is the second best choice. There is no historical significance, it wouldn’t affect the ecosystem badly, there is another greenhouse nearby with water and electricity, and there is one road that circles around the parking lot.

7 Environmental Literacy
The parking lot would be an ideal place to build because the parking lot nowhere near the water. The chart on the right shows that there is a large percentage of Somewhat intolerant macroinvertebrates in Lake Georgette, and the good water quality, will not be affected by putting the educational center in the parking lot. Overall, the parking lot would be an ideal place to build the educational building.

8 Historical Significance of the Parking lot
With no historical significance the parking lot would be a great place to build. There was no famous or important person that walked on the parking lot itself. This Parking lot is not rare or important. There was no important event that occurred or that happened there.

9 Conclusion In conclusion, my first choice for building an Education Center at Blandy is the greenhouse. The scientific reasons that support my choice for the new educational building is where the Greenhouse is located there would be no runoff or pollution in our water. The historical reasons that support my choice are that there is no historical evidence about or located on or at the site. My second site choice is the parking lot. The scientific reasons that support my choice are because at the parking lot there could be runoff, but not likely, and there is no polluted water nearby. The historical reasons that support my choice are because there is no historical evidence found on the parking lot. In my opinion, having an education center at Blandy would attract more scientists, students, tourist, and families and would be more enjoyable to all.

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