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Method for aeration and removing contamination from flowing water Patent application no.2315/MUM/2015, International(PCT/IN2016/000156) Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Method for aeration and removing contamination from flowing water Patent application no.2315/MUM/2015, International(PCT/IN2016/000156) Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Method for aeration and removing contamination from flowing water Patent application no.2315/MUM/2015, International(PCT/IN2016/000156) Presentation by Rajendra Ladkat Mobile

2 Water pollution in India
Canals, rivers and lakes in India often serve as dumping grounds for sewage, solid and liquid wastes. These are sources of water pollution, as illustrated in Tamil Nadu (left) and West Bengal (right).

3 Water pollution in India
The Oshiwara river in Mumbai - severely polluted with solid and liquid wastes generated by Mumbai. (left) Death by filth: More than 540 sewage outlets in Indore open into the river Khan, making it the fifth most polluted river in India. (right)

4 Cuyahoga River – Ohio, U.S.A. Most Polluted Rivers in the World
In 1959, the Cuyahoga River in Ohio became famous for being "the river that caught fire." This grabbed the attention of Time magazine, which described it as "Some river! Chocolate-brown, oily, bubbling with subsurface gases, it oozes rather than flows." The Cuyahoga fire and the resulting coverage are considered events that helped kickstart the environmental movement of the 1960s.

5 Citarum River – West Java, Indonesia Most Polluted Rivers in the World

6 Matanza-Riachuelo River – Buenos Aires, Argetina Most Polluted Rivers in the World
This is but one example of the type of "water" that feeds into Matanza-Riachuelo River 

7 Buriganga River – Dhaka, Bangladesh Most Polluted Rivers in the World
The chemical waste of mills and factories, home waste, medical waste, sewage, dead animals, plastics, and oil are some of the Buriganga's pollutants

8 Yamuna River – New Delhi, India Most Polluted Rivers in the World
New Delhi, the capital of India, excretes over 500,000,000gallons of untreated sewage into the river each day.

9 Chaohu Lake – Anhui Province, China Most Polluted Rivers in the World
 Unfortunately for the residents surrounding the Chaohu Lake in Hefei, in the Anhui province of China, this algae-filled lake is their reality. This is why the Chinese government has invested approximately $8,000,000,000 towards the construction of 2,712 projects for the treatment of eight rivers and lakes throughout the country.

10 Mississippi River – U.S.A Most Polluted Rivers in the World
The pollution is so bad that the area surrounding the mouth of the Mississippi River is known as a Dead Zone. When the pollutants from the river reach the ocean they cause an algae bloom, which deprives the water of oxygen and kills off all of the living organisms, giving it the name dead zone.

11 Visible Disadvantages
Damage to Ecosystem. Flora and Fauna loss. Pungent Smell due to waste and sewage mix-up. Silting of Riverbeds decreasing the flow promoting flood like situations. Poor drinking water Quality. Increase in carcinogenic & toxic elements. Loss of natural scenic beauty. Loss of ecological, tourist as well as religious importance.

12 Solution- Natural Aeration

13 Advantage of Aeration

14 Existing Solutions

15 Our Innovation (Drawing & concept)
The invention is to build a structure of H block walls(3), step type & damroo shape paving block flooring (6) , H block baffle wall (5) and trenches(2) at an interval of a particular distance ,River/ canal width partially or completely channelized. These walls (5) will be constructed towards the slope, built at such an angle that the water has to hit the wall and then pass, thus not letting the water flow straightaway. After around every 100 meters , a trench (2) will be constructed towards a sloping side. This trench will have a H block wall ( 3) and a sliding C shape mesh(4) attached to it. The combination of step type & standard Damroo shape paving block laying between H type baffle wall. Water will hit these wall, water wheel and paving block with force and increase the aeration by >90 % and oxygen level in the water by natural way. The trench will collect soil, silt and other contaminants. The C mesh will block weeds, wastes like plastic, cloth, tins, etc. from flowing ahead and can remove by sliding C mesh.

16 Advantages The invention increases the speed , force and distance ( more than 5 times) travelled by the water, increases the water oxygen level , separate and traps contaminating agents and wastes. Owing to the well placed trenches ,walls and sliding mesh, it reduces cleaning expenses and lessens the time and manpower required. Cost effective compared to river cleaning expenses. Rigid yet removable environment friendly structure . Plants with water cleaning properties can be planted in H block, also adds beauty . Does not cause hindrance in the water percolation because of the paving block flooring . l

17 Rigid structure reduces recurring heavy expenses on cleaning
Reduces contamination of soil and waste like plastic, tin cans, bottles, ropes etc. from flowing freely in the water. Reduces duckweed and other unwanted weeds from flowing forward resulting in reducing of mosquito problem Reduces contamination in Dam and Sea ,resulting increasing capacity of water in dam and decreasing the sea level. Rigid structure reduces recurring heavy expenses on cleaning Reduces expenses on drinking water treatment Reduces flood chances due to clogging of canals and river PAVING BLOCK FLOORING

18 Let’s Join Swach Bharat Abhiyan
Thank you

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