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Ursa major and ursa minor the great bear and the small bear

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1 Ursa major and ursa minor the great bear and the small bear
A report presented to: Sir aldrin malaki

2 URSA MAJOR –the great bear

3 Facts about Ursa Major –the great bear
A constellation to be seen in northern celestial hemisphere. It is also known as the great bear and Charles Wain. Have different mythologies from different countries, different lineages and civilization whereas those stories have relation to its structure and its position. An example of civilization which has mythology from Babylon, Roman , Greek and also other native in the America. It is one of the 88 modern constellation, it is one of the known constellation because its body and tail is a part that makes up the big dipper.

4 –the wagon or the plough
Big Dipper –the wagon or the plough It is an asterism known of seven stars which was known as Distinct groupings in many culture in the world. It was the brightest among all the stars. It is used as a useful tool in celestial navigation

5 URSA MINOR – the small dipper of the small bear

6 Facts about Ursa Minor –the small dipper or the small bear Faint star yet one of the 48 stars discovery in 2nd century by Ptolemy and one of the constelation remain in 88 modern constellation. It is a very important star most especially to the navigator or mariners it is use to direct because it headed the Polaris or the North star.

7 Mythology Ursa major & ursa minor

8 Ursa major

9 Roman Mythology Jupiter lusts after a young woman named Calisto, a nymph of Diana. Juno, Jupiter's jealous wife, transforms the beautiful Callisto into a bear. Callisto, while being a bear later encounters her son  Arcas. Arcas almost kill the bear, but to stop Arcas, Jupiter turns them both into bears and puts them in the sky, forming Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Callisto is Ursa Major and her son, Arcas, is Ursa Minor. In ancient times the name of the constellation was Helike, ("turning"), because it turns around the Pole. In Book Two of  Lucan  it is called Parrhasian Helice, since Callisto came from Parrhasia in Arcadia, where the story is set. The Odyssey notes that it is the sole constellation that never sinks below the horizon and "bathes in the Ocean's waves", so it is used as a celestial reference point for navigation. It is also referred to as the "Wain". ▪Source Wikipedia

10 Native American Mythology
The Iroquois ,Native Americans interpreted Alioth, Mizar, and Alkaid as three hunters pursuing the Great Bear. According to one version of their myth, the first hunter (Alioth) is carrying a bow and arrow to strike down the bear. The second hunter (Mizar) carries a large pot — the star Alcor — on his shoulder in which to cook the bear while the third hunter (Alkaid) hauls a pile of firewood to light a fire beneath the pot. •source wikipedia

11 Ursa Minor

12 Greek Mythology Ursa Minor is usually associated with two different myths. In one, the constellation represents Ida, the nymph who took care of Zeus on the island of Crete when he was small, along with Adrasteia, the nymph represented by the larger constellation Ursa Major. Zeus’ mother Rhea hid Zeus on the island when he was very young to protect him from his father Cronus. Cronus, fearful of an old prophecy that said that one of his children would overthrow him, swallowed five of his children after they were born. When Zeus was born, Rhea tricked Cronus into swallowing a stone instead, and Zeus eventually fulfilled the prophecy. He freed his brothers Poseidon and Hades and sisters Hera, Hestia and Demeter, and became the supreme god of the Olympians. Source constellation-guide•

13 Another Greek Mythology
in a different myth, the constellation represents Arcas, son of Zeus and the nymph Callisto. Callisto had sworn a vow of chastity to Artemis, but was later unable to resist Zeus’ advances and the two had a child, Arcas. When Zeus’ wife Hera found out about the betrayal and the child, she turned the nymph into a bear. Callisto spent the next 15 years wandering in the woods and avoiding hunters. One day, she came face to face with her son. Scared, Arcas drew a spear, ready to kill the bear. Luckily, Zeus saw the scene and intervened before it was too late. He sent a whirlwind that scooped the mother and son up to the heavens, where Callisto became Ursa Major and Arcas, Ursa Minor. Arcas, however, is more frequently associated with the constellation Boötes, the herdsman In a slightly different version of the myth, it is the goddess Artemis who turns Callisto into a bear for breaking her chastity vow. Source constellation-guide

14 To God be the Glory! To God be the Glory!

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