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Sources of Financial Information

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1 Sources of Financial Information

2 Learning Objectives To understand that there is a wide range of financial information available To appreciate the difference between advice and information To recognise that some financial information and advice might be more impartial than others

3 Sources of financial information
When you are looking for information where do you go? Internet Newspaper/magazines TV programmes TV adverts Teachers Parents Other experts Friends Forums Why do you like to use these particular sources of information?

4 Information or advice Information = facts provided or learned about something or someone Advice = guidance or recommendations concerning sensible future action, typically given by someone regarded as knowledgeable or authoritative

5 Information or advice Sort the cards into two piles depending on whether you think they are about providing: Information or Advice Then sort through each pile and identify the cards which would provide impartial information or advice Impartial = unbiased or neutral

6 What do we need before we buy?
Information about the product or service – impartial if possible but often it is the manufacturer or company that provides this Advice if we are not sure if a product of service is right for us, or what the best course of action might be for us Remember sales staff are often paid more to sell particular products or will get commission on how much they sell

7 Where would you go? There are lots of places we might go to when looking for financial information - many are the same sorts of sources as discussed earlier In small groups think about the particular information source listed at the top of the sheet – write down if you would use it as a source and why? Then identify how trustworthy you think it is as a source. Swap sources and add your thoughts to the previous groups

8 Trustworthy? Why might some sources of financial information or advice be more reliable than others? What are you looking for when seeking financial information and advice?

9 Financial information and advice
Research What they do Audience Level of Impartiality Usefulness Relevancy for young people The Money Advice Service Citizens Advice Which? Magazine Consumer Protection Association Financial Ombudsman Service

10 Financial information and advice
Report back what you’ve found out to the rest of the class, aim for 5 key facts about the organisation. Now as a group discuss which of these sources would be the best places to go for good information and advice about money?

11 Top tips! With a partner suggest 3 tips for other young people when looking for information and advice around money and money management.

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