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University network partnership for development of midget quantum scalar Overhauser space magnetometer Sapunov V.  Head of QMLab, UrFU, R&D Overhauser.

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Presentation on theme: "University network partnership for development of midget quantum scalar Overhauser space magnetometer Sapunov V.  Head of QMLab, UrFU, R&D Overhauser."— Presentation transcript:

1 University network partnership for development of midget quantum scalar Overhauser space magnetometer Sapunov V.  Head of QMLab, UrFU, R&D Overhauser sensors, Kortov S. Vice-Rector for Innovations of UrFU Terlyga N. Chief manager of innovative marketing of UrFU Narhov E. Post graduate student of QMLab, UrFU Denisov A. Senior mathematic researcher of QMLab, UrFU Savelyev D. Senior researcher of QMLab, UrFU

2 Overhauser proton magnetometer. Background
Precise Total field measurements based on NMR Absolute accuracy up to % without temperature and many other effects due to quantum proton precession. Omnidirectional measurements DC R+Liquid polarization HF

3 Overhauser proton magnetometer. Design & Properties
Circuitry Diagram Note: Method, Radical, Property, Maker Packard-Varian method Precession is stimulated by DF polarization very rapid switch off. BP  100  300 Эрстед Overhauser proton magnetometer HF-DF polarization Precession by DF polarization very rapid switch off. Radicals: Diphenyl NO stable (up to 10 year at normal conditions, < 5 year 50°C) wide superhyperfine ESR of easy saturated, QMLab for observatories and geological survey, marine, borehole BP  3  50 Oe Beff  500  5000 Oe Polarization in geomagnetic field. Synchronous polarization Precession by short DF impulse Radical: PROXYL, TEMPO Stable (3-5 year n.c.) hyperfine ESR lines, GEM System for observatories and geological survey BP = 0.2  1.5 Oe Beff  200  1500 Oe Continuous precession signal by feedback. Salvi - Glenat design Radical: deuterated TEMPO (up to 3 year) , supernarrow hyperfine ESR lines, LETI - France; Marine magnetic - Canada for special marine or space magnetometers Low gradient tolerance BP  0.15  1 Oe Beff  3001500 Oe DC Liquid polarization R+Liquid HF impulse II Mz Mx Signal I

4 Overhauser proton magnetometers space mission example:

5 LETI Overhauser proton magnetometer
Range nT Resolution 10 pT Noise level < 50 pT (rms) -3 dB bandwidth 0.28 Hz Sample rate 1 Hz Absolute accuracy < 0.5 nT Sensor weight 1 kg Electronics weight 2 kg Power consumption 4.5 W Sensor dimensions Ø 90x180 mm Electronics box dimensions 200x135x76 mm3

6 POS-1 Overhauser proton magnetometer (INTERMAGNET)
Quantum Magnetometry Laboratory certified production POS-1 Overhauser proton magnetometer (INTERMAGNET) Range nT Resolution 1 pT Noise for single and cyclic measurements < pT (rms) Sample rate 3 - 1 Sec or single Absolute accuracy < 0.5 nT Sensor weight 0.5 kg Electronics weight Power consumption 3.0 W max Sensor dimensions Ø 70 x 120 mm Electronics box dimensions 160 x 90 x 45 mm3

7 University network partnership for development NEW OVH CubeSat
Internal Changes University network partnership for development NEW OVH CubeSat Excellence centres The student community as a driver of change Restricting bureaucratization Involvement of trustees Management focused on personal efficiency and achievements New quality of academic staff Integrity of the reforms

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