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Peer Editing Guidelines

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1 Peer Editing Guidelines
The Art of Giving and Receiving Constructive Criticism (Courtesy of Mrs. Sally Shelton)

2 Peer-editing Do’s Do use constructive criticism: “Let all things be done unto edifying” (1 Cor 14:26). Do adopt a trust stance: avoid self-defensiveness, assume the best of others’ motives: “love always trusts” (1 Cor 13:7, NIV) Edify or buildup: “to promote the health, strength, esteem, or reputation of” Trust: “believing in the honesty and reliability of others”

3 Peer-editing Do’s   Do listen. Pay attention to what the other writer is saying, just as you hope the other person will pay attention to what you are saying. Do look at content above everything else.

4 Peer-editing Don’ts Don’t apologize! Remember that all drafts are works in progress, and therefore, you do not need to apologize for anything written in a draft. Don't argue about ideas expressed within the paper. Your role is not to agree or disagree, but to help that writer express the ideas clearly and effectively. Don't waste time on surface errors in parts of the draft that may ultimately be cut—try to always look at the overall effectiveness of the essay.

5 Advantages of Peer Editing
Student-centered rather than instructor-centered Motivates the writer to focus on communicating effectively to one’s peers Encourages rewriting Encourages writer to exercise critical self-evaluation

6 Another Advantage Relieves a kind of stress known as “writer’s anxiety” “Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal 6:2). Don’t worry! This is apple juice!

7 Stages of Writing Prewriting (Preparing to write)
Drafting (Putting thoughts on paper) Revision (Taking another look) Final proofreading Publication (Final draft)

8 Prewriting (Preparing to write)
Read, think, free-write in a journal format Identify purpose and audience Research, take notes, gather information Brainstorm with a peer group Organize thinking and plan

9 Drafting (Putting thoughts on paper)
Focus on content (quantity and quality to be considered later) Compose freely, without concern for mechanics

10 Revising (Taking another look)
Maintain focus on content vs. mechanics Share draft with peer group Invite discussion, accept response and helpful input from peers Add to, delete from, rearrange, and revise first draft

11 Editing/Proofreading
Share revised draft with peer group Invite correction of grammar, spelling, punctuation, usage, composition Incorporate corrections in final draft

12 Publication (The final draft)
Share the product with peer group (dramatizations, small group reports, oral presentations) Invite evaluation by peer group, family and friends, colleagues Submit for final evaluation by professor

13 Peer Editing Instructions: Phase 1
Begin with the big picture. Read through the paper for comprehension (Ignore mechanics at this point). Does the introduction grab your attention? Does it explain why the topic is significant? Are you able to identify the thesis statement? Is the rest of the paper closely tied to the thesis statement? Is the paper clearly organized? Is the body of the paper presented logically? Does the author show evidence of doing adequate research? Does the author interact well with his/her sources? Are the sources referenced? Does the author maintain a scholarly tone throughout? Does the conclusion re-state the thesis statement in a fresh way, briefly summarize, properly address, or answer the thesis statement, and make appropriate recommendations or practical applications?

14 Peer Editing Instructions: Phase 2
Now consider the mechanics (form and style). Consider paper format: font, spacing, pagination, margins, paragraphs, footnotes, bibliography. Is the thesis statement upfront in the first paragraph? Is the word choice precise and succinct? Does the paper flow well in a clear and concise manner? Does the author use transitions to connect sentences and paragraphs? Do the sentences reflect correct grammar?—Consider tense, noun/pronoun agreement, subject/verb agreement, syntax, and avoidance of fragments and run-ons. Consider punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

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