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Shanghai community international school Road safety project

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Presentation on theme: "Shanghai community international school Road safety project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shanghai community international school Road safety project

2 Planning Research and development Statistics Data collection Survey

3 Planning meeting

4 design Lesson Plans PSA / video script Poster planning
Brochure development

5 Survey Road Safety members gathered around to discuss some plausible questions for inspecting how students and teachers feel about road safety in general in Shanghai. After collecting results, the members processed and tallied the data.

6 Survey Questions 1. What is your age? 119
a. I’m a middle school student. 911 b. I’m a high school student. 120 c I don’t know. d. 40 or above. 9. When the traffic light has little time remaining and there aren’t any cars nearby, what will you choose to do? What is your nationality? __________________________________. a. Wait for the green light b. Just walk across the road casually 3. Who taught you, or where did you learn about the on-the-road/street policies? (choose all that applies to you) c. Not sure (I’ll see what the others are doing) d. Run for it! a. Parents. b. School. 10. When you witness a traffic accident, what is your first response? (Choose all that applies) c. Television Dial the emergency response number Others (please be specific) Call your guardian __________________________________________________. I’ll try to help I have never seen one happen before, so I don’t know how to react How safe is Shanghai’s traffic (Rate from 1-10, 10 being the safest) Ignore. _______________? Take a picture and post it on Facebook or any social media 5. How often do you experience inconvenience regarding Shanghai’s traffic? 11. What do you think is the most risky behavior for pedestrians? Almost all the time. a. Not walking in the designated areas. (crosswalks or sky bridges) Sometimes. b. Crossing roads while traffic light is red. c. Rarely. c. Not paying attention to the surroundings. d. Occasionally, but it doesn’t bother me. e. Never experienced traffic before, and I am satisfied with it. 12. In your opinion, what kind of method to promote traffic safety is the most effective? 6. How often do you jaywalk (crossing the road without regarding the traffic)? Photography exhibition. a. I do it all the time. Flyers. b. I have done it before, but I realized I should abide by the laws. Media/advertisement. c. I have never done it before. Lectures. d. I haven’t really paid attention to that. e. I abhor people who jaywalk. 13. How familiar are you with road safety policies? Very familiar. 7. What behavior do you think is dangerous while driving? (choose all that applies) Somewhat familiar. Calling Not familiar, but I need to raise more awareness about it. Texting Not familiar, and I don’t care. Eating Listening to music Smoking 8. What is the emergency hotline for calling the police (in China)? 110

7 How safe is shanghai’s traffic? (rate from 1-10, 10 being the safest)
Number of participants Ranking Number Participants include teachers and students.

8 Who, or where did you learn road policies from?
Number of choices Sources Participants include teachers and student, and they are allowed to choose multiple choices.

9 What is the most effective method to promote traffic safety?
Number of choices Methods Participants include teachers and students, and they are allowed to choose multiple choices.

10 when you witness an accident, what is your first REACTION?
A: Dial the emergency response number B: Call your guardian C: I’ll try to help D: I have never seen one happen before, so I don’t know how to react E: Ignore. F: Take a picture and post it on Facebook or any social media. Number of choices Options Participants include teachers and students, and they are allowed to choose multiple choices.

11 How familiar are you with road safety?
A: Very familiar B: Somewhat familiar. C: Not familiar, but I need to raise more awareness about it. D: Not familiar, and I don’t care. Number of choices Options Participants include teachers and students.

12 Creating the Videos Members of Road Safety gathered at Wednesday after school to finish the video so it can be used as a learning material for children in local schools. The final version was edited several times to reach the same level of understanding for children.

13 Creating the videos Members setting up the scene.
Lisa finalizing with Florian and Jeffrey before filming.

14 Creating the videos Lisa filming video 1, take 2.

15 Lesson plans The group made the lesson plans about traffic lights, street policies and regulations, also on how to cross the road safely. The video was also used to help and explain the appropriate behaviors.

16 Lesson plan about regulations and how to cross the road safely.

17 Lesson plan about road behavior.

18 teaching materials Members modified and created the final version of the lesson plans. In total, 2 different lesson plans were used to teach children in local schools.

19 learning material 1

20 learning material 2

21 Qing PU Migrant school Several members led the teaching in Qing Pu Migrant School every Saturday. Children aged 7-12 learned rules about road safety, regulations and on-street behaviors. They learned both English and road safety at the same time!

22 teaching road safety to local school students
Children are learning basic terms and definitions about road safety in English, and they also played a simulation to experience real-life scenarios.

23 Kai-Yuan middle school
Road Safety members cooperated with members from Interact Club at SCIS, and moved beyond from kids in primary school. Now, every Thursday, selected members will go to Kai-Yuan Middle School to teach English as well as road safety.

24 lesson time! Florian and Angela are teaching kids English!
Chris and Lisa are giving instructions to kids.

25 Jeffrey and Duncan with the middle schoolers.
class photos Angela and Florian are giving instructions to students for a group project. Jeffrey and Duncan with the middle schoolers.

26 brochures and posters given to scis students
Members of Road Safety team created a series of episodes about road behavior. A total of 3 episodes and 3 posters were created.

27 Brochure 1 Episode 1- No Cellphone!

28 brochure 2 Episode 2- No Cellphone!

29 Episode 3- Safety Instructions
brochure 3 Episode 3- Safety Instructions

30 Posters

31 website link Here is the SCIS Road Safety Website:

32 final thoughts This was the first time for our members to collaborate with other service groups and to realize the importance of road safety. It was a great experience to communicate with more than a hundred kids from different local schools and we have been already working on a future plan for the upcoming 11th graders so that they can continue this incredible service opportunity.

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