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Controlling Your Fear The Better Speaker Series 272.

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Presentation on theme: "Controlling Your Fear The Better Speaker Series 272."— Presentation transcript:

1 Controlling Your Fear The Better Speaker Series 272

2 Anxiety Triggers New and unknown situations Risk of failure
Potential for appearing foolish Possibility of boring the audience

3 Anxiety Symptoms Increased heart rate Butterflies in the stomach
Incontrollable shakes Lightheadedness Dizziness

4 Managing Anxiety Experience Practice in front of a mirror.
Rehearse in front of family and friends. Deliver a speech before your Toastmasters club. Give presentations before other groups, anywhere you can.

5 Visualization Use your thought processes to achieve positive results.
Managing Anxiety Visualization Use your thought processes to achieve positive results.

6 Relaxation Isometric exercises Breathing techniques
Managing Anxiety Relaxation Isometric exercises Breathing techniques

7 Conclusion It’s normal to feel nervous. Your audience won’t notice.
Use methods to exhibit confidence.

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