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Assignment: Due Wednesday, Oct 25 SPELLING BOOK, Page 55, 1-20

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Presentation on theme: "Assignment: Due Wednesday, Oct 25 SPELLING BOOK, Page 55, 1-20"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assignment: Due Wednesday, Oct 25 SPELLING BOOK, Page 55, 1-20
UNIT 8 GREEK WORD ROOTS SPELLING STRATEGY: Knowing the Greek word suffixes & prefixes can help you spell and understand words . NEW ROOTS: cycl (circle), phys- (nature), -gram (something written), therm- (heat), -meter/metry (measure) Review Roots phon-(sound) uni (one) auto-(self) bi-(two or twice) graph-(written/recorded) tri-(three) semi-(half) BASIC WORDS geometry We study shapes and angles in geometry perimeter Outline the perimeter of the court with chalk. diameter The diameter of a circle divides it in half. diagram Mike drew a diagram to describe his room.. centimeter Some rulers can measure a centimeter. kilogram Is a kilogram more than two pounds? cyclone Many trees were blown down by the cyclone. thermos My soup stays warm in this thermos. physician A physician cars for people who are ill. encyclopedia You can look up the dates in an encyclopedia. thermometer I read the thermometer to see how hot it is outside. physics Matter is a major topic in physics class. telegram The news came by telegram instead of by mail. grammatical Which sentence has a grammatical error? barometer A barometer measures air pressure and predicts rain. thermostat She put in a thermostat to regulate the heat. physique Exercise has given him a lean physique. motorcycle Always wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. thermal My thermal undershirt keeps me warm Cyclical The season repeat in a cyclical pattern. Assignment: Due Wednesday, Oct 25 SPELLING BOOK, Page 55, 1-20 WORKSHEET PARTS I -III CROSSWORD PUZZLE

2 UNIT 8 WORKSHEET ________________
Part II. PUZZLE PLAY: Write the Basic Word that fits each clue. A measure of weight ______________________ Of rules of speech ________________________ Used to measure heat _____________________ A line across a circle _______________________ A doctor of medicine ______________________ A branch of science _______________________ Producing heat ___________________________ 1/100 meter _____________________________ A book of facts ___________________________ A device to control heat ____________________ A body’s appearance ______________________ Occurring in cycles ________________________ A motorized bicycle________________________ A branch of mathematics ___________________ A telegraph message _______________________ UNIT 8 WORKSHEET Part I. 4 WAYS IN: Neatly print the 20 basic words on the lines below. Use the following process to access 4 learning modalities: In a voice that does not disrupt those around you, Say the word. Then say each letter out loud as you print it. Finally say the word again. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ noun \jē-ä-mə-trē\ _________________ noun \tel-i-gram\ _____________________ noun \thur-muh s\__________________ noun \pə-ri-mə-tər\________________ noun \dī-a-mə-tər\_________________ noun \sahy-klohn\___________________ noun \dī-ə-gram\___________________ noun \fə-zēk\_______________________ noun\bə-ˈrä-mə-tər\ _________________ adj\grə-ˈma-ti-kəl\__________________ Part III SOUND IT OUT: Write the 10 basic spelling words which match the phonetic spellings below.

3 Unit 8 with root word vocabulary
You are welcome to use a pencil on the crossword 5 Across 1. nature 3. sound 5. follows the rules of grammar 10. the written down version of a message received through the telegraph 12. the border of a 2 dimensional shape 13. three 14. a tool used to control the temperature in a room 15. tornado 16. circle 17. measures atmospheric pressure Down a medical doctor 2. 1/100 of a meter 3. the science of matter, energy, motion and force 4. occurs in cycles 5. the study of shapes and angles 6. measure 7. measures the temperature 8. the width of a circular shape 9. the physical structure 10. helps to retain body heat 11. half 14. heat 18. self

4 Answer the following questions on a blank sheet of line paper
UNIT 8, pg Answer the following questions on a blank sheet of line paper Vocabulary Definitions: Write the basic spelling word that matches each definition below. The mathematical study of points, line, surfaces, and angles, and of figures composed of these A straight line that starts on one side of a circle, passes through the center and ends on the other side Producing or caused by heat Occurring in a repeated series A device that controls the temperature of an enclosed space Following the rules for using words in sentences An instrument that measures and indicates temperature The distance around the sides of a flat figure or shape An instrument that measures the pressure of the atmosphere and indicates changes in the weather A violent rotating windstorm A two-wheeled vehicle, larger than a bicycle and propelled by an engine Vocabulary Classifying: Write the Basic spelling word that fits each group. 12. inch, kilometer, mile, ___ 13. chart, graph, illustration, ___ 14. ounce, pound, ton, __ 15. dictionary, atlas, thesaurus, ___ 16. biology, chemistry, botany, ___ 17. letter, postcard, telephone call, ___ 18. pitcher, bottle, jug, __ 19. lawyer, teacher, banker, __ 20. body, figure, shape, ___

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