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Every Believer… …an Evangelist.

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Presentation on theme: "Every Believer… …an Evangelist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Every Believer… …an Evangelist


3 What is an Evangelist?

4 What is an Evangelist? Dictionary definition of “evangelist”:
Dictionary definition of “evangelist”: Any of the four writers of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John

5 What is an Evangelist? Dictionary definition of “evangelist”:
Dictionary definition of “evangelist”: Any of the four writers of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. One who practices evangelism, especially a Protestant preacher or missionary.

6 What is an Evangelist? A revivalist or a preacher who holds large public services in various cities, now often televised.

7 What is an Evangelist? Biblical definition of “evangelist”:
An evangelist is a messenger of good news. To evangelize is to announce good news.


9 Who is an Evangelist?

10 Who is an Evangelist? Every believer is called… To be a light

11 Who is an Evangelist? Every believer is called… To be a light
Every believer is called… To be a light To be the salt of the earth

12 Who is an Evangelist? Every believer is called… To be a light
Every believer is called… To be a light To be the salt of the earth To be a witness

13 Who is an Evangelist? Every believer is called… To be a light
Every believer is called… To be a light To be the salt of the earth To be a witness To be a minister of reconciliation

14 Who is an Evangelist? Every believer is called… To be a light
Every believer is called… To be a light To be the salt of the earth To be a witness To be a minister of reconciliation To be an ambassador of Christ

15 Who is an Evangelist? Every believer is called… To be a light
Every believer is called… To be a light To be the salt of the earth To be a witness To be a minister of reconciliation To be an ambassador of Christ To be a vehicle of God’s supernatural power

16 Who is an Evangelist? Every believer is called…
Every believer is called… To be a sower and a waterer of seed

17 Who is an Evangelist? Every believer is called…
Every believer is called… To be a sower and a waterer of seed To be a fisher of men


19 How can I be an evangelist?

20 How can I be an evangelist?
I can pray… For a heart of love and compassion for the lost

21 How can I be an evangelist?
I can pray… For a heart of love and compassion for the lost For specific lost people

22 How can I be an evangelist?
I can pray… For a heart of love and compassion for the lost For specific lost people For doors of opportunity to open

23 How can I be an evangelist?
I can pray… For a heart of love and compassion for the lost For specific lost people For doors of opportunity to open For eyes to see the opportunities in front of me

24 How can I be an evangelist?
I can pray… For boldness to speak when the opportunity comes

25 How can I be an evangelist?
I can pray… For boldness to speak when the opportunity comes For wisdom in my witness

26 How can I be an evangelist?
I can pray… For boldness to speak when the opportunity comes For wisdom in my witness For creativity in my witness

27 How can I be an evangelist?
I can pray… For boldness to speak when the opportunity comes For wisdom in my witness For creativity in my witness For sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.

28 How can I be an evangelist?
I can live the Christian life openly.

29 How can I be an evangelist?
I can live the Christian life openly. I can love people and meet needs.

30 How can I be an evangelist?
I can live the Christian life openly. I can love people and meet needs. I can be led and directed by the Holy Spirit.

31 How can I be an evangelist?
I can live the Christian life openly. I can love people and meet needs. I can be led and directed by the Holy Spirit. I can learn how to share the Gospel in a nutshell.

32 How can I be an evangelist?
I can be ready to give an answer for my faith.

33 How can I be an evangelist?
I can be ready to give an answer for my faith. I can invite people to church.


35 Where am I an evangelist?

36 Where am I an evangelist?
At work

37 Where am I an evangelist?
At work At school

38 Where am I an evangelist?
At work At school At the shops

39 Where am I an evangelist?
At work At school At the mall At the hospital

40 Where am I an evangelist?
At work At school At the mall At the hospital At the gym

41 Where am I an evangelist?
At work At school At the shops At the hospital At the gym At restaurants


43 When am I an evangelist?

44 You are an evangelist “NOW!”
When am I an evangelist? Every believer is an evangelist from the moment that they get saved. You do not have to wait… You are an evangelist “NOW!”


46 Every Believer… …an Evangelist

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