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New Goal Clarity Coach Training October 27, 2017

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1 New Goal Clarity Coach Training October 27, 2017
The 3 Big Ideas of PLC New Goal Clarity Coach Training October 27, 2017

2 Big Idea 1: Building a Collaborative Culture
Big Idea 1 describes that norms and behaviors of participants as you interact with one another. It includes both procedures and interpersonal skills that lead to the overall climate and culture of the group. Big Idea 1: Building a Collaborative Culture

3 Big Idea 1: Building a Collaborative Culture
To build a collaborative culture… Collaboration focuses on group’s learning together Team is focused on critical questions Products of collaboration efforts are explicit (norms, goals, outcomes, assessments, lesson plans) Big Idea 1: Building a Collaborative Culture

4 Big Idea 1: Building a Collaborative Culture
To be highly effective in building a collaborative culture each PLC will: Use an agenda that includes items, outcomes, and plans to develop SMART goas, guide conversation, and stay on task. Assign roles and uses them during the meeting. A recorder documents suggestions, insights, and decisions. Norms and effectiveness are discussed explicitly and demonstrated by the group. Strengths and weaknesses are identified. Big Idea 1: Building a Collaborative Culture

5 Big Idea 1: Building a Collaborative Culture
Share their own practices and student results openly, asking questions, probing for information, analyzing lessons and/or student work, and making suggestions. Actively engages in learning during conversations, and values the input they receive. Develop outcomes addressing potential improvements to instruction, either specific to the products shared or more generally around particular student learning. Big Idea 1: Building a Collaborative Culture

6 Big Idea 2: Ensuring that ALL Students Learn
Big Idea 2 represents one area of concern for PLC meetings. It frames what you should be discussing and what you should bring with you, specifically related to the instruction, assessments, and curricula developed and implemented in classrooms. The items in this area indicate that you share ideas, critique one another’s work, or collaboratively develop lessons, assignments, assessments, and/or units, to maximize effective instruction. Big Idea 2: Ensuring that ALL Students Learn

7 Big Idea 2: Ensuring that ALL Students Learn
To ensure that ALL students learn… Identifies/discusses essential common outcomes Outcomes aligned with content standards/pacing guides Instructional plans include specific learning targets Big Idea 2: Ensuring that ALL Students Learn

8 Big Idea 2: Ensuring that ALL Students Learn
Teams develop multiple common formative assessments/tasks Instructional plans and activities include strategies to increase the use of higher order thinking skills Instructional plans provide support for students at different learning levels. Big Idea 2: Ensuring that ALL Students Learn

9 Big Idea 2: Ensuring that ALL Students Learn
To be highly effective in ensuring that ALL students learn, each PLC will: Analyze or plan lessons for quality and effectiveness of meeting targeted standards and learning targets. Evaluate the effectiveness of assignments/assessments for measuring student performances to address learning targets by analyzing assignments, assessments, and results. Big Idea 2: Ensuring that ALL Students Learn

10 Big Idea 2: Ensuring that ALL Students Learn
Suggest ways that lessons or assessments could provide improved opportunities for higher order thinking, student centeredness, and differentiation in order to better align with standards and learning targets. Big Idea 2: Ensuring that ALL Students Learn

11 Big Idea 3: Establishing a Focus on Results
Big Idea 3 is the second area that describes the content of a PLC meeting. This area is specifically focused on student performance. It describes the nature of evidence you should be discussing and the outcomes you should reach as a result of studying student scores, student work, and other evidence of proficiency. Big Idea 3: Establishing a Focus on Results

12 Big Idea 3: Establishing a Focus on Results
To establish a focus on results… Pursues specific and measureable team performance goals (SMART) Accesses relevant student information to monitor progress toward goals Big Idea 3: Establishing a Focus on Results

13 Big Idea 3: Establishing a Focus on Results
Utilizes common assessments and formative tasks to monitor student progress Reflects on data to identify students in need of intervention (enrichment) and plans for strategies, activities, and interventions Utilizes an increasingly directive, timely, and systematic response to students not meeting established outcomes and learning targets. Big Idea 3: Establishing a Focus on Results

14 Big Idea 3: Establishing a Focus on Results
To be highly effective on establishing a focus on results, each PLC will…. Evaluate data reports of student performance, identify areas of student strength and weakness. Also considers limitations or weaknesses of assessments. Reviews student work samples or multiple samples ( pre/post test results, writing samples, etc.) considering students’ performance or progress relative to specific learning targets. Big Idea 3: Establishing a Focus on Results

15 Big Idea 3: Establishing a Focus on Results
Identifies what students could do to extend learning for both strong and weak students (weak student provides an unsupported opinion and needs to practice selecting supporting evidence). Considers student feedback about lesson (collected informally or systematically), discussing implications for meeting student needs. Identifies interventions for individual students/group of students based on skill deficit rather than task completion. Big Idea 3: Establishing a Focus on Results

Identifying the essential standards students need to master to successfully be promoted to the next level of instruction. Ensure a viable curriculum congruent to the rigor of KCAS by deconstructing standards. Deconstruct the essential standards to analyze what students need to know, be able to do and understand to become proficient learners of the standard. Creating common assessments to measure the progress of student growth with the standard. PLANNING VS PACING

17 Pacing is… Day-to-day decisions on what will be taught on a specific day.
Planning VS Pacing

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