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Academic Goals Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Goals Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Goals Presentation
Bixby Middle School

2 Historical Data 7th Grade

3 Historical Data 8th Grade

4 Academic Goals 1.) Increase our 7th grade Reading and Math OCCT scores by 4% as compared to the scores. 2.) Maintain or improve the percentage of students scores on OCCT in Science, US History, Geography, 8th Grade Math and Reading as compared to the scores.

5 Actions to Achieve Goals
PLC groups wrote goals for every sub-group that did not score above 90% on OCCT in their area. PLC’s are generating Benchmark tests for each subject through USA Test Prep. Each PLC will collect and interpret the results from Benchmarks in their subject area. Teacher’s continue to take results back to the classroom and implement differentiation through research based strategies. Professional Development-Using every PLC to bring a strategy to the staff.

6 Actions to Achieve Goals
Teacher’s have before or after school time to remediate and re-teach. Offer tutoring to the 4 core classes after school one day a week. Continue using Ruby Payne strategies. Empowering students through cooperative learning groups. Implementation of research based strategies by instructional coaches and teachers through PLC meetings.

7 Communication Strategy Team Science Site Based Leadership Team
Social Studies PLC Science Site Based Leadership Team Math-PLC English Strategy Team Elective

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